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The Thing on the Doorstep
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow. I wasn't sure what to I was going to think of this, as several state it's not his best of stories, but as I'm a new reader of Lovecraft, I have nothing to compare this to, so I enjoyed it hugely!

The opening line of this story, <b><i>It is true that I have sent six bullets through the head of my best friend, and yet I hope to show by this statement that I am not his murderer,"</b></i> is enough to completely suck you in to the story. You'll find yourself getting lost in this piece of fiction, coming out the other side of it dazed, horrified and delighted.

This story has some of the best tension building, leaving you to decide what is happening to the ever changing Edward and his mysterious wife Asenath.

The hints to black magic and the occult make this story really ominous, dark and brooding. This is really a terrific horror story. If this isn't one of his best, I'm excited to see what his other stories bring!
Revenge isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, that’s what Livark is learning. Blackmailed she turns thief for a wizard and lands herself in a plot that threatens the existence of the known world.

Livark is a gambler basically a grifter. She is the main character and her story is told in 1st person pov. There are other povs involved that are third person? Which include but are not limited to Casuel a wizard that is so easy to hate. That sorry sycophant. And Planir the Black Archmage.
You also meet Shiv another wizard that partners with Livark (blackmails really) he is also the first character that I had ever read that was openly gay. Or how did he put it. “Doesn’t cross the dance floor to find his partner.” Maybe not a direct quote but close. Also, Darni and Rashad warriors as well as a few other characters. If you want excitement danger and magic, this is a book for you. Edited: It is also very violent, blunt, and graphic in its content.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Approximately sixty-seventh Marvel Studios project to date starts off as a pretty good king fu movie, as parking attendant Simu Liu is forced to come clean to his best friend that he is in fact the renegade son of an immortal warlord, before turning into a not quite so good fantasy movie (immortal warlord wants to invade a magic kingdom, which may inadvertently cause the end of the universe).

Good martial arts choreography, but the non-stop CGI of the climax isn't nearly as interesting or fun to watch, and the movie seems to lose its edge and sense of humour as it goes on. Feels very much like an attempt to do something akin to Black Panther, but with Chinese culture; may well do very good business in Asian markets. The usual links and references to other Marvel movies are a mixed bag; some of them feel very contrived and gratuitous. Still, they're integral to the Marvel project and I doubt this movie will disappoint the faithful.
Twisted Luck
Twisted Luck
Mia Downing | 2017 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twisted Luck was one of them reads where I'm slightly on the fence in regards to its characters It did keep my interest but there were just a few niggles that dragged it down a star for me.
This for me is more of an individual preference than a black mark for the book and this no way takes away from the flow of the writing as Twisted Luck was expertly written, It is just a personal opinion and might not be an issue for anyone else reading this.
So here we go, Olivia has had a string of bad luck, enter Leo WELL WELL!!! upon first meeting Leo as Oliva is drowning herself in tequila at a local bar I thought, here we go, real bad boy, won't take no crap from no one yay my type of anti-hero this is going to be epic and here lies my problem, apart from the fact that Leo is an honest to god Demon and not just in the sack I found him just a bit, well, wussy. I wanted him to stand up to his kind of a dad Sam and stop wimping out, grow a pair you're a demon for god's sake.
 I also didn't think our Leo would have forgotten how to have a pee even if it has been years this is just something that you don't forget and finally the use of the word the magic, it was the magic this, the magic that, it got a bit irritating after a bit, would have liked to see a different word occasionally maybe my powers or I would have even settled for Va Va Voom for a change rather than the magic.
now I have that out of the way I'm going to explain why you should read this. Twisted luck was apart from my above points a page turner. I may be slightly biased in regard to Leo as I prefer a slightly darker hero or in my case anti-hero to drool over, but if you like a more human hero this book is for you.
I really do get what Mia was trying to convey Our Demon Leo transforming into a more human version of himself in a way un-demonising Leo and showing a warmer more flawed version of him as he slowly learned what it was like to love and be loved by Olivia and also reside without the use of here we go lol THE MAGIC!!!!.
And this was accomplished and pulled off with finesse and humour so if you like stories where the girl redeems the guy and they live HEA then this is the book for you I passed a very enjoyable few hours immersed in this and that's what Twisted Luck is Enjoyable and not too hard, an easy warm read that you can snuggle up with when you just want some R & R and some downtime.
I received an e-copy of this book free from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Merissa (11721 KP) rated Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1) in Books

Oct 22, 2021 (Updated Jul 12, 2023)  
Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1)
Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1)
Abrianna Denae | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLACK ICE HEART is the first in the Unveiled Magic series. In it, we meet Jack, Summer, Spring, Autumn, Mother, and Old Man. Do these names sound familiar? They should do. This is the story of the seasons, of Mother Nature, Old Man Time, and Jack Frost, with its own unique spin as given by Abrianna Denae.

This is a dark story in places, with moments of torture and heartbreak, so please be aware of the trigger warning! There are also moments of love, friendship, and hope, that will keep you turning the pages.

There are a host of amazing characters in here, plus characters I've yet to meet properly, or fully understand. I'm hoping this will happen in future books as, being 100% honest here, some of them haven't made such a good impression.

Told from multiple perspectives, some characters only share their voice for one chapter. Others have multiple. So take your time reading and find out just who is speaking when - it will make it all so much easier.

The story feels almost complete until you reach the epilogue, and then it takes a whole new turn and you're left not knowing what will happen next.

Black Ice Heart kept my attention from beginning to end and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 22, 2021
Daughter of Chaos (Red Magic #1)
Daughter of Chaos (Red Magic #1)
Jen McConnel | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Darlena's world, magic is divided into three different categories. To put it simply - white is good, black is bad, and green is balance. Normally a witch will choose a path on her 16th birthday. Darlena has passed this milestone without declaring which path she will follow. One evening Hecate shows up and puts Darlena on the spot - which path will she choose? Darlena follows her heart and her instincts and chooses a colour that she has never heard of before - Red. It must be a real path because the next day she is expelled from school with no explanation. Anyone who hears what colour she has chosen, reacts in a very different way to how Darlena was expecting.

I loved how Jen McConnel set this all up and how it was all executed. The writing and links are flawless, with plenty of surprises along the way. I thought having Aphrodite as a patron of Red magic was brilliant, and anyone who thinks that love isn't chaotic is seriously mistaken!

With lessons to be learnt, Darlena has some serious choices to make. Some of which she makes on the rebound, some of which she has time to think about. With friends and allies helping her along the way, as well as enemies trying to hinder her, her life is moving along at breakneck speed. Will she find the time to figure out what to do?

With a cast of amazing characters, from the noble yet slightly self-righteous Justin to the flawed and grasping Rochelle, you have a fast-paced story that will keep you engrossed from beginning to end. I can't wait to read more about Darlena's story to see what happens next. Definitely recommended.

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 19, 2016
How to heal a gryphon
How to heal a gryphon
Meg cannistra | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
How to heal a Gryphon by Meg Cannistra was a very interesting read. I loved it so much. I give it a four point five out of five stars. I definitely would read it again. The cover to this book is very eye catching and so is the plot. I love how her family's very powerful and uses their magic for good. I also understand why they don't tell many people because she is right people would expect to much from them. I'm also happy she chose to follow her heart instead of what others want her to do. How her brother treated her when she told him that she wants to work with animals instead of people was not right. Just because she's different than everyone else and following her dream does not make her an embarrassment. That part made me so mad. Also I don't know how I feel about the bad luck ajf black cat following her around something seems off. I also get her frustration with her sibling always being the center of attention that can get quite annoying. The person in the shop was pretty mean to her over eating and her weight. The judgement was pretty messed up and I can personally relate to it. I also love her plans on what she plans to do with her powers it seems very fun. I also love that her friend supports her plans unlike everyone else. Her brother apologizing be making her her favorite food Tiramisu was sorta sweet but doesn't excuse his mean words. Her brother disappearing and being replaced be a walnut was kinda confusing at first. I am happy for her that Diana accepted her and that she gifted her a familiar the black cat named Sinistro. In the book it state's only Diana's followers are gifted familiars. I have a bad gut feeling about this Streghe del Malocchio who stole her brother though. Also Piccolina's greeting to her was so cute. Piccolina's father helping them get to the city to rescue Giada's brother was sweet as well. The city seemed very scary as well. The anchovies scene was hilarious with the cat's swarming around the strange women. I wonder what these people want with Giada. How she used her magic to defend herself but got punished for using that spell was sad though. I understand why the Streghe del Malocchio are the way they are because their just trying to keep balance in the world. The ending made me cry I loved it I definitely recommend reading this book.
The Black Shriving
The Black Shriving
Phil Tucker | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The action continues straight on from where the Path of Flames left off. The story follows Tiron and Audsley's journey after they step through the mysterious portal, Asho and Kethe's journey into the mountains to investigate the second Black Gate, and Tharok's attempts to unite the kragh tribes and make an assault on the humans.
The story rarely dips in terms of excitement but does start to follow a number of different paths and take on different paces. While there is exciting action as Asho and Kethe take on the demon hordes, there are moments of tense political debate and planning, and Audsley's exploration of Starkadr is of a different thrilling pace altogether.
More of the greater plot is starting to be revealed as the humans banished from Ennoia start to plot their return to the world and the kragh start to plot their assault on that very same world.
The story really developed over this book with different threads and plots forming and diverging, different aspects of the magic and mysticism of the world being explored and revealed, the very religion of the world being challenged and I am looking forward to seeing how these come together later on.
The Witch&#039;s Dream (Knights of Black Swan #2)
The Witch's Dream (Knights of Black Swan #2)
Victoria Danann | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Witch's Dream (Knights of Black Swan #2) by Victoria Danann
My word this is a dream of a book! It continues straight after My Familiar Stranger and takes you straight back into the lives of B Company. The whole book is a joy to read and I am so glad that Elora now has company in the "women with spirit" category. Litha and Song look like they are going to keep the baton going :o)

If you are expecting a vampire romance, you can forget it. They don't even really get a mention in this book, apart from ex-vampire Baka (who's story I can't wait to read!) but what you do get is demons, a look at Kay's berserker side, and magic of the practical kind.

I love the way these books are written and often find myself laughing out loud as I read. The characters continue to grow and as an added little extra you get an interview with Ram at the end of this book.

5 out of 5, 10 out of 10 - whichever way you want to look at it, these books are fantastic.

* Verified Purchase ~ February 2013
Reviewed on Goodreads ~ February 2013 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Could've been so much more
I knew relatively nothing about this film but having been impressed by the recent Goosebumps films (not the new sequel), I had fairly high expectations. Sadly it didn't live up to them.

For me this film seemed to be nothing new. I was bored for the most of this and there were only a few parts that I really enjoyed. A lot of the humour and banter between the characters seemed a little too ott and forced and made me cringe more than it made me smile. The effects were alright and there were some truly creepy scenes, just not enough. Cate Blanchett probably saved this, as even Jack Black couldn't bring back the magic he had with RL Stine. And the evil warlock wasn't particularly scary or threatening, and the whole ending was lacking any sort of menacing terror or suspense.

I also spent the entire film thinking the kid was the one from Room (Jacob Tremblay), and wondering why on earth his acting was so bad. The kid was one of the problems in this, I won't lie and his crying was particularly horrendous. And then when the credits rolled I realised it wasn't him after all...