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Dean (6925 KP) rated The Ritual (2017) in Movies

Apr 13, 2019 (Updated Apr 15, 2019)  
The Ritual  (2017)
The Ritual (2017)
2017 | Horror
Something different for the genre (0 more)
A different Horror trip
I've been wanting to see this for quite a while, so glad it showed up on Netflix and appears to be made by them as well.
It's definitely one that likes to build on tension and how the characters react to their surroundings. More in common with the Descent than Blair Witch for me, which is a good thing. The ending was a bit abrupt but it least it gave some explanation of what was going on. Top marks for being a bit different to most horror films relying on jump scares.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) Apr 16, 2019

I really enjoyed this one, but it seemed to have flown under the radar upon it's release.


Dean (6925 KP) Apr 16, 2019

It wasn't at the cinema long, I missed it and only spotted it on Netflix last week.

The Ritual  (2017)
The Ritual (2017)
2017 | Horror
Setting (1 more)
Creative monster design
While I'm not a huge horror fan, I do have an appreciation for this movie. The tension built up very well at some parts, but the main selling point for me was the monster design. I thought it was pretty cool and something I haven't really seen before (but, of course, I'm not well versed in horror, so what is novel for me may be commonplace for you). Also, the movie had some truly beautiful scenes due to its setting.

The move did have some scenes/shots that gave off Blair Witch Project vibes, but it didn't really take away anything from the movie for me.
Silent House (2011)
Silent House (2011)
2011 | Horror, Mystery
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Quite a strange be honest though it might have sounded good on paper and the twists and finale probably sounded interesting enough. The main problem is if you watch many films like this you could probably figure it all out within the first 10 minutes, I did. So what could have been great ends up being quite predictable and it becomes a slow film, even at 80mins long to an obvious conclusion. The filming style was ok, not quite Rec or Blair witch, but hand held and up close do add to the atmosphere of the film. A missed opportunity as there seem to be a lot of similar style films out at present.
The Ritual  (2017)
The Ritual (2017)
2017 | Horror
OK, this film isn't trying to do anything new. A bunch of friends decide to head off hiking and take a wrong turn/short cut into the woods. Luckily for us, they don't meet James Corden singing, instead they start to feel like they're being followed, have weird dreams and are eventually stalked by a strange giant monster (which is gradually revealed over time).
This does have a feel of the blair witch but benefits from not having that annoying "found footage" aspect where people running for their lives insist on filming the event.
The film builds tension brilliantly, has some particularly creepy moments and doesn't fall down for trying to explain what is happening too much. Rafe Spall is excellent and none of the characters make any stupid illogical decisions that cause you to shout at the screen.
Show all 6 comments.

Ross (3282 KP) Apr 25, 2018

yes it was on amazon prime, sorry


Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 25, 2018

Argh thanks I was hoping it'd be Netflix! Never mind


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Blair Witch in Video Games

Mar 13, 2021 (Updated Mar 13, 2021)  
Blair Witch
Blair Witch
2019 | Action, Horror, Strategy
The Witches Playground
Contains spoilers, click to show
Blair Witch- is a good psychological survival horror game. Its downfall, its only 6 hour or 6 and a half hours long. I wish it was longer. Also i died alot, some it was my purpose, other times come on. Also one to three glitches.

The game is set two years after the events of the 1999 film The Blair Witch Project, which takes place in 1994. The game follows former police officer Ellis Lynch as he joins the search in Black Hills Forest for a missing boy.

The game focuses on survival horror mechanics and stealth and is played from a first person perspective, requiring the player to use items such as a camera, cellphone, flashlight or Ellis' dog, Bullet, to track and follow the trail of missing nine-year old Peter Shannon while fending off shadowy creatures. Along the way, players will find strange wooden dolls, photographs and cassette tapes and will also be tasked with solving puzzles. Like the film, it integrates the found-footage subgenre with the gameplay and story, often through the use of cassette tapes.

It is crucial for the player to keep Bullet close to them at all times, as being separated from him for some time can affect the state of the character. The game's ending is dependent on the relationship between the player and the dog, accounting for the actions the player has done.

The game roughly takes up to six hours to complete, with a possibility of four endings and an additional secret ending.

The ending cutscene varies and depends on players completing certain requirements; the endings can either reveal that Lanning's body was never found or was recovered and buried with top honors, the lumberer Todd Mackinnon was found nearly beyond identification or recovered by his family to be buried, and Peter's fate can be unknown or revealed that he was ultimately murdered at Carver's hands or safely found by the authorities and returned to his family unscathed.

Its good but forgettable.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Cloverfield (2008) in Movies

Nov 16, 2017 (Updated Nov 16, 2017)  
Cloverfield (2008)
Cloverfield (2008)
2008 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Original (1 more)
Something for everyone
Immersive experience
WOW! This film is brilliant! What can I say believe the hype. This is such an engaging film you won't be able to take your eyes off the screen for a second. This is a mix of action, drama, disaster, and sci-fi all rolled into one and even with a touch of romance too. It was much better than I expected it to be given all the hype around it. The film is viewed through the playback of a camcorder after an event in New York, Kinda Blair Witch like but better. The first person feel of it really brings you into the action, panic and confusion as the events unfold. This is set to be a cult classic! If you haven't seen it yet put it to the top of your to watch/rental list! It feels like a roller-coaster ride you don't want to end!
Phoenix Forgotten (2017)
Phoenix Forgotten (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For what it's worth this is incredibly, incredibly convincing for what it is. The problem is that it's actually *too* convincing - this is so caught up in crafting a dead-ringer documentary (albeit admirably so) that it forgets to actually put horror movie stuff in too until the last act when this type of movie is required to spiral out of control. Essentially a beat-for-beat ripoff of all three Blair Witch movies but with aliens instead of the witch, honestly not a terrible concept and this still ends up being way better than at least one of those films anyway. Decently immersive, brisk, and engaging for the dirt cheap prices you can find this for even if it never fully sells itself on its premise. On the one hand I appreciate that this never (bar one sole time) jumps the gun by throwing in cheap jump scares before the buildup has set in (a rarity with these things) but that buildup just lasts too damn long, no excuses. Super well put together but it needed a lot less (or at least more fleshed-out) docu-stuff with that crushingly blandass lead (who conveniently is the only less-than-perfect performance in a film chock full of expert ones [particularly Chelsea Lopez, who gives a tour de force one]) and more eerie found footage stuff with the teens. Eventually turns into exactly what you'd expect. Far from that bad, but still a shame.
Blair Witch (2016)
Blair Witch (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
Actually scary at times (0 more)
Too similar in places to the original (0 more)
Yeah, I preferred this to the original...
The original Blair Witch movie came out in 1999 (wow, where has the time gone?!) in the good old days when you could get hold of a US DVD import in the UK before a movie was even released on UK cinema screens. I remember The Blair Witch Project being released in the UK on Halloween, the same day that the US DVD was delivered to my house! I excitedly sat down to watch it that evening with my family while everyone else had to go out in the cold rainy weather to watch it at the cinema, and I remember at the end of the movie we all kind of looked at each other as if to say “is that it…?!” All the hype, all the usual crap about it being absolutely terrifying and the scariest movie ever made and it was just a bunch of people getting spooked in the woods! To be fair, it wasn’t that bad, but it just wasn’t as scary or as fantastic as we’d been led to believe. The movie spawned a forgettable sequel and since then, despite being done to death, far superior found footage movies have come along and done it all a hell of a lot better. Then, out of the blue in July last year, a movie which had been previously marketed as ‘The Woods’ was revealed to actually be ‘Blair Witch’. The trailer looked OK, not great but interesting enough. But, once again we’re being subjected to all the usual marketing crap about it being terrifying and the scariest thing you’ve ever seen… blah, blah, blah…

James Donahue is the brother of Heather, who was one of the central characters in the first film. We join him 22 years after the original, as he prepares to lead a new bunch of characters into the Burkittsville woods. They meet up with a couple of young locals, who offer to be their guide, and off they head, into the woods where their video footage will later be discovered. This time round, the array of cameras capturing the footage has vastly improved. As well as the standard handhelds, we’ve got ear piece cams, drone cams, night cams. All offering new and interesting ways to capture the action.

Things mostly follow a similar path to the original – strange noises, weird stuff happening with time, thinking you’re heading in one direction when you’re going around in circles, juddery camera movements where it’s difficult to tell what the hell is going on. But… you do actually see things this time, the noises that you hear are terrifying, the characters are far more interesting and believable than those in the original. And the final act when we find ourselves back in the house from the first movie is seriously the stuff of nightmares.

Director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett, both have an excellent recent track record (see You’re Next and The Guest) and their influence on this movie has taken this story to another level. This is a far superior movie to the original and yes, it is truly terrifying.
Out of the Shadows (2017)
Out of the Shadows (2017)
2017 | Horror
Lots of jumping out of your seat
So the story is flimsy and it seems like a seriously low budget production, plus the documentary style horror has been done to death (excuse the pun) - so expect a lot of cheap thrills.

The premise of this film begins with a ghost hunter who was haunted by his mistake of leaving his friend inside of an asylum after being chased by ghosts. He is then approached again some years later to return to the scene of the crime to find out what happened there.

No doubt, I did keep having to distract myself with my phone in order to avoid keep jumping out of my seat. The main poltergeist /demon in question is more than slightly creepy but there was too much of a mish mash of horror stories. From Blair Witch, The Grudge to The Quiet Ones, all of which did a lot better with the genre. So if you want to see a life-changing film, this isn't it.