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A Grim Almanac of Norfolk
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Written in almanac form  'A Grim Almanac of Norfolk 'covers over 300 hundred years of Norfolk history. There is a story for everyday of the year and is accompanied by many black and white illustrations. Naming just a few you can find tales of  bizarre accidents, smuggling, body snatching ,murder and much more. Because of the style of writing it is easy to dip in and out of with no need to read from front to back. The book is well presented and must have taken the author many hours of research to complete the book , I am enjoying reading the book and those with an interest in social history will find it interesting , however some people may find it repetitive as the book has a running theme.

FryeJacob (6 KP) created a post

Jul 29, 2021 (Updated Jul 29, 2021)  
Guards' armor will be supplied every time you go on a mission. It's basically a white knight's platebody, with wide spiked shoulders plates, guard boots and platelegs.

You also receive points from this game as well, you can then purchase weapons, armor and even new ranks. The crossbow is not unlimited once you purchase it. It it only accepts bronze, black, or silver bolts. The ranks are Guard-in-training, new guy, and deputy. Customization is also possible (this allows you to utilize 7 numbers). and 23 characters)

You will not earn any xp from these minigames unless you use combat. We appreciate your feedback and help. I'm sorry I couldn't properly capatalize, spell, and punctuate everything correctly. We appreciate your time!

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Confessions Of A Sex Kitten
Confessions Of A Sex Kitten
Eartha Kitt | 1991 | Biography, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Confessions Of A Sex Kitten was so major. Eartha Kitt is a huge possibility idol for me. The thing about women like Eartha Kitt, Lena Horne, and Diahann Carroll — these black artists in the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s — they were making a way out of no way. Eartha’s book, the first paragraph of it I was bawling. It’s just so deep! Her love life I can so relate to as a trans woman. She dated a lot of white men, who dated her privately. They would neverdate her openly or marry her. That’s something I can certainly relate to as a trans woman. She is brilliant and amazing and sexy and smart and political! She was blacklisted for like 10 years. Eartha Kitt is everything, may she rest in peace."
