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They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
2018 | Documentary, History, War
Wow. This documentary was amazing. The restoration work, and the care that was taken with the footage is awe-inspiring. The Fathom Event showing had a short 30 minute program afterwards where Peter Jackson gave more insight into what all was done.
At first, it's all in black and white, when the colorization portion started, there was a collective gasp in the full theater. It was definitely reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz, in terms of the overall reveal.
The use of the actual veterans talking about life during the Great War were really interesting to hear, and though they used dozens of people, they were blended together seamlessly. I absolutely loved it, and can't wait until I can purchase it.
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Erika (17789 KP) Dec 22, 2018

Definitely stay to watch the 30 minute documentary afterwards, it was really cool.


Andy K (10823 KP) Dec 22, 2018

Ok thanks I will. Very excited to see this.



    Jean Genet

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    Splendid's, a two-act police thriller written in 1948, was never staged in Jean Genet's lifetime. In...

Spooks Run Wild (1941)
Spooks Run Wild (1941)
1941 | Comedy, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The East Side Kids Meet Dracula
Spooks Run Wild- is a funny entertaining horror movie starting the East Side Kids and of course Bela Lugosi as the creepy man/villian.

The plot: The East Side Kids are sent to summer camp, and shortly after arriving they encounter a mysterious man named Nardo (Bela Lugosi). Naturally, the Kids assume Nardo is the "monster killer" they've been warned about. Their theory is strengthened when they see Peewee (David Gorcey), seemingly risen from the dead after getting shot, walking around Nardo's house in a zombie-like trance. The Kids take it upon themselves to capture Nardo before he can kill anyone else.

Like i said its funny entertaining and over a good black and white comedy horror film.
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror

"Growing up, I had a poster of the mid-nineties Tony Todd remake of Night of the Living Dead hanging on my bedroom wall that I had gotten it from the local video store when they were planning on tossing it. I love the remake, but it was the original George Romero black-and-white film that made me want to be a storyteller. It made me want to be a horror movie makeup artist. Making movies looked like fun! And looking back, aside from all that, the film has a racial and social component that I think elevated it beyond the typical horror film. And it was cool to see a Latino last name in the credits, quite frankly."

The Night Caller (1965)
The Night Caller (1965)
1965 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Offbeat British sci-fi has a more than usually absurd plot but partly makes up for it with the usual virtues of inventiveness and sheer hard work (quality British actors keep very straight faces). Once the usual stuff with boffins and meteorites is out of the way, there's a definite attempt to bring something of the sensibility of the seedy British crime film into play, fairly successfully. Quite often this film is just a bit cleverer, funnier, and darker than you would expect. Doesn't stop the plot being quite so ridiculous, or the climax being a damp squib, but fun to watch regardless. (The garish colourised version in circulation is distractingly horrid; watch it in black and white if you can.)