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Tombstone (1993)
Tombstone (1993)
1993 | Action, Western
Kurt Russell (3 more)
Val Klimer
Bill Paxton
Sam Elliott
I'm Your Huckleberry
Tombstone- is a excellent fim. The action, the drama, the suspense, the thrills and the cast are all excellent.

The plot: Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and his brothers, Morgan (Bill Paxton) and Virgil (Sam Elliott), have left their gunslinger ways behind them to settle down and start a business in the town of Tombstone, Ariz. While they aren't looking to find trouble, trouble soon finds them when they become targets of the ruthless Cowboy gang. Now, together with Wyatt's best friend, Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer), the brothers pick up their guns once more to restore order to a lawless land.

Its a excellent film and highly recordmend.
Tombstone (1993)
Tombstone (1993)
1993 | Action, Western
The cast! Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell, Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thorton, Billy Zane, Sam Elliot and some many more (2 more)
Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday was perfect.. No one could have done it better
Based on a true story and so well written.
The Perfect Cast Makes A Perfect Movie
Absolutely the best western IMO. It's not my usual genre but it is and will remain one of my all time favorite movies.

Nick Kroll recommended Tombstone (1993) in Movies (curated)

Tombstone (1993)
Tombstone (1993)
1993 | Action, Western

"I was never a western guy but I happened upon Tombstone one day on TV and was really sort of taken with it. It’s one of those movies that, if it’s on TV, I can’t turn it off. I just have to watch the whole thing. I really love Kurt Russell in it, but I think Val Kilmer’s performance in Tombstone is perfection. I just think he’s funny and cool and sad and broken. He’s a bad guy, but you’re rooting for him. He’s an interesting sidekick because Doc Holiday is a criminal, you know? But it’s like, “I’ll be your huckleberry” is such an amazing kind of line of bravado and bravery. And then at the end, when he’s dying, Kurt Russell wants to play cards with him, and Val Kilmer just wants him to leave and let him die. It’s beautiful. And Sam Elliott and Bill Paxton and Kurt Russell — it’s just quite a team. And you’ve got Billy Bob as a bully on the card table. It’s just expansive, and I’ve lived a little bit in Wyoming and being out there — really it just gives you a scope of the West: those big skies, and it’s beautifully shot. It’s just one of those movies that, when it’s on, I’m going to watch it."

Tombstone (1993)
Tombstone (1993)
1993 | Action, Western
Fun Western
Renowned gunslingers Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and Doc Holiday (Val Kilmer) come to Tombstone, Arizona to settle down, but are forced to pick up their guns again when a gang called the Cowboys start to wreak havoc.

Acting: 8

Beginning: 10
Great start as you're quickly introduced to the bad guys of the film. You can't quite figure out if they're a sloppy group of thugs or a well-oiled machine, but you know they have the worst intentions. The first scene is very reminiscent of the bridal massacre in Kill Bill.

Characters: 9

Cinematography/Visuals: 7
Beautiful shots of the town of Tombstone create the proper western vibes from grassy plains to old-timey saloons. The film isn't as gory as one you would see in our current decade so when you see characters actually bleeding out, the effect is powerful. While I thought the scene in the rain was a bit over the top, the film definitely made up for it in its closing shots of the final face off.

Conflict: 9
The action is both consistent and fun in Tombstone. A lot of it is built up in the familiar traditional western style of long-paused shots. One second, you're watching a staredown and the next, guns are drawn. Wyatt Earp seemed to have this down to a science. His intense staredown right before he open-hand slapped Johnny Tyler (Billy Bob Thornton) was probably one of the most memorable moments for me. Seriously, what man open-hand slaps another man with zero hesitation?

The gunfight montages more than gave me my fill of action. You know it's just a film, but you feel like you're watching the best of the best show off their skills on screen as the bullets fly. I appreciated the original moments that later films have duplicated.

Genre: 8

Memorability: 7

Pace: 7

Plot: 7

Resolution: 7

Overall: 79
Not the best western I've seen, but still a very fun film. If you can get over the hump of the forced love story, this should be an enjoyable watch.
Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
At this point I feel like I've grown u with definitive versions of Robin Hood. Kevin Costner will always be a front runner, and Disney's foxified version brings a smile to my face every time. I was also lucky to have been shown Robin Hood Men In Tights when I was younger and will always appreciate Cary Elwes' rendition. Errol Flynn will always be the high point for class in the role. There's always that one we don't talk about... Russell Crowe, I'm looking at you. We probably should consider the small screen as well, after all should we be excluding Robin from Madi Marian and Her Merry Men?

After the one we don't talk about I had fairly low expectations for this. Did we really need to reboot this icon?

The answer is evidently a resounding yes. No one is more surprised about this than I am. He's still not the best Robin (sorry... Rob) but he's an excellent modern adaptation for those who don't want to go old school with their viewing.

Taron Egerton doesn't quite have the on-screen presence of a lord, he's something or a whipper-snapper in Robin terms. He'd be much more at home in an episode of Arrow. Watch out, Roy. In fact that would be my guess of what happened in the pitching of this one. "Arrow is basically Robin Hood, shall we just do that?"

Ben Mendelsohn proved himself to be an excellent villain in Ready Player One, and he's brought himself back to that high with the Sheriff of Nottingham. Cruel and egotistical he makes an easy focus for everyone's revolutionary efforts.

Friar Tuck... hmm. Tim Minchin was an interesting choice. My main issue is that he basically seems to have played it as Bill Bailey. That was something that stuck out from the very first time we saw him and from that point on all I could think was that they might as well have got Bill Bailey to do it.

I had hoped that like the trailer the film would feature some modern music as well as what turned out to be some very atmospheric background ensemble. Sadly not though. Maybe it's just me pining back to A Knight's Tale.

Round of applause for the cinematography. Everything flowed really well and that opening scene of war (which you can see some of in the trailer above) really drew you in. In fact, the whole scene felt very much more modern than bows and arrows and was a striking moment in the film.

If cinematography is at the top, the writing is somewhere near the bottom. Generally it was passable and I didn't really notice it. That sounds odd, but you know what I mean, sometimes it is just there and doesn't really leave a mark. Every now and then you'd get a curve ball of a line that made me recoil and stopped my enjoyment of the film. Speeches that should have had power in the words didn't, there was no feeling of being roused to action like so many great films are able to do.

As a final comment... why must you mess with the naturally accepted order of characters?

What you should do

Go for the action, not the script. It's quite impressive on the big screen and Jamie Foxx's John holds some quiet moments of humour that are worth seeing.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would quite like John's ability to heal and not die. That seems like a massively impressive part of his character.
The Irishman (2019)
The Irishman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Crime, Drama
Great acting from De Niro, Pesci and Pacino (0 more)
Man... it's long (0 more)
An endurance test but a great endurance test
Martin Scorsese made a lot of enemies recently with his rant against the superficiality of the Marvel movies. But you can hardly argue that his latest film is superficial. We see the mobster Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro) in his old people's home wistfully recalling his past life. Through flashback we go back to times as early as his service in World War II, where he learned to kill other men without a second thought.

Later, back in Philadelphia, Sheeran has a chance meeting with mob-leader Russell Buffalino (Joe Pesci) and Buffalino hires him as a hit man. It's a working relationship and friendship that is going to last a lifetime.... however long that may be in this business! But it also brings Sheeran into a relationship with union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino). And those of you with any knowledge of the history of Jimmy Hoffa (or remember that scene in "Bruce Almighty"!) will recall what happened to him!

One of the issues with these sort of films is that it is impossible (unless you are reading this as a borderline psycho) to form any sort of empathetic relationship with any of the characters. It's horrifying that this is based on a true story: you'd really like to assume that all of this sort of stuff was solely on the pages of tacky crime novels, and not reality.

The horror of Sheeran's actions are neatly reflected by screenwriter Steven Zaillian ("Schindler's List", "Clear and Present Danger") in the impact on his family, particularly on his impressionable young daughter Peggy (Lucy Gallina). Only when he is old and grey can Peggy (now Anna Paquin) vent at her father for the damage done.

The "youngification" work on De Niro and Pesci is really essential for the film to work. Finding a younger actor to play either of these iconic actors would have been a stretch. Here it's very well done. But I will again suggest that we are probably another ten years of technology advancement away from removing the "uncanny valley" effect from scenes like this. It just doesn't quite work for me for a reason I can't put my finger on.

After the career nadir of "Dirty Grandpa" it looked like Robert De Niro might have nothing but bread commercials and dog-food ads to look forward to. However, within three months we've had a resurgence of form: his great performance in "Joker" and now this. Of course, this is a role that he can play in his sleep. And I suspect that might count against him in the Oscar/Bafta season. But its undeniably a great performance.

Joe Pesci (famously mocked as "Baby Yoda" by Ricky Gervais in his hilarious Golden Globe roasting) and Al Pacino are also great, with Pacino being particular impressive as the fanatically focused union boss unable to see the danger he is in. "It is what it is" repeats Sheeran over and over again to deaf ears. A memorable scene.

Again Zaillian's script is brilliant in creating an impossibly tense triangular friendship between the three men. His family love Hoffa and dislike/distrust Buffalino. When the triangle gets stretched to breaking point, and a link needs to be broken, which way will Sheeran jump?

For me, good movies should be seen in the cinema. But I missed its short (to make it Oscar-worthy) release so had to catch it up on the small(-er) screen. Cinemas seem reluctant to stick an "interval" in programmes these days: never quite sure why, since most movie-goers if we are talking a 2 hour+ movie might welcome a loo-break, and the cinema could also sell more ice-cream! But at three and a half hours, a cinema trip would be a bladder-testing challenge for sure. So this is one that I wasn't unhappy to use the pause button on!

It's a superbly constructed movie and well deserved its place on the Oscars "Best Movie" shortlist. It's tense, dramatic and has enough variety of people being shot in the head to make it ghoulishly watchable.

However, while I can appreciate the technical art of the film, and I'm delighted I got to see it, a top film for me needs to be one I would reach for on my DVD rack (spot the old-fashinoned git) for multiple watches. And for all its worthiness, this doesn't really fit the bill.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies at ).