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The Girl Before
The Girl Before
J.P. Delaney | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a page-turner! I was gripped from start to finish – if I could have read it in one sitting I would have!

The story alternates between being told by 2 different central female characters, Emma in the past, and Jane currently. Following a burglary, Emma and her boyfriend find an amazing new house, which adapts to how you live – you need a special microchip to be allowed entrance, and the lighting and shower settings adapt to your personal tendencies and preferences. But there’s a catch – to rent it, you have to obey a strict set of rules laid down by the obsessive and intriguing architect.

Switch scene to Jane – following a tragic still birth, Jane finds relief in finding an amazing new house where she can start over again. Things turn tense though when Jane finds out that previous tenant, Emma, looks exactly like Jane and was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. Things become more worrying still when Jane discovers her current beau, the elusive architect of the house, has only been taking on tenants who look like his dead wife.

When I read the synopsis, I thought that what happens with Jane would be identical to what happened with Emma, but each character does in fact have other things going on, and there was more to story than a fantastic house and a bizarre way to live. I won’t give away any more of the story – I wouldn't want to spoil it.

The majority of chapters where only about 2 minutes long, so it was easy to tell myself I had time for just one more chapter! It was like reading a James Patterson novel, but with oodles more intrigue! I enjoyed this author’s debut novel so much, I've already downloaded Delaney’s other book, and have pre-ordered the third! Thoroughly recommended!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Shin Godzilla (2016) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Shin Godzilla (2016)
Shin Godzilla (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
He's New, He's True, He's Covered in Goo
Toho's first Godzilla movie since 2004 attempts to square the circle by sticking relatively closely to the feel of the original film while offering a radical new take on Godzilla himself ('Shin', lest you be wondering, is a conveniently ambiguous Japanese word that can mean 'New', 'True', and 'God').

Everyday life in Tokyo is disrupted by the appearance in the bay of a bizarre new form of life, a fast-evolving creature which slithers ashore, causing (but of course) massive property damage, before mutating into something a bit more recognisable as Godzilla. Clearly the government response team have a lot on their hands, but can they come up with a solution before the Americans take charge of the situation and plaster the city with nukes?

Some people may take exception to the movie's very different take on Godzilla (the design of the monster's initial form is unintentionally funny), and it's always a bit of a problem when Godzilla doesn't have anyone to fight in the final reel, but this is still an impressive attempt at a serious Godzilla film that honours the memory of the original. It's also obviously a post-Fukushima movie, fierce in its satire and criticism of useless government bureaucrats and the red tape that surrounds them.

When it all kicks off between Godzilla and the JSDF the special effects sequences are spectacular, and the human characters are quite well-played too. I must confess to missing the sense of fun and imagination that you find in the best Godzilla films - this is kind of like the Batman Begins of Godzilla films, in that it's hard to imagine many of the other classic characters existing in this universe - but this is a smart and serious movie that respects its source material.
**I received this via Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I really don't know what I read! The one word that comes to mind is bizarre. Now I am not by any means a person that reads a lot of poetry as there are always deeper meanings and sometimes I don't think my intelligence stretches that far. However, I wanted to start reading a bit more and this one instantly caught my attention. I have a crude sense of humour and not one to shy away from foul language or sexual references but this just left me flummoxed.

First of all the Victorian artwork just did not work with the crudeness of the poetry. The title is very accurate and gets ruder and cruder throughout. The book is split into five sections: Cradle, Maiden, Lady Ku, Ku of the crone and The Holy one. The cover of the book and the artwork inside is beautiful and would be worth it just for the pictures. It did get several guffaws from me but that's all. I really wanted to like this but I felt it didn't really work, was there supposed to be a meaning to the pictures or is it just the authors sense of humour. Writing poems out of 17 syllables and getting a message across is an amazing feat and applaud Tanager for her efforts as I know I certainly wouldn't be able to produce anything.

    Sniff, dab and wipe. Sniff, dab and wipe. Sniff. I wish they just made nose tampons.

If you are a fan of poetry and not easily offended then I would check this out

Overall I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Larry Eisner (2082 KP) rated Maniac in TV

Oct 3, 2018  
2018 | Comedy, Drama
Realistic views of mental illness (4 more)
So much vision in the palette and visual storytelling
The acting is top-notch!
Such creativity!
It starts slow. And if you can’t handle quirk, you won’t dig it at all. (0 more)
A beautiful, creative series about mental illness
Absurdism at its finest. Full stop.

Maniac is a beautifully written, beautifully shot and masterfully acted work of art. Taking a 70s-80s retro idea of future technology, and making it real, making it believable and all the while throwing crazy funny oddity at the same time is an insane balancing act and it works! My god, it works!

It is episodic and works as such, but it could also very well have been an excellent 5-6 hour film. Every scene is necessary. Every frame is intentional. The jokes hit, the visual universe is consistent, and the whole thing tugs on you like very little film does these days. In fact I hesitate to call it TV. Because while it is indeed episodic, it’s not serialized. It’s one long and perfectly crafted story. It winds and twists and it jumps at the sky but it always has a reason to do so.

And all I can say is that every damn time I forget how great Sally Field is, she kills it. She absolutely kills it. I wouldn’t have cast her or Jonah Hill, but they are PERFECT. I can not recommend this show enough. Honestly it’s the best original content I’ve seen this year. Hands down.

It’s funny, it’s bizarre, and it’s emotional. It gets, via sideways and transverse angles, what it means to be a broken and fragile human, when everyone around you seems to have it together but you.

Please watch it. You won’t regret it.
Society (1989)
Society (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
In the vein of Re-Animator or Braindead comes Society. I had not heard of this before yesterday and I now I know what I have been missing.

If you are Bill Whitney, you are living in wealth with your parents and sister, but secret suspect everything is not on the level or something weird is going on behind your back. This suspicion is pretty much confirmed when his friend pulls up with a cassette tape with sounds of some sort of orgy happening with all of his family participating! Outraged, Bill heads to his therapist to confirm; however, when it is played back later the tape has been altered.

Unfortunately, plans to meet up with his friend don't materialize when his friend has a "fatal" auto accident. Several other instances occur similarly where Bill discovers some gruesome fact which is not corroborated when others arrive.

Bill shows up back at his home to encounter a large socialite party in progress. His greatest fears are confirmed when he realizes what is happening. I can't really say more if you haven't seen the film other than to say the final 15 minutes of the film is some of the most bizarre, unique, revolting and fascinating practical movie effects I have ever seen. Some of those visuals will never leave my mind!

If you like the comedy/horror genre which isn't for everyone, you would love this. The "plot" is pretty nonsensical, but passable. The characters and dialogue are just enough to move the story along without the audience getting bored. There is a fair amount of comedy which keeps the mood light despite some gruesome elements as well.

THAT ending! I loved it!

Ghost Stories (2018)
Ghost Stories (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror
An unexpected ending (0 more)
This would not be out of place in the Twilight Zone
In a time where the audience has become accustomed to jumpy Hollywood horrors, it’s hard to create a horror that provokes the viewer. Ghost stories does this well.

The film itself follows paranormal sceptic, professor Phillip Goodman, as he tries to unpick and denounce three separate cases. The bulk of the film centres around these three cases, all three cases play on the audiences inner fears of the unknown - I’m sure we have all scared ourselves at some point by objects that look differently to what they are in the shadows of the night! To me, the second case, Simon’s story, was the most disturbing simply for how jumpy and scared the character Simon clearly was with the situation. I was a little confused by the ending to Mike’s story, although I understand that it was necessary to move the story to the next stage, I did feel that more explanation was needed.

The format of this film played out like an episode of the Twilight Zone, including the unexpected twist in the end. This too me was what made the film more compelling. Following the big reveal, I spent a little time revisiting each of the cases, and some of the unusual behaviours of the characters and apparitions made more sense.

The acting within the film was good and believable- I am a fan of Martin Freeman, which did draw me to the movie, and although some of the script was a little bizarre, he did act well.

In conclusion, the film was not scary enough to lose sleep over, however it is disturbing enough to make me think and consider my own views on the paranormal.
The Hidden Face (Fifth Unmasking #1)
The Hidden Face (Fifth Unmasking #1)
S.C. Flynn | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a period where it became quite tired and unimaginative, fantasy writing over the last decade or so become a good vehicle for interesting story telling. The Hidden Face is no exception for this, being in the epic fantasy mould but with some fresh ideas thrown in.

The premise is that every few hundred years the god Akhen manifests in human form and reveals (unmasks) itself, resulting in a huge shift in the balance of power between nations. If someone could know ahead of time who was the vessel for Akhen then whoever controlled them would wield enormous power. And there are certain parties who want that power at all costs.

Standing in their way are Dayraven, former hostage and son of a famous hero, and Sunniva, daughter of a scholar and archaeologist. Between them they must solve scattered clues and prevent their enemies discovering the secrets that they know.

There is a lot that is conventional here, but there are some nice twists that avoid the usual fantasy cliches. It is also refreshing for there not to be some all pervading evil that must be defeated. Here the simple lust for power is enough to create entirely suitable adversaries. Also there a lot of factions, all with their own motives and allies, some of which change of the course of the book.

The writing is strong, with some great characters. Special mention must go to The Twister, one of the most interesting personalities I've come across with his own internal logic for his often bizarre actions.

A terrific start to a new fantasy series that looks to be something well worth reading. There are certainly plenty of mysteries still to be revealed in this fascinating world.
The Roswell Conspiracy
The Roswell Conspiracy
Boyd Morrison | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In his previous novels Boyd Morrison has shown that he is able to take historical legends that have incredible elements - Noah's Ark, King Midas turning everything into gold - and not only spinning a thrilling plot around them but also providing explanations for these that just might be plausible. This is helped by his no-nonsense leading character of engineer Tyler Locke.

In this third Tyler Locke novel Morrison tackles something a little less mythological but no less bizarre. With his own take on events at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and tying in the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in 1908 he manages to provide an explanation that just might be possible. Throwing in Russian rogue agents and a plot to wreck the infrastructure of the USA means that Locke must keep his wits about him to escape from plenty of attempts to stop him discovering the truth.

There are the typical aderenaline fuelled chases and technological wonders around the world as expected and the addition of two feisty female leads adds some spice. Tyler's electrical engineer friend Grant also gets to shine as he and Tyler split up to pursue different leads.

As usual the writing is very effective, the action scenes cracking along and the plot driven against the clock. Although the bones of the plot are clear early on the details must still be pieced together and Locke's opponents are ruthless in pursuit of their goals.

The pace does lag at times as there is a lot of exposition to get through at various points to explain the actions of both heroes and villians but given the sheer complexity of what Morrison acheives in joining so many global events together this is understandable.

Morrison is definitely my favourite adventure/thriller author and this book shows why that is.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Midsommar (2019) in Movies

Dec 16, 2019 (Updated Mar 31, 2020)  
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Beautiful, disturbing, utterly bizarre
Whether you like Midsommar or not, you have to admit, it's quite a trip.
It's so far removed from conventional horror, it's hard to pin to a genre.
It's every bit of a break up drama as a horror, and even quite amusing in places, but one things for sure, there nothing quite like it.

Midsommar starts in bleak fashion, grounded in concrete realism, as Dani (played by a fantastic Florence Pugh) deals with the sudden deaths of her parents and sister. Affected by this understandable trauma, she joins her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) and his friends as they head to Sweden to attend a rural 9-day festival.

As soon as the story shifts to the Swedish setting, the tone changes from bleak and grey, to vibrant and colourful. The rest of the film is set in broad daylight, and it carries an extremely unsettling undertone, and as the characters dabble in drugs, a sense of reality quickly becomes disorientating for both them and us as an audience.
As the narrative draws on, director Ari Aster serves up plot hints and hidden messages in almost every frame. The violence is seldom, but when it happens it's visceral and shocking. All of this combined makes for an almost dream like experience, as we watch the two leads toxic relationship collide with the unnervingly joyful people of Hårga.

Ari Aster uses jarring and emotionally charged sound cues to stir up tension (the last few minutes!) and these are complimented by the beautiful score by The Haxan Cloak.
Aster also spoils us with continuously striking shots, providing a really unique approach to horror.

Midsommar is not for everyone, but as far as I'm concerned, it's disturbing, heart breaking, and absolutely captivating - the whole package.
Definitely one of the best films this year.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 16, 2019

Love this film!

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
2014 | Horror
5.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Supernatural Superpowers That Are Cursed
Ugh here we go again- which one is this number 8, number 3210, number who cares, number whatever. Its the fifth one by the way, if people are wondering.

Im just tired of this franchise, nothing happens until the last 15-20 minutes of the movie, thats when shit happens. So the rest of the movie is boring. So whats the plot this time.

The Plot: Teenagers Jesse (Andrew Jacobs) and Hector (Jorge Diaz) look forward to a carefree summer, but the murder of a neighbor leads to a terrifying encounter with the supernatural. After breaking into the neighbor's apartment, Jesse and Hector find a collection of ritualistic art and other bizarre items. Jesse takes a journal of occult writings and soon after finds a strange mark on his arm. His subsequent erratic behavior leads Jesse's friends and family to the realization that he is possessed.

So in this one a recent high school graduate has a myserious neigherbor, and deicides to go into her house and gets the curse and than has superpowers??? Like he can lean back far, jump the stairs high from his skateboard, and push people, wait what??Later on, when he gets captured two man get their shotguns and shoot the cult, wait what?? Than his friend goes through a door and ends up at the house from the first move and see Kate and Micah, wait what?? That makes no sense.

By the way this movie came out in Januray and besides the first one which came out late September, the rest of them came out in October. So this one came out in dump month, and it was a piece of dump.

Ugh One more right....Right.....Right....