
Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Blair Witch (2016) in Movies
Jan 6, 2019

BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) rated The Ritual (2017) in Movies
Feb 21, 2018
Basically a Netflix Blair Witch
Well the plot wasn't really anything special and like I said it basically just felt like The Blair Witch Project in the end it was a really pretty movie which is kind of weird to walk away with but hey the setting was really great the story wasn't bad just nothing really new.
If you've got nothing to watch definitely check it out on Netflix.
If you've got nothing to watch definitely check it out on Netflix.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated The Ritual (2017) in Movies
Sep 12, 2018

Valerie Harridge (2118 KP) rated Blair Witch (2016) in Movies
Jul 11, 2019

Dean (6927 KP) rated The Last Exorcism (2010) in Movies
Feb 17, 2018 (Updated Jun 30, 2019)
A fairly average, slow to get going horror. It's basically an Exorcism version of Blair Witch. I didn't know in advance it was done in the style of a documentary. Does get a bit creepy later on, odd ending to which didn't seem to explain it all. Some will like that, others will be annoyed by it!

Dean (6927 KP) rated Troll Hunter (2010) in Movies
Aug 15, 2017
A nice surprise
I didn't expect much from this low budget Norwegian film, but it actually turned out to be very good. Even low budget effects these days can be very good, this film proves it with the Trolls featured in the film. The fact it is filmed in a documentary type of way worked well. Blair Witch meets Cloverfield, go watch and enjoy!

Lee (2222 KP) rated The Witch (2015) in Movies
Aug 24, 2017
Very little happens (1 more)
What does happen is anything but scary
It's not very often that I consider walking out of a movie. It's only happened on a handful of occasions and I usually try and stick it out, just in case I miss some huge U-turn which turns the movie from a 2 out of 10 to an 8 or a 9. The Witch was a movie I found myself hating early on. I stuck with it, hoping for that U-turn, but it never came. What people saw in this I'll never understand. But then I liked 'Blair Witch', so maybe it's me!

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated The Dinosaur Project (2012) in Movies
Jul 22, 2018
I stuck with it (1 more)
I've seen worse CGI and acting
Forgettable movie (2 more)
Not enough dinosaurs
Blair witch project meets Jurassic park?
Yet another £1 movie I discovered and I have to say it is not worth it. That is 1 hour and 20 mins I will never get back.
The front of the blu ray case says 'the best Dino film since Jurassic park". That is laughable. It might as well have been a monster movie because I did not see that many dinosaurs. Maybe 3 different types?
This is a found footage movie. This genre has been, I feel, exhausted. It is no longer fresh and unique. It felt a lot like Blair witch project with them trying to build a suspense but that was not there. A fear of the unknown which meant there was no action.
The acting isnt horrible and neither is the CGI. Only good things about it I guess. But the characters were forgettable and their relationships were not believable.
It is badly paced with a lot of slow talking scenes while doing a lot of travelling. It is a predictable movie with an obvious betrayal and and ending.
The front of the blu ray case says 'the best Dino film since Jurassic park". That is laughable. It might as well have been a monster movie because I did not see that many dinosaurs. Maybe 3 different types?
This is a found footage movie. This genre has been, I feel, exhausted. It is no longer fresh and unique. It felt a lot like Blair witch project with them trying to build a suspense but that was not there. A fear of the unknown which meant there was no action.
The acting isnt horrible and neither is the CGI. Only good things about it I guess. But the characters were forgettable and their relationships were not believable.
It is badly paced with a lot of slow talking scenes while doing a lot of travelling. It is a predictable movie with an obvious betrayal and and ending.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Blair Witch (2016) in Movies
Aug 12, 2017
Totally unnecessary sequel
The original Blair Witch film was a little overrated but fairly original and not entirely bad. Sadly this sequel doesn't even match this standard and really didn't need to be made. The plot starts off fairly irrationally with the main character believing that his sister (from the first film) is still alive 17 years later... and it doesn't get much better from there. The real scares are virtually non-existent and it just gets very stupid with lots of silly loud noises. Character development is lacking and the whole film is very underwhelming. Yet another below average found footage film.
Lee (2222 KP) Jan 6, 2019