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The Perfection (2019)
The Perfection (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dumpster fire!
Can someone please, please tell me when Netflix is going to make a good movie? Every once in a while I read a lot of gushing reviews for a Netflix made film (which means the studios didn't want it) and I give it a try.

For the record, most of them are average or below average, like Bird Box, and everyone is talking about them I suppose because it is something new. I have seen a lot of movies in my life, so I guess I am somewhat jaded or expect more or the unusual to make me interested. I am not one of those people who says "they don't make them like they used to" since I do seem to find very good recent movies as well, but not this piece of shite that's for sure.

There were shades of Black Swan, Suspiria, Hostel and even I Spit on Your Grave in this film; however, the plot twists are so ridiculous here there were moments I gasped in aughter when I'm sure I was supposed to be disgusted.

Nothing extreme I can see in a movie bothers me anymore, so the gruesome bits weren't the problem. The horrid, contrite screenplay and bad over acting were.

If anyone seriously is considering watching this film please let me know and I will seriously give you 1000 other movies which you should watch instead.

I think I would say watching your TV turned off for 90 minutes would be more entertaining than watching The Perfection.

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Sarah (7798 KP) Jun 23, 2019

Wow I think this is the lowest rating I've ever seen you give @Andy K 😆


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 23, 2019

Ha @Sarah I guess I would say I tend to watch movies I think I would enjoy. 2 out of 10 is probably a bit extreme, but after reading all the rave reviews I guess I was expecting much better. @Dork_knight74 certainly agree a conversation would have made a boring movie so I guess I would say if the acting and screenplay were better I would have accepted the plot as is.

The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
Pretty much everything (0 more)
A distinct lack of rain!! (0 more)
Superheroes, time travel, doughnuts and talking chimps
Contains spoilers, click to show
Another day another superhero tv show - right?? Well this one is really something special. Was hooked from episode 1. The best way I can describe it is a not as dark watchmen tv series. Bunch of kids with powers adopted by man who turns them into a superhero team. Years later they reunite when their 'father' dies. Then happens time travel, drugs, assassins, talking chimps, bird watching, robots, JFK conspiracies, the apocalypse and doughnuts! Like watchmen this has an amazing soundtrack which adds to the quality of the show. This would get 10 out of 10 but I just find Ellen Page terrible and every scene with her just made me cringe so (SPOILER) when she turns out to be the villain (sort of) I was quite pleased!! Watch this show!!!