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Queen & Slim (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Another powerful film about racial tensions in America; this one is unusually subtle and sophisticated, too. A young couple are forced to kill a racist cop and go on the run from the authorities, falling in love as they go. The subtext - that the bias in the system inevitable ends up criminalising decent young folk - is obvious, but the film finds nuance as well. There are decent white people and corrupt black people, while the protagonists have no interest in bigger political issues - but find themselves being claimed as symbols or representatives of some dubious political movements.

The film seems to be suggesting that in a conflicted and corrupt world, the best thing is to find joy where you can, and the developing romance between the two leads is as memorable as any of the political or dramatic content. Possibly a bit overlong at two and a quarter hours, but an engaging, intelligent and moving film from the first moment to the last.
Such a Fun Age
Such a Fun Age
Kiley Reid | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
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This book had a topic that had drawn me in and I had high hopes for. Halfway through the book it seemed as if I had started reading an almost entirely different book. The dialogue and parts of the story had seemed to fall apart.

The only character I cared about only partially was Emira and her charge Briar. They had a cute relationship that did seem to grow. That however is the only part of the story that had growth. Alix had a white savior complex that was shown again and again leaving me feel disgusted while reading. After accusing her ex boyfriend from high school and Emira's current boyfriend of fetishizing black people and culture. The story then became about a successful women throwing everything away to get back at her high school boyfriend instead of the topic in which the book started out with.

In the end it just left me feeling gross, and sad for how these people had acted.