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Lee (2222 KP) rated #Alive (2020) in Movies

Sep 11, 2020  
#Alive (2020)
#Alive (2020)
2020 | Action, Drama, Horror
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The bar for South Korean zombie movies, or for any kind of zombie movie for that matter, was set exceptionally high when Train to Busan was released back in 2016. #Alive, which arrived on Netflix earlier this week, having premiered in its home country of South Korea back in June, had a lot to live up to. But by focusing primarily on just a single character, #Alive manages to deliver a quarantine story that we can all relate to after the chaos and uncertainty of 2020 and brings a touch of originality to a very familiar genre.

#Alive certainly doesn’t waste much time in dropping us straight into the zombie apocalypse. Young gamer Oh Joon-woo wakes up at 10 am, alone in the high-rise apartment that he shares with his parents. A note left by them tells us that they’ve gone away for a few days, leaving Oh Joon-woo to fend for himself. “Make sure you pick up some groceries”, his mum tells him, but instead he heads back to his room and begins playing an online game with some friends. But shortly into their game, his friends are distracted by some disturbing news reports on the TV, so Oh Joon-woo goes to check for himself.

He doesn’t need to watch much of the news on TV before realising that he can look outside of his apartment window and see for himself what the panic is all about. Down on the streets, people are running and screaming in all directions while others are in a frenzied state, attacking and biting everyone around them. Family members turn on each other, a fire truck crashes into a row of cars, and a nearby explosion quickly sends a dazed and confused Oh Joon-woo back inside his apartment.

The news reports talk of people quickly turning violent and attacking others, immediately passing on whatever it is that has turned them into crazed zombies. It describes how you can tell a person is turning because they will be bleeding from the eyes. “Citizens must stay home and avoid going out.” is the advice given. Sound familiar?

Oh Joon-woo does what a lot of us probably did during lockdown - he plays video games, drinks his dad’s alcohol, and tries to just ride it all out the best he can. He quickly regrets ignoring his mum’s request to go and buy groceries though, as he lays out the very small amount of mostly unhealthy food items that are in the apartment out onto the table, and separates them into meals for each day over the coming week or so.

Days pass, but without any sign of the outside chaos subsiding. There are still zombies down on the streets, taking out any unfortunate survivor unlucky enough to be outside, and any investigative trips outside the apartment front door are fraught with danger. We’ve now passed day 20, and Oh Joon-woo is struggling.

At his lowest point, Oh Joon-woo notices a laser pointer shining into his apartment from the high-rise opposite. When he goes to investigate, he sees that there is another survivor looking back at him. Kim Yoo-bin is also at a fairly low point in her life, but with food, weapons and homemade zombie traps, she appears to be a bit of a badass, clearly better equipped at dealing with the crisis than Oh Joon-woo. She initially thinks Oh Joon-woo is an idiot, sending food across a wire that they manage to set up between their buildings so that he doesn’t starve. But they soon form a close bond, sending messages to each other before eventually employing the use of walkie-talkies so that they can discuss a way out of their predicament.

#Alive taps into the feelings that so many of us will have felt during lockdown this year - feeling isolated, lonely, scared. It’s the quiet human moments that work so well here, especially with the introduction of a friend and an ally in the form of Kim Yoo-bin. Finding each other does literally save both of their lives.

But it’s never too long before we’re jolted right back into some zombie action, and thankfully that aspect doesn’t disappoint. The news reports had already informed us that the zombies appeared to be able to remember certain human actions from before they turned, such as opening doors. They even appear to retain aspects of behaviour from their human occupations. This makes for some entertaining and unpredictable zombie fun, most notably a firefighter zombie who scales the outside of the high-rise in an attempt to try and reach Kim Yoo-bin.

There’s a late plot twist and a deus ex machina which may seem like a bit of a cop-out for some, but overall #Alive is certainly a worthwhile watch for fans of zombie action with a focus on the human characters.
Haka Ever After (The Sin Bin #7)
Haka Ever After (The Sin Bin #7)
Dahlia Donovan | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
a really fitting end!
There comes along, once in a rare while, a book that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzie inside. A book that is far too stinking cute for its own good. A book that wraps up an ENTIRE series in so few pages. A book that is simply, brilliant.

This is book 7 in the Sin Bin series, and if you are just coming across this book, you should at the very LEAST read book two, The Caretaker, which is where Freddie and Taine meet. You should read them all, though!

Taine plucks up the courage to ask Freddie to marry him, but first he asks for Freddie's fathers permission. Since their first meeting wasn't exactly a tea party, Taine has reservations they won't chop him up and hide the pieces! But the fathers surprise him, and then Taine has to actually propose.

The proposal delivers, for me, the best line of the book!

Freddie asks, "why marriage?" Taine replies, "When they write our story after we're gone, it should read that I loved you more than anything else in the world. More than rugby. More than you love cheese. I want our names connected - intertwined. Legally. So no knobdobbers can claim I wasn't dedicated to you. So, will you marry me?"

The wedding plans are amusing, with all the previous characters taking part. So you can imagine what they all get up to! There is, of course, some messing about with food, cos ya'll know Ms Donovan's boys like to play with their food!

Bit that made me cry?? When all of Taine's rugby team mates perform the Haka at the wedding. That bit made me cry more that what happened on the honeymoon!

It's always sad to see a series end, but what a way to go!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Upgrade (2018)
Upgrade (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Robocop meets All of Me?
I found this film in a bargain bin at my local video shop for only $1 to purchase and after reading many good reviews I thought I couldn't go wrong and I was right.

Maybe a sci-fi/horror version of "The Six Million Dollar Man" is more appropriate.

In the future, a man and his wife have a car accident. Afterwards the woman is murdered and the man is shot leaving him paralyzed. Rather than living life with a severe handicap, the man decides to undergo an experimental medical procedure which would give him augmented abilities through the implantation of a mysterious computer chip which would control his ability to walk and use his arms.

Once he is back to "normal" he feels compelled to investigate the circumstances of his wife's death and hunt down those responsible. His ability start to manifest themselves once he is interacting with his new friend STEM.

His quest for vengeance and justice leads him through some interesting twists and turns before its unexpected conclusion.

This films pulls no punches (literally) and some of the fight scenes are not only well choreographed, but downright vicious and gory. The inaction between the main character and his mind are cool and unexpected. Even though you feel like you have seen this before in other movies, this one takes a fresh spin and keeps you guessing the majority of the time.

 It appears writer/director Leigh Whannell (who also wrote the original Saw) is headed for great things probably because of this film as IMDb lists remakes of The Invisible Man and Escape From New York as his next projects.


Eleanor (1463 KP) Aug 16, 2019

Keep seeing this on my Sky watch now list might give it a go. Thanks


Amanda Palmer recommended Big Science by Laurie Anderson in Music (curated)

Big Science by Laurie Anderson
Big Science by Laurie Anderson
2007 | Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Laurie Anderson I discovered in college along with a whole other collection of artists, like Philip Glass, John Cage and Pauline Oliveros. I took an experimental music class when I was 18, which opened up this entire world of music I'd been missing. In high school I listened to Einsteurzende Neubauten and I'd pick up weird-looking found sound records from the used record bin at my local record store, but this was the first time I'd really studied it. Looking back at the vast majority of music that influenced me as a teenager, 99% of it was by boys. Before, my female influences had been Cyndi Lauper and Madonna and Alison Moyet. But Laurie Anderson was just playing an entirely different game. She was just making the bizarre music that she wanted to. She didn't need to glam up. I just remember looking at the fucking album cover of Big Science and thinking 'This is the coolest fucking woman in the world.' She looks like she gives no shit about what anyone thinks of her, in a way that surpassed Riot Grrrl or anything like that. And the fact that she had a powerhouse intellect and was a storyteller... she set a new bar in my head. She was a performance artist, which was what I wanted to be when I was 18. I imagined that I'd do something with theatre and music, probably both. I never thought as myself as any great shakes as a musician – and I still don't – but I thought of myself as a great creative performer. What Laurie Anderson and Pauline Oliveros were doing was taking the instruments they'd been taught and transmuting them into this beautiful, strange world of art. They were taking that stuff and fucking it up, and that gave me a lot of hope."


readwithg (6 KP) rated Inward in Books

Aug 23, 2018  
yung pueblo | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
yung pueblo tells it like it is
aloha, amigos!

I've been slaving away creating wedding crafts (countdown: t-minus 44 days, sos) so I haven't been able to get 3% of the reading done that I would have usually. Seriously tho. Last year, I read 59 books or some shit. This year, EIGHT. Call the police, lock me up, throw me in the loony bin. This is a goddamn SIN, I TELL YOU. However, I've been trying to squeeze in some time in between pulling my hair out over wedding garbage to try and read as much as humanly possible. If I could read while I was sleeping, this wouldn't be a motherhecking issue. Anyways, I scored a free copy of "inward" by yung pueblo, and I'm here to let ya'll know about how amazing it is. Fasten your seat belts, ladies!

"inward" is an anthology of poems written by yung pueblo, and I love the shit out of it/him. If you're a fan of rupi kaur, stop what you're doing and put this book on your amazon wish list. The official copy won't be released until September 25, 2018 (I'm special) but the second this baby hits the shelves, it's going to sell out. Mark my words. Here's my favorite poem penned by my boy pueblo:

the forces
of the universe
support those
who work at
healing themselves

Like, okay, pueblo, we get it. You're a genius and I love you and I want to crawl inside of your brain for a day and just chill in there for a bit. You know, cuddle with your cerebellum or some shit. I love you, did I say that already? Listen to pueblo: heal yourselves, people! At least give it a shot! The universe is watching.

Set an alarm on your phones right now. Do it, I'm waiting. Because the second the hand strikes midnight on September 25, hop onto ol' amazon and pick up "inward" before the rest of the world does. And once you're finished, come back here and let's chat!

Jonathan Higgs recommended Kid A by Radiohead in Music (curated)

Kid A by Radiohead
Kid A by Radiohead
2000 | Indie
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Like lots of people my age, Radiohead were a big band before Kid A. The Bends were where I really got into them, and then OK Computer really blew me away. But then Kid A came out and it was nothing like their other stuff. They took away all their guitars. They were the kings of guitars and they took them all away, and they replaced it with really out of tune, quiet synths and little drum machines and it made me and all my friends really surprised. We didn't know what this meant because we were so used to guitars being important, and then Radiohead came along and said you don't need any of that stuff, screw it. That really changed my attitude. Radiohead showed a generation that you don't need to be afraid of change. I just think it was such a brave decision, considering where they were in their career, what they had come from and what they had become well known for. They threw it all out the window and that inspired a huge amount of people I think, and it inspires us every time with think of it, or whenever we talk about turning our attention to a new album, we always have it in the back of our minds that we could ""pull a Kid A"", we could pull a U-turn, and that comes down to the fact that they were willing to do that, it was inspiring. Obviously loads of musical stuff came out of Kid A. The way Thom Yorke sings is pretty indelibly put into me, and a lot of the way the band play, and everything Jonny Greenwood does, influences us. It's what Kid A's attitude was really. It's really slapdash in the way it's recorded, it's really awkwardly mixed. It sounds like they've done it themselves out of old pieces of machinery that shouldn't work anymore. Gone are all the shiny, beautiful guitar tones and high production. Even his voice is beautiful and yet it's been corrupted and you can't really hear what he's saying, and he's singing falsetto. All the stuff that we kind of relied on them for all got chucked in the bin and that's just fucking awesome!"


Debbiereadsbook (1110 KP) rated Elias in Books

May 12, 2020  
Amy Aislin | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderfully warm and fuzzy and too stinking cute read
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Elias is plodding along, not particularly happy, as such, but getting by. He has a good job, and will be making VP shortly. Then he meets Ty and all bets are off. Ty brings something out in Elias, and Elias in Ty, and they just have to get past their *initial* thoughts about each others jobs.


I am ALL about my books feelings and this book right, hits a whole damn lot of them! I have not had such a cute story, that left me with so much warm and fuzzies in a long damn time! And I really REALLY enjoyed it!

Both Elias and Ty have a say, in the third person. So we get all the things Elias was thinking about when he meets Ty and Ty tells him off for putting his rubbish in the wrong bin. We get all of Ty's emotions when he realises how much more than friends he wants to be with Elias. We get it all.

It's not especially explicit, but damn, it's hot! There is chemistry, right from the start, between these two and it burns bright and hot the whole way through.

It's a bit emotional in places, when Elias is talking about his family and his past, and I was tearful at that point. Ty's family is great at taking Elias in as one of there own though.

There is no violence, no nutty ex, no major break up. And THAT, my book friends, is what I LOVED most about this book. The fact that; yes they fall out; but it's such a minor, silly thing, and it's resolved pretty quickly, but it's not relationship-break-up material, you know? It's a falling out over the choice of words one of them used, and everyone is happy after they talked it out.

They get their Happy Ever After in a very, almost fairy-tale like way, and I really REALLY enjoyed it!

4 wonderful stars (Can't quite stretch to 5 and most of the webistes don't do halves!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Forged In Flood
Forged In Flood
Dahlia Donovan | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
new favourite from this author!
I had the honour of beta reading this book, so I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ten years ago, a stupid mistake nearly cost 3 young men their lives. It left them all scarred in a multitude of ways. Ivan has shut himself off from everyone, working in his beloved forge, while Rolland and Wes have taken it upon themselves to educate the youth of today on the errors of drink driving. But Wes and Rolly have had enough of waiting for Ivan, their Viking to get over his self inflicted guilt. And they choose the night of the worst flooding in living memory to make Ivan see sense.

This is NOT part of the Sin Bin series, but there are some cross-over characters, mainly Sarah and her husband Remi. You don't NEED to read them, but you SHOULD!

I loved this! I've loved almost all of Ms Donovan's work, and each and every time, the new book becomes my new favourite, and this is no exception!

Ivan makes this book, he really does. His struggle dealing with his guilt. His struggle dealing with becoming like his namesake of a father, and him not really wanting to. Dealing with the destruction of his forge and his home. Dealing with the after effects of the original accident, and a second one too.

But mainly, because watching him deal with his ever growing attraction to Wes and Rolly, and his NEED to be with them, is a joy to behold! He doesn't want it, not at first but they are persistent buggers now they have decided to pursue Ivan, rather than waiting for him to come to them.

There are some lighter moments, written only in a way Ms Donovan can. Her boys do like to play with their food and these three are no exception to that rule. I don't think I can ever look at a pot of honey in the same way, every again!

Because I read it in one sitting, because it made me cry in places, because it made me laugh out loud in others (and not many books can do that with me when I'm reading!) and just bloody well because . . . . .

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

JT (287 KP) rated Shame (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Shame (2012)
Shame (2012)
2012 | Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you ever wondered what constitutes as a powerful piece of film making then Shame, directed by Steve McQueen, is it. Michael Fassbender plays Brandon a man who has an addiction for sex and all things surrounding it. From porn, webcams, fingering random girls in bars, it’s all covered here in gratuitous fashion that certainly delivers shock value.

When his sister, Sissy (Mulligan) turns up at his apartment unannounced it throws his life into turmoil as she carries with her problems of her own.Brandon’s sexual appetite is a massive part of his life, he doesn’t go in for long term relationships instead finding time to pay for sex and engage in dates and the occasional one night stand.

His hunger drifts into the work place as well, which proves a dangerous playground. As the film grows Brandon begins to realise that his addiction is slowly consuming him, unable to perform sexually in some cases he is gripped by emotional dilemmas while at the same time trying to orchestrate a normal existence.

Fassbender is brilliant, giving by far, one of his best performances. Strange that actors seem to do this in films that generally are not that well known, albeit only around film festivals as opposed to main stream cinema. Brandon is a character that is trying to escape his inner demons, like with any addiction the road to ridding the problem is a long journey.

We see Brandon having a clear out of his apartment, throwing porn mags, DVDs and even his entire laptop, casting it onto the street in bin bags like it was a quick fix solution, which it’s not.

The supporting cast, aside Mulligan, is limited. James Badge Dale as Brandon’s over excited and at times sleazy boss holds his own but it is a relatively small part so he doesn’t have a lot to chew on. Shame is graphic, if you’re the least bit prudish then this film is certainly not going to be for you. Fassbender is a hollow shell, but the emotion beneath him is bubbling and the final act shows Brandon on a night of careless sexual exploitation, which takes him on a painful journey of self loathing.

It’s a film that will be open to much debate, the last scenes will no doubt set tongues wagging. But through all the controversy lies a film that depicts an addiction just like any other, and tries to break through to the underlying causes behind it, as well as the people that it affects.

Louise (64 KP) rated Panther in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
David Owen | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am finding it really difficult to review this book, as I am really not sure about it to be honest.. I think I saw one booktuber haul this a few months ago but havent seen much of this going around. I saw this at my local library and due to the striking red cover I remembered watching it being hauled. I didn't pick it up though for weeks, it was sitting in the same spot with no one reading it. So in the end i thought i would give it a go as it's quite short and I felt this book was calling out to me to be read. Plus I read it for #YASHOT which was hosted by fluttering butterflies but posting it way too late sorry!

It took me to the end of the book to realise that there is also a boy on the front cover aswell as a Panther.

Derrick is a very unhappy young man, since the sighting of a Panther in the area it seems everything has been going wrong for him, his older sister charlotte is suffering from depression and attempts to commit suicide, he has started eating to the extreme where he is literally eating out of a rubbish bin (this really made me cringe) and becomes severely overweight. To make matters worse his best friend dumps him and he becomes a target for bullies.

Derrick starts to become obsessed with catching this Panther. He believes that if he succeeds everything will return to normal, his sister will get better and attend university, he will lose the weight and his dad will return home and the fog that is looming of their household will clear.

Depression and Mental health issues can be a tricky subject to tackle and David Owen has done a great job. Depression is often termed as the black dog but I thought the way he used a panther/beast as the metaphor was perfect.

This book shows that it's not just the person with depression suffers, everyone around them also gets sucked in, home feels like a thick fog where everyone feels uneasy, conversations are being avoided and coping mechanisms are being exhibited, such as Derricks food obsession to remain in control and his mother's spending and buying stuff for Charlotte's move to University.

The panther/beast describes depression very well. At times this was difficult to read and Derrick wasnt the most likeable character but the book was interesting, well written and thought-provoking.

The only thing I wasn't sure about is that throughout the book, it's not really clear if the Panther is real or not and the ending just didn't satisfy me enough - I wanted more closure.

This is David Owens first Young Adult novel.

Overall I rate this 3.5 out 5 stars