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The Disaster Artist (2017)
The Disaster Artist (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Comedic value (1 more)
Not such a disaster
The Franco brothers star side-by-side in their first major collaboration, in this comedic drama, The Disaster Artist, based on the making of the cult classic 'The Room'.

The film follows Tommy Wiseau (James Franco) as he writes, directs, produces and stars in his first movie alongside best friend Greg Sestero (Dave Franco). It is almost unbelievable as a true story, it just seems like another mad Franco/Rogen movie. But it isn't, this actually happened.

'The Room' was released in 2003, and became a cult classic because of how hilariously awful it was. The storyline, writing, and acting are all very bizarre, and very bad.

But The Disaster Artist is a great movie, with an array of amazing actors, bringing to life the making of the movie, with hilarity.

Before going into this movie, I knew about The Room and had seen several scenes. But all I knew was that it was about the making of the movie, starring James and Dave Franco and also Seth Rogen. But there are many more actors in this that I did not know about which made for a great surprise. Josh Hutcherson, one of my personal favourites, appears as Philip Haldiman who plays 'Denny' in 'The Room', and also Zac Efron, as Dan Janjigian who plays 'Chris-R'.

The actors play excellently all the things that went wrong on the set, such as Wiseau forgetting one line for two hours for a 30-second scene, and his insistence on the cameras catching some great shots of him during the sex scenes.

The casting was great, although they did as expected and almost the whole cast are friends of James, Dave or Rogen. It works though, and they all have brilliant chemistry. It will seem obvious that James and Dave work well together, as they are brothers, but in this movie they play best friends. I think the fact that they are brothers perhaps helped them out as it is a very rocky friendship, and they could perhaps remember times they have had spats about various things.

I can not say too much about the movie without giving away spoilers. But at end of the movie they play some of the scenes side by side; the scene from the movie, alongside the scene that this cast re-enacted. They are pretty accurate, but very funny.

Tommy Wiseau himself also makes a cameo. Make sure you stay until after the credits.

Overall, it is a brilliantly made movie, with both funny and endearing moments. Part of me hopes that on special features on their DVD you can watch the entirety of 'The Room' re-enacted by these actors. The film has already received many nominations for prestigious awards, and I am not surprised.

I would definitely recommend going to see this movie, but at least watch a YouTube summary of 'The Room' first.
The Outliers (The Outliers, #1)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wylie and Cassie aren't exactly best friends anymore. Even though Wylie's mom has died recently in a car crash, and Wylie's anxiety has ratcheted up so much she hasn't left the house in three weeks, the once inseparable pair have barely talked in over a week. But when Wylie gets a pleading text from Cassie saying she needs help, Wylie knows she will be there for her friend. Along with Cassie's boyfriend, Jasper, Wylie summons the courage to leave the house and follow Cassie's odd texts and clues to find her. But it doesn't take long to realize that Cassie might be in serious trouble. Even worse, it seems like trying to find Cassie is going to put Wylie, Jasper, and their families in danger, too.

This was an odd book. I was expecting a "run into obstacles finding my troubled best friend, maybe learn a lesson along the way" Young Adult tale, but the book takes a turn about halfway through and the tale becomes one of psychological depth, focusing on the story of the "outliers." <spoiler>These "outliers" are those who have a special range of emotional intelligence that allow them to have an uncanny ability to read people, emotions, and situations. It's Wylie's father, a scientist, who has discovered them as an unintentional result of his latest study, and it seems like everyone wants a piece of them and what they might mean. So, suddenly, the book is no longer simply about friendship, but crazy Government and private contractor entities and other shadowy forces who are after Wylie's dad's work. We meet a whole host of characters, none of whom we can really trust, and things (at least for me) go a little bit downhill from there. </spoiler>

That's not to say that this isn't a good book. It's interesting and almost compulsively readable, even with the bizarre plot. I'd probably have enjoyed it even more if I'd just been mentally prepared for the plot turn, honestly. Wylie is a fairly intriguing and likable character, and I found myself getting rather invested in Jasper. The other characters, as I said, are set up as untrustworthy purely by the nature of the plot, but they are fascinating in their own way. The idea of the outliers is a compelling one, even if the danger behind it seems a little forced. It's also hard not knowing exactly who to trust or how much of the narrative to believe - it's so much it gets a little frustrating at time. Still, it's clear by the end that McCreight has set this up as a series, and I'll certainly be reading the next book. The one is an entertaining, quick read if nothing else.

I received an ARC of this book from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication on 5/3/2016. You can read a review of this book and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.
Stargirl (Stargirl, #1)
Stargirl (Stargirl, #1)
Jerry Spinelli | 2000 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Stargirl</i> is a popular young adult novel by Jerry Spinelli, originally published in 2000. But what is it that has kept it a favourite sixteen years later? The story is told by Leo Borlock, a student in the 11th grade at Mica Area High School. This year there is a new girl who calls herself Stargirl and, like her name, is completely different from everyone else. She has an outlandish dress sense, plays the ukele at lunchtimes, knows and celebrates everyone’s birthdays. The only word the school can think of to describe her is “HUH?”

Despite the weirdness surrounding her, Stargirl quickly becomes popular. People are entertained by her, want to be with her, want to be her. Leo is equally fascinated by her and is shocked when she begins to pay him attention. However, after a while the novelty of Stargirl wears off. Students begin to despise her and shun her. Stargirl does not care, but Leo does. He tries to change Stargirl, tries to make her act normal like everyone else.

<i>Stargirl</i>, like the titular character, is a breath of fresh air. It is quick and easy to read with the benefit of added humour. It also contains a powerful message. Although Stargirl is not affected by the behaviour of her fellow students, it is shocking the extent that the entire student body goes to in shunning her. This is a form of bullying, something that a child in the real world faces everyday. And that child will be bothered by it, will be hurt, and will be upset. It will probably affect their future.

Leo’s behaviour is something that everyone will be able to recognize in themself. Conforming to the norm. Leo wanted Stargirl to change, to go by her real name, Susan. To stop wearing eccentric clothing. To stop drawing attention to herself. Ultimately, what Leo was asking was for Stargirl to stop being herself. And that is really sad. I have lost count of the times people have said to me “Just be yourself,” but do they mean that? Perhaps they are really saying, “behave like everyone else, and you’ll fit in”?

Spinelli’s most important message in <i>Stargirl</i> is that we should not be afraid to be ourselves. It is unlikely that anyone is as bizarre as Stargirl, yet if everyone stopped being so scared to reveal their true feelings, likes and dislikes etc, perhaps schools would become less intimidating places?

<i>Stargirl</i> is suitable for teenage and adult readers who want something quick to devour. It will entertain, and, although it has a rather ambiguous ending, nothing disastrous happens in the book. It will hopefully leave you feeling as care free as its main character.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
2015 | Action, Drama
Cue the iconic theme music as Tom Cruise is back for a 5th outing as Ethan Hunt in the latest film in the Mission Impossible Series. “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation” finds Ethan and his Impossible Mission Force Team shut down by a government oversite committee as they are nearing the source of a mysterious organization known as “The Syndicate”

Ethan believes that the Syndicate is an elite organization comprised of several former agents from all over the world who have officially been declared dead.

This allows them to operate outside any law or jurisdiction and their mysterious leader Lane (Sean Harris), seems to be connected to several killings, heists, and bizarre happening which seem to be connected in a plot to undermine the governments of the world.

Naturally Ethan is not going to let the closure of his organization go without a fight and opts to go on the run with an unsanctioned operation. This action causes CIA Chief Alan Hunley (Alec Baldwin) to hotly pursuit Ethan.

With foes surrounding him, Ethan enlists his friend Benji (Simon Pegg), to help him as they must deal with a mysterious new element in Isla Faust (Rebecca Ferguson), a former British Agent who appears to work for Lane but has helped Ethan along the way.

In a race against time, locales ranging from Vienna to Morocco and London come into play as Ethan and crew try to retrieve a valuable item that Lane wants that may be the key to defeating a skilled and deadly enemy that seems to know and anticipate their every move.

The action in the film is first-rate and Cruise himself did his own stunts which is amazing when you see how daring, dangerous, and complex they were.

Many of the Mission Impossible films have used overly complicated plots to fuel the action and this film is not as complex but still has many nice twists to it. My only issue was the ending was a bit to “Hollywood” for my liking as certain individuals seemed to operate against type and established patterns for the sake of the finale.

I also wish that Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames were given more to do than talk and hover over a computer as it would have been nice seeing them more involved in the action.

Fortunately Cruise and Ferguson fill that requirement as the film is a very satisfying action film that shows that there is plenty of life in the series.

Director Christopher Mc Quarrie has worked with Cruise many times in the past and knows what his lead is capable of and also gets the chemistry between the stars to show when it is needed without letting the action overshadow the human element of the film.

Rogue Nation is a fast, clever, and entertaining action film which will keep you entertained throughout.
The Wedding Date (2005)
The Wedding Date (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
5.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The first romantic comedy of the year has arrived and sadly, it is likely to do about as much for romantics as the Black Plaque did for European Travel. The film stars Debra Messing stars as Kat Ellis, a successful career woman who is about to travel to England for the wedding of her younger sister.

Sadly for Kat, her ex is the best man at the wedding, and since he left Kat high and dry with only an engagement ring and no explanation. Desperate to get back at her ex, Kat hires a male escort named Nick (Dermot Mulrony), to pose as her boyfriend.

One would think that with a premise such as this, there would be amble opportunity for laughter, romance, and drama; sadly there is precious little of any of this in the film. Messing tries her best but there is nothing in the material for her to work with. The characters are so weak and one dimensional, that you never really connect with them nor care for their plight.

Mulrony is wasted in the film as he generally seems bored and generates zero chemistry with his co star. He is forced to drift from one scene to another without the benefit of well placed transitions or build up, making the film come across as desperately in search of a direction.

Further complicating the film was an apparent overabundance of editing as scenes concluded only to be followed by scenes that took place much later without the benefit of any transition. As if this matter was not bad enough, references to the past scene and events that were not shown to the audience are constant throughout the film.

While all this could be excused, what can’t be excused is the bizarre lack of humor and romance in the film. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where the film is going, but we never get to see the how and why the characters came to this decision. Nick is a professional escort, and as such, it would stand to reason that he would have hard and fast rules about becoming involved with his clients on a serious basis. Yet, for reasons unknown, he is ready to pledge his undying love in just a couple of days to a person he has spent precious little time with, and seems to have next to zero chemistry with.

Some viewers may also take issue with the notion that a career woman feels the need to parade a man around to show her worth and value, and the fact that she had to hire one as she is seemingly incapable of getting and keeping one on her own.

Somewhere along the way, a good concept for a film went horribly wrong, as The Wedding Date is a clich filled effort that is lacking heart and warmth leaving you wanting more.
The Favorite Daughter
The Favorite Daughter
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A year ago, Jane Harris' daughter, Mary, died tragically. Ever since, Jane has been lost in a cloud of grief and anti-depressants. But with a ceremony celebrating Mary's life coming up, Jane feels it's time for her to reemerge and reengage with her family: husband David and daughter, Betsy, who is about to graduate from high school. The family lives in a gorgeous house in Orange County, California. But Jane quickly realizes that David is always busy--with work or the gym he claims--and Betsy is distant and angry. Jane adored Mary, her eldest, who had finished her first year of college before she died. But at the ceremony for Mary, she receives a note, claiming Mary's death wasn't an accident. Does someone know what happened to her daughter--and are they right? Was Mary's death not an accident?

"After a year of grieving, it's time to step back into my family, or what remains of it and that's precisely my plan."

So this review is going to be a little unpopular, perhaps, based on others I've seen. I'd like to point out that it's not a negative review, per se, just not a gushing review as so many others seem to be. I just felt a little let down by this one; it left me a little flat. I found a lot of the twists predictable and while I found the book a very compelling read, there was just something "off" that didn't make it a "wow" read.

Still, as mentioned, this is a very readable book, and it will keep you engaged. Jane is an interesting character, to say the least, even if I sometimes found her more clueless than diabolical. She is, of course, an unreliable narrator, and we are only allowed to learn things as Jane reveals them to us. As a result, we're left a little confused, never quite sure where we stand. One of the things I liked most about this book was how easy it is to get sucked into Jane's delusional world as the novel is told in a very conversational style, with her sometimes speaking directly to the reader. She's also a pretty terrible person and yet oddly fascinating.

"Without Mary to place my biggest hopes and dreams on, I'm left with Betsy."

Her relationship with her daughters is pretty messed up, to say the least, and as a result, the book can be pretty creepy and bizarre. It's definitely quite a wild ride. Still, I was a little disappointed at how much I figured out ahead of time; I would have liked to have been more surprised.

Overall, this is a quick read and it's pretty intriguing. You'll get caught up in Jane's delusions pretty easily, even if some of them are fairly easily telegraphed. Others really rave about this one, so hopefully you'll enjoy it even more than me. I still recommend it; it's an interesting read. 3 stars.
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
2010 | Comedy
7.1 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Adam (John Cusack) is a man going nowhere fast. Upon his return home one day, Adam finds his girlfriend gone, his nephew Jacob (Clark Duke) in his basement addicted to playing online games that simulate real life, and his friend Lou (Rob Corddry) in the hospital.

When Adam meets up with his friend Nick (Craig Robinson) at the hospital, Nick attempts to brighten up Lou by offering him a trip to their old ski resort to relive the fun of their youth. With Jacob tagging along, the three friends head back to the site of their past glory, and realize that things have not improved with time.

The scenic town is now run down and largely abandoned and their resort has long since seen better days. Undaunted, the group breaks out the alcohol and heads for the hot tub in an effort to make the most out of their time with one another and to escape their empty lives.

Upon awakening from their stupor the group discovers that they have been whisked back to 1986 and they appear to everyone there as the younger versions of themselves. Jacob flips though when he sees himself as a flickering image and becomes convinced that they must not do anything to alter the future and must relive the weekend of 1986 over exactly as they did the first time.

A quirky repair man (Chevy Chase), indicates that he can fix the tub, but that he will need some time. Adam is thrilled when he meets his old girlfriend and then laments the fact that he has to end their relationship in order to preserve the timeline. Adam has long regretted her leaving the love of his life and is tempted to do things differently this time.

Nick looks to relieve his failed musical debut as a singer, but knows that he must do what is needed to get home. Lou, on the other hand, is the loose cannon of the group and is thrilled to get another chance at glory and chase women since he has become a pathetic loser in the future.

What follows is a madcap and outrageous comedy that lovingly resurrects the classic 80’s movies of old and infuses the modern gross out humor to successfully blend the old with the new as the friends struggle to get through the weekend and return home without altering the future.

The cast is solid, and Crispin Glover is great as the bizarre bellhop destined to have his arm go missing, but the when and how drives Lou insane in anticipation. While Robinson and Cusack do solid work, Corddry steals the film as a scheming, madcap mix of depravity and patheticness that drives the film.

While the movie did drag in a few parts for me there were enough laughs in the film to keep me interested and enjoy the nostalgic look back at my beloved 80s.
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alicia Berenson is a well-known painter married to a famous photographer, Gabriel. They have a picture-perfect life, so-to-speak. But all that changes when Gabriel returns home from work one evening and Alicia shoots him five times. Then she goes silent, refusing to speak. Her silence makes her case even more famous, causing intense public speculation. Her paintings become coveted objects. Alicia, meanwhile, is sent to the Grove, a secluded psychiatric forensic unit, for treatment. There, Theo Faber, a psychotherapist, gains a job primarily just to work with Alicia, determined to be the one to help her speak again. But he becomes consumed with her case--something that may put his own health and safety into jeopardy.

This is a book that I read solely based on the recommendations of Goodreads and #bookstagram friends. It was quite hyped, and sometimes I shy away from all the hype, ha. I really did enjoy it, though I probably always feel a little let down by the crazily hyped books. It's just my nature. That being said, I do think this is a really good read and extremely captivating.

It's incredibly bizarre and puzzling--told via excerpts from Alicia's journal (pre-murder) and then Theo's viewpoints. We are left to wonder if, indeed, Alicia is truly crazy. The fact that she shot her husband, Gabriel, isn't really up for debate. But why? What led this talented artist to kill, and so violently? Reading her journal, we ponder, is she mentally ill? Is what she's telling us even really happening? Some of the narratives may or may not contradict each other, and the result is a fast-paced, twisty tale that keeps you guessing the entire time. I was sucked into both Alicia and Theo's minds. One of the best things about this book is that you may not always like Theo or Alicia, but you'll want to know about them. You'll find yourself completely engaged in their story--a sign of a good read, if you ask me.

"There's so much pain everywhere, and we just close our eyes to it. The truth is we're all scared. We're terrified of each other. I'm terrified of myself--and of my mother in me. Is her madness in my blood? Is it?"

I stayed up late to finish this one, as I absolutely had to know what happened. There are several twists and turns, and, as I mentioned, it keeps you guessing. The perspective in this book is unique, and I really welcomed how different it felt. It's a consuming, shocking read that basically absorbs you and as different parts of the story are revealed, it grows more and more intense.

Overall, this is a really excellent psychological thriller. It's nearly impossible to put down. It is different, with damaged characters that will draw you in from the start. 4+ stars!
Kolmnurk (1982)
Kolmnurk (1982)
1982 | Animation, Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Love Triangle Gone Insane!
Wow! This was seriously one weird animated short! I have seen many weird animated shorts, but none of them were quite as weird as this one! The only other animated short that was just as weird as this short was Hen, His Wife, which also had a similar premise of a couple experiencing marital problems. This short was a bit easier to understand than "Hen, His Wife," but it still requires some interpretation on the situation that is going on. So, here's my take on what I think is happening in this short:

My Interpretation:

So, apparently Viktor and Julia were a happy couple when they were first married. But over the years, Viktor started to ignore Julia and Julia is trying desperately to get her husband's attention again. I'm assuming that the food that Julia cooks represents her sexual desires for Viktor, as the food seem to weirdly take on any shape or form of her body. Also, there were moments where realistic photo shop images of real life people would appear on both Julia and Viktor's faces, representing their desires to look beautiful towards each other. Then when the mouse sized man, Eduard comes between Julia and Viktor, Julia feeding Eduard the food that she made represents her having an affair with Eduard, due to wanting to feel wanted by somebody, since Viktor won't give her the attention that she wants. So, when Viktor sees Julia feeding Eduard the food that she originally made for him, this could be viewed as Viktor finally noticing Julia having an affair with Eduard and he decides to leave her because of that. Whether or not Julia and Viktor get back together with each other in the end is something you have to see for yourself!

I just loved the way that Priit Parn created these bizarre characters as it was interesting yet a bit disturbing seeing real life photos of people's faces suddenly appear on either Viktor, Julia or Eduard's faces as those real life photos look so out of place on these hand drawn characters. I also liked the interesting way that Priit Parn tackled the issue of martial problems by using food as a metaphor for the couple's deteriorating marriage.

The only problem that I had with this short was that it was a bit confusing to understand at times. Like, I wasn't really sure how the food plays a role in the couple's relationship with each other and I was wondering about where Eduard exactly came from. I mean, this is really good stuff for a surreal short, but it can be a bit hard to swallow at times.

Overall, "The Triangle" is a truly intriguing animated short about martial problems that anyone who is in a relationship will enjoy watching (just to see how weird this short was). Also, if you are a huge fan of foreign shorts, then this is definitely one short that you should check out!