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A detailed look into the world of forensic pathology.
I don’t read a lot on non-fiction and when I do it is rarely an autobiography or memoir but when I happened to see Unnatural Causes I decided to jump in and hopefully get a better understanding of a profession so often touched on in my beloved crime thriller books. I didn’t regret it for a second.

Dr Richard Shepherd, as one of the UK’s top forensic pathologists, has performed over 23,000 postmortems; that’s a lot of dead bodies! Fascinated by cracking the puzzle of what killed each one this book covers a whole host of unusual cases. Clearing up many misconceptions of the world of forensic pathology we get a great insight into a job few people could stomach.

As he covers many interesting cases we get a unique behind the curtain look into some famous murders and disasters. Shipman, Stephen Lawrence, the Hungerford massacre, the Marchioness disaster, he is even involved in Diana’s inquest. The look into the very difficult area of the death of babies shows a complicated area where everything is not as black and white as we’d like it to be.

His single minded quest for the truth and the very distressing nature of his work takes a toll on his mental health and family life. Although not as fascinating as the cases themselves it’s important to cover this, bring into sharp focus the debt society owes to those willing to surround themselves in such a grim profession.
The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book
The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book
Anne Belov | 2015 | Humor & Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review with image example can be found here:

Who says pandas are all black and white?

Anne Belov is a satirical cartoonist with an obsession for pandas. She has published several books in <i>The Panda Chronicles</i> and has now produced a colouring book to go with the series. Pandas may seem like a peculiar subject for a colouring book since they are, as Belov puts it, “chromatically challenged,” however the world around them is bursting with different tints and shades.

The pandas featured in <i>The Panda Chronicles</i> are not the typical bears you might see in a zoo, or endangered in the wild. Anne Belov’s pandas get up to all sorts of mischief. In this colouring book you can expect to find pandas in all sorts of locations, wearing a variety of odd outfits, taking part in highly suspicious activities. So despite monochromatic fur, there is so much to add colour to.

<i>The Panda Chronicles Colouring Book</i> contains approximately 60 single sided illustrations. Although the paper feels quite thin, the lack of anything on the reverse means that it is safe to use any medium you wish to fill the drawing with colour.

Belov’s drawing approach is not the typical style of the hundreds of colouring books you see in stores – i.e. thick, precise lines and patterns. Belov sticks to her sketchy manner that she has used in all the chronicles thus far. In fact there is reason to believe (although do not quote this) that many of the illustrations are from the original books. While standing out in such a niche market, these particular pages may be more difficult to colour in. Some contain many scribbles rather than clear objects, however that does not detract from the overall fun guaranteed with this book.

Pandas in unconventional settings are a great cause for hilarity and satire. Not only is it funny that these bears are parodying human life, but the things they are up to are highly amusing. One particularly comical scene contains a mother panda telling her child off for being the cause of the <b>LEANING</b> Tower of Pisa, to which the youngster protests, “I didn’t do it! It was leaning when we got here!” The wittiness continues throughout the remainder of the book.

I bought this book hoping it would be suitable for my “pandamaniac” friend, who on occasion tells farcical stories about her (imaginary) friend <i>Miss Panda</i>. Anne Belov’s colouring book is the absolutely perfect present for her. It is almost as if the scenes are written/drawn about <i>Miss Panda</i> herself, despite the artist and my friend having never met… Unless… oh the horror! Maybe <i>Miss Panda</i> IS real!
The Society (A Broken World #1)
The Society (A Broken World #1)
Dean Murray | 2015 | Dystopia, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

This is the first installment of Dean Murray's Dystopian series that is absolutely chock-full of action and adventure too. There are enough broken bones in here to shake a stick at. In this, we meet Skye, a 17-year-old girl who is set to become a spy in a 'grubber' city. She lands at night, under the cover of a bomb attack on the city. It is action all the way as she has to make a landing, find her way to where she needs to go, avoiding detection from any and all. As she does, she meets a few people who make her realise that everything isn't always black and white as they act far differently to what she had been led to believe.

I won't say anything further about the story as I don't want to give away any spoilers and, believe me, you really need to read this book for yourself to appreciate it. Dean Murray has written Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Dark Fantasy and now he can add Dystopian to his bow too. As far as I am concerned he is proving himself to be a Jack of all Trades, Master of his Craft.

Absolutely enthralling, full of action, a splash of romance and plenty of time to think for yourself. Completely brilliant and highly recommended. I will give you a cliffhanger warning though. I was so wrapped up in the story I didn't realise I had reached 100% and carried on pressing my kindle, wondering why it wasn't going to the next page!

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!