A Hidden Life (2019)
Movie Watch
A Hidden Life tells the true story of Franz Jagerstatter (Diehl), an Austrian farmer who refused to...

The Life of Saul Bellow: To Fame and Fortune, 1915-1964
2015 will mark the centenary of Saul Bellow's birth as well as the tenth anniversary of his death....
Harvey Cushing: A Life in Surgery
Here is the first biography to appear in fifty years of Harvey Cushing, a giant of American medicine...

Elvis Presley: Caught in a Trap
Elvis Presley: Caught in a Trap is one of the most comprehensive accounts of Elvis Presley and his...

Nathan Soderblom: Called to Serve
Nathan Soderblom (1866-1931) was Archbishop of Uppsala in the Church of Sweden and a pioneering...

Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)
Movie Watch
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? takes an intimate look at America’s favorite neighbor: Mister Fred...

McMafia: Seriously Organised Crime
Now a major BBC series Have you ever illegally downloaded a DVD? Taken drugs? Fallen for a...
biography crime true crime

Who is J.K. Rowling?
In 1995, on a four hour delayed train from Manchester to London, J. K. Rowling conceived of the idea...

In Memoriam
The authoritative text is again that of the Eversley Edition of Tennyson's Works, published in...

Mary Shelley (2017)
Movie Watch
Mary Wollstonecraft's family disapproves when she and poet Percy Shelley announce their love for...