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    Cartoon Wars

    Cartoon Wars


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    Cartoon Wars is an arcade war game which combines the formulas of defense and real-time strategy...

Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity
2009 | Adult, Card Game, Humor, Party Game, Print & Play
Can lead to some hideously funny moments (1 more)
Works well no matter who you play with
Seeing the same cards a lot can be a little tiresome (1 more)
Doesn't really work if people take it seriously
Vulgar, insensitive and crude, but that's what it's trying to be
Well, what can I say about Cards Against Humanity that probably hasn't already been said already? If you go into this party game with a serious head, you will NOT enjoy this.

There are some genuinely insensitive cards contained within this game, but you need to leave your morals at the door when you begin playing, and you will have some incredibly funny moments.

For those that don't know how this game plays, each player takes it in turns to read a question from the stack of black cards, and every other player picks one (or two if it's a double answer) white card from their hand of ten. Once everyone's chosen, the black card player reads everyone's white cards and picks what they think is the best response to the question. The winning player than keeps the black card, to show they won that question. If you feel you ha e a duff hand, you can trade in one of your black cards to pick up ten new white cards from the stacks.

Once everyone decides they've had enough playing, whoever has the most black cards at the end wins.

Many have tried to imitate this game, but few have succeeded, and I feel Cards Against Humanity will still be a top party game for many years to come.