Trailblazers: Stephen Hawking: A Life Beyond Limits
Be inspired by the lives of trailblazers past and present in this fun and factual biography series! ...

The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and The Crusade for America
In this groundbreaking epic biography, Douglas Brinkley draws on never-before-published materials to...

The Man Who Ate the Zoo: Frank Buckland, Forgotten Hero of Natural History
Frank Buckland was an extraordinary man - surgeon, natural historian, popular lecturer, bestselling...
biography science

Univrsal Media Pro
YouTube Channel
Univrsal Media Pro is an entertainment portal full of B-Town news and all daily updates of movies...

Lore of the Bambino: 100 Great Babe Ruth Stories
More than seventy years after his death, Babe Ruth continues to fascinate generations of fans. His...
Sports History Biography

I, Alien: Memoirs of a UFO Spy
The long awaited iconic book from Tony Topping They chose him, but why? Veteran UFO researcher...
memoir UFO science fiction

A Most Unsettled Man: the Triumphs and Travails of George Matcham
George Matcham, dubbed the most unsettled man alive, was born in East India Company controlled...
Non Fiction Historical Biography

The Popularizing Science
J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) is widely appreciated as one of the greatest and most influential British...

Russia's Uncommon Prophet: Father Aleksandr Men and His Times
This lucidly written biography of Aleksandr Men examines the familial and social context from which...