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    Scanner and Text Grabber

    Scanner and Text Grabber

    Business and Utilities

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    Use your Apple device as an easy access scanner! This app lets you scan your documents easily. Just...

Lovecraft Country
Lovecraft Country
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
I usually wait until the end of a season to post about a show I've watched, but after just the first episode of Lovecraft Country I had to make sure everyone knows about this new show. From the opening scene I was sucked in with the force of an alien's tentacle. While hitchhikers may have a guide to the galaxy, in 1950's America a guide had to be written letting traveling black people know where it was safe to travel and stop during said travels. While writing the guide and also searching for a missing family member, the main characters played by the amazing talents of Jonathan Majors, Courtney B. Vance, and the oh so beautiful Jurnee Smollett are having to battle two evils, alien creatures and racist white men.
    Gymnastics Wallpapers HD

    Gymnastics Wallpapers HD

    Catalogs and Entertainment

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    Custom Wallpapers for Gymnastics HD is here to bring you only the best HD wallpapers for your...

Salvatore Giuliano (1962)
Salvatore Giuliano (1962)
1962 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Francesco Rosi’s great historical and political mosaic is a dramatic inquiry into the circumstances around the assassination of the Sicilian bandit Salvatore Giuliano. On one level, it’s an extremely complex film: there’s no central protagonist (Giuliano himself is not a character but a figure around which the action pivots), and it shifts between time frames and points of view. But it’s also a picture made from the inside, from a profound and lasting love and understanding of Sicily and its people and the treachery and corruption they’ve had to endure. It’s a rigorous investigation (Rosi actually uncovered new facts about the case), but it’s never dry, it has blood flowing through its veins, and it’s shot in black and white that is absolutely electrifying (the cinematographer was Gianni Di Venanzo, who shot many of the greatest Italian pictures of the ’50s and ’60s, including Antonioni’s L‘eclisse and Fellini’s 8½). And Salvatore Giuliano is, among many other things, a grand hymn to Sicily, the land of my family, and for that reason alone I cherish it."

They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
2018 | Documentary, History, War
Very moving
This doc is for everyone, not just people interested in military history. Peter Jackson has done an amazing job putting together a seamless, cohesive film from the many hours of footage he had available. I am usually not a fan of black and white films being colorized but in this case, it really adds to the viewer's experience. You'll get a real sense of what it was like on front lines of WWI and see the universal experience of the soldiers, no matter what country they were from. At times it's funny, at times heartbreaking, always intense. It's definitely a must-see. And do yourself a favor, stay after the credits for Peter Jackson's discussion about what it took to make this film. The amount of research and detail he and his team put into this film is awesome.

Andy K (10823 KP) Jan 4, 2019

I loved this soo much!

Framed/Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
Framed/Next by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Rock
2002 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"They were a fantastic live band and I saw them loads of times. Watching the way Alex was onstage taught me to let things flow and not be so tight-arsed. He improvised a lot. The Sensational Alex Harvey Band had a sense of threat – this feeling that he was a gangster, a bit of a hard guy, a bit shifty. There was a sense of menace in their stage performance, with Zal Cleminson dressed as this wacky clown, which was unnerving. We went through a phase like that – Paul used to get made up, half his face white and half black – when we did a lot of theatrics and a lot of that comes from Alex Harvey. I used to nail Steve Dawson’s DMs to the stage and he’d lean forward because he was nailed to the floor at the back."

A Hard Day's Night (1964)
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
1964 | Classics, Comedy, Musical
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw it when I was seven and it has stayed with me probably more than I’m aware of. I loved the Beatles and owned a bootleg single of “All My Loving,” so when the film came to my local cinema in Warsaw—called Moskwa (Moscow)—I queued up for half a day and got in. The film didn’t make much sense story-wise, but it was a mind-blowing experience. I remember it so vividly—the energy, the jokes, the crisp black-and-white shots, and above all the music. It’s a film that is carried by music, which was something new for me at the time. Was it the first music video? I think that British pop was responsible for some of the most inventive British films (OK, Richard Lester was American, but it’s still a very British film)."
