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Amanda Palmer recommended Big Science by Laurie Anderson in Music (curated)

Big Science by Laurie Anderson
Big Science by Laurie Anderson
2007 | Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Laurie Anderson I discovered in college along with a whole other collection of artists, like Philip Glass, John Cage and Pauline Oliveros. I took an experimental music class when I was 18, which opened up this entire world of music I'd been missing. In high school I listened to Einsteurzende Neubauten and I'd pick up weird-looking found sound records from the used record bin at my local record store, but this was the first time I'd really studied it. Looking back at the vast majority of music that influenced me as a teenager, 99% of it was by boys. Before, my female influences had been Cyndi Lauper and Madonna and Alison Moyet. But Laurie Anderson was just playing an entirely different game. She was just making the bizarre music that she wanted to. She didn't need to glam up. I just remember looking at the fucking album cover of Big Science and thinking 'This is the coolest fucking woman in the world.' She looks like she gives no shit about what anyone thinks of her, in a way that surpassed Riot Grrrl or anything like that. And the fact that she had a powerhouse intellect and was a storyteller... she set a new bar in my head. She was a performance artist, which was what I wanted to be when I was 18. I imagined that I'd do something with theatre and music, probably both. I never thought as myself as any great shakes as a musician – and I still don't – but I thought of myself as a great creative performer. What Laurie Anderson and Pauline Oliveros were doing was taking the instruments they'd been taught and transmuting them into this beautiful, strange world of art. They were taking that stuff and fucking it up, and that gave me a lot of hope."


Nancy Whang recommended Paul's Boutique by Beastie Boys in Music (curated)

Paul's Boutique by Beastie Boys
Paul's Boutique by Beastie Boys
1989 | Hip-hop, Rock
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's a brilliant album. What's not to like? It's universally loved and accepted as an album, as a collection of music. When you're a kid you listen to Beastie Boys because you like to sing '(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)' because it's silly and fun but Paul's Boutique is sophisticated and mature, as well as being really musical, which I really like about it. And long before I had any awareness of what sampling was, all the different bits that they use I was always curious about what they were. I always knew they were from other songs, because some of them I recognised. But it was super fascinating to me. I was already in love with New York and the idea of moving to New York. And in my adolescent fantasy I thought: ""I'm going to graduate high school, I'm going to move out of the house, I'm going to move straight to New York, and then maybe, one day, I'll get to meet one of the Beastie Boys."" And now I've met all of them! James [Murphy] is really good friends with Ad-Rock and he'd be at the studio with us and I'd go there and be with Adam, and eat pizza with Adam. It was so bizarre because 15-year-old me was losing her mind but I had to be cool. But also it was totally normal because he's just a normal guy and he's hanging out with my friend who's just a normal guy and they're doing normal stuff. But no matter how many times I meet them or see them I've never stopped being star-struck. I have to stop myself falling apart."

Only Built 4 Cuban Linx by Raekwon
Only Built 4 Cuban Linx by Raekwon
1995 | Rock
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"""It was a more intense injection of it. That was the second solo album, before the second Wu Tang album, and you can still hear that hunger in RZA's production. It's even more intense and claustrophobic. I didn't buy this album until six years after I discovered the Wu Tang, and it threw me again, I was obsessed with it. I used to have it on in the car all the time and I would stop it and go back to a little bit, then stop it and go back to another little bit, thinking about how I could replicate that, because it was so good. This was well after I came up with Sleaford Mods, just before I met Andrew. It was still so mind blowing. There was a theme to it, they always used to bang on about how it was a concept but I never got that. 'Guillotine' was my favourite one off it, and also 'Incarcerated Scarfaces'. The first one has this Keystone Cop kind of beat. It's bizarre, there's almost an Irish thing to that. It was east coast, you've got a lot of Irish immigrants there, so it must have spread through the culture. I used samples for the first four albums, or tried to, but I don't do it any more. It was just so tired to me, I'd rather leave sampling to those classic albums than flog a dead horse, you know. I was aware of the fact that it was an uphill battle trying to get clearance for stuff, but after three or four albums I was also getting bored of it, trying to find a loop off a great track. It didn't matter how obscure it was or how obscure the approach was, it just bored me and I needed something more home grown."""

Nocte (The Nocte Trilogy, #1)
Nocte (The Nocte Trilogy, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Courtney Cole, what have you done to me?! I just finished Nocte and I can't even... I kept putting it off because everyone is so hush-hush about the story, it's difficult for me to find too much interest when I have no clue what I'll be reading about. But now I know why and all I can say is holy freaking cow! I was sucked in from the very beginning, because things like death, dark and crazy catch my attention. It didn't take long and I was reading to see where Finn's thoughts would lead me. Then I kept reading, in addition to Finn's point of view, to figure out what Calla's connection with Dare could be. THEN, I just had to find out what Finn and Dare were hiding from Calla. I was so confused and held captivated by the mystery, I read Nocte in one whole sitting. There was no way I could take a break! Things went from messy to crazy, then fell straight into psychotic. Even though I understood what was happening, I didn't know what would happen hext and I felt like I'd landed inside a tornado, surrounded by scenarios that got even more bizarre by the page. Honestly, it's laughable to look back at some of the theories I came up with. Absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for the complete truth. I feel like I might need to see a therapist after reading this - but in the most amazingly, wonderful way. Of course, maybe not too wonderful, considering I was left with a cliff-hanger and I'm desperate to see what happens next. Nocte is definitely a new favorite of mine, that's for sure! I can't wait to read the next two books of the trilogy and quench my curiosity once and for all!
Alphaville (1965)
Alphaville (1965)
1965 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is one of the best bad films I have ever seen. It looks cheap (at one point the camera-man is clearly entirely visible in a mirror), the story is preposterous, the dialogue is insane, the characters behave like no one in reality ever, and it is sci-fi in name only, as no attempt whatsoever has been made to stretch the budget to anything remotely futuristic – and yet, I loved it! Perhaps it reminded me of Blake’s 7 and Doctor Who, and therefore my happy childhood relationship with cheap sci-fi? Or it could have been that there are so many essential ideas and tropes that exist in my favourite big budget sci-fi films, such as Blade Runner (for which it is an obvious influence), that it felt familiar and friendly from the start. Part hard boiled detective story and part pulp fiction fantasy, as with most Godard, I am discovering, it is all about mood and chic, not remotely about the plot.

Eddie Constantine is awful as an actor, but he looks and feels perfect here. And Anna Karina is entirely lovely, oozing intelligent sexuality and seductive vibes in every scene. Not a heroine that needs the man to save her, but a strong and independent woman as much the hero of the story as the trenchcoated lead. Every noir stereotype is adhered to without fail, punctuated with the bizarre and the incongruous whenever possible. Without this film existing there would be so many good things from The Prisoner to Predestination that wouldn’t have been the same. Groundbreaking and charming without even trying. It grows in my imagination as a cult entity by the week – I can’t wait to watch it again fairly soon.
8 1/2 (1963)
8 1/2 (1963)
1963 | International, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fellini has six or seven movies that are considered genuine masterpieces, as well as many other perfectly decent efforts in a 40 year career. I love the idea of him and knew I would love his work, but to my shame it took this film for me to finally lose my Fellini cherry, aged 47. I can only begin by saying I adored it – loving each moment as a piece of art in itself, and the whole as a thing of true joy and wonder that has only grown in my imagination since seeing it. It made me laugh, made me sad, made me long for places and people from my past, made me think about my own identity and personality and place in the world. It also very much entertained me; I didn’t find it hard work like some on this list in any way.

Marcello Mastroianni is effortlessly cool and stylish, as is everyone in this semi-fantastical world of memories, dreams and fears. He lounges through the film in a way so naturally relaxed and interesting that you are drawn to every detail of his bizarre adventures. The presence of Claudia Cardinale and Anouk Aimée don’t hurt know bringing some Italian chic to affairs either. Visually, I lost count of the amount of times my jaw hit the ground! Freeze this rich and resplendent film in any moment and it will probably be an image worth framing. The black and white photography is so sharp, using light and dark in astonishing ways. What director since 1963 would not look at this and say “I am stealing that!”? Not a film you could watch every day, but one I know for sure will be amongst my favourites of this period forever. I can’t wait to watch his others!

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Killer's Moon (1978) in Movies

Dec 11, 2020 (Updated Dec 11, 2020)  
Killer's Moon (1978)
Killer's Moon (1978)
1978 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Classic low budget British horror
I love my bonkers films and this demented British horror from Alan Birkinshaw certainly is up there. Four lunatics escape from a cottage (yep, not even a mental institution) whilst dosed up on LSD provided by the psychiatrists (it's a experiment in which said nutters think they are only dreaming - so whatever they do whilst tripping holds no consequence). Meanwhile, in the middle of nowhere, a bus full of schoolgirls brakes down. With no other choice the bus driver goes lookin for help whilst the teachers and girls seek refuge in a desolate hotel. As the escaped lunatics make their murderous way across country they come across the hotel. Once inside they begin tormenting, raping and decimating the cast. It's grimy, sleazy and very non-politically correct. I certainly can't imagine it getting made in todays times. The infrequent gore scenes are more 'Carry On...' style than gruesome, the special effects are amateur, accompanied with goofy sound effects. What carries the film along is the dialogue. Co-written with the directors sister Fay Weldon, the script is jaw droppingly unbelievable, unintentionally hilarious and mind-bogglingly bizarre. The most infamous quote comes after one school girl has been raped by one of the lunatics and pretty much sets the tone of what you are watching...

"Look, you were only raped, as long as you don't tell anyone about it you'll be alright. You pretend it never happened, I pretend I never saw it and if we ever get out of this alive, well, maybe we'll both live to be wives and mothers"

Just one of many delicious quotes from the film I hasten to add. Guaranteed trash gold. Highly recommended.
White Boy Rick (2018)
White Boy Rick (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama
I'm in that bizarre situation again where I've just seen a film that I couldn't actually find a flaw in but it's getting a low rating because it really wasn't my sort of thing.

The cast did a great job, I couldn't fault any of them, even Eddie Marsan who I've become increasingly wary about since he's started popping up all over the place. Richie Merritt as Ricky gave such a great performance. Just the right amount of teenage attitude. His interactions with the police and agents really hit the right spot.

The film has such amazing accuracy on all the "period" items, and the general feel over the whole film really nails that era. Nothing felt out of place at all, every camera angle worked, every bit of scenery. It isn't often I think that about a film.

It baffles my mind a little to think that this isn't a made up story. It really is a shame that this isn't my sort of film. While it definitely had some interesting moments and a fairly strong, if rocky, family theme running through it, if you aren't engaging with it then it does feel a little drawn out. As I said, it's a well made film and brought to the screen incredibly well but it's definitely not made for me.

What you should do

If you're into true stories then this one might appeal to you. My score says don't watch it, but my brain is saying do. It is a good film, and if the subject matter appeals then I think you'll appreciate it a lot more than I was able to.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I've got a shoe box under my bed, if it could be full of money the next time I check that would be great.