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A Study in Charlotte (Charlotte Holmes, #1)
A Study in Charlotte (Charlotte Holmes, #1)
Brittany Cavallaro | 2016 | Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’re a fan of re-tellings then you will love A Study in Charlotte, a contemporary novel that follows the lives of a new generation of Sherlock and Holmes. Jamie Watson’s life is turned upside down when he is sent to a boarding school in Connecticut that just so happens to be close to his father’s house. The same man that got remarried and Jamie hasn’t spoken to in years. Despite his protests Jamie finds himself at this new school and longing for London. The one bright spot? Charlotte Holmes, whose accent makes him feel like home and won’t give him the time of day. As the only Holmes around his age, Jamie has been dreaming about Charlotte since he learned her name. He wonders what she looks like and imagines blonde hair, creating fantastic stories in his head of their crime solving adventure and friendship reminiscent of the original Sherlock and Holmes. His dreams aren’t exactly grounded in reality and it turns out that she has dark hair, but he’s not fazed. He manages to become friendly, if not friends with Holmes.

Charlotte and Jamie are wonderful, contemporary versions of their counterparts with familiar attributes while still being their own unique characters. Charlotte has a problem with narcotics, plays the violin and can usually be found with her beakers and test tubes (hopefully not blowing anything up). Jamie wants to be a writer, is a decent rugby player (despite what his scholarship might lead you to believe) and is braver than he thinks. Their best-friendship is appealing and realistic, despite Charlotte’s unique outlook on how to treat other human beings. You fall in love with the characters, whether you relate to Charlotte, Jamie, a little of both, or maybe one of the other supporting characters – you’ll find yourself enjoying this novel.

Each character even has a well thought out backstory that we learn more about throughout the course of the novel. What events and mistakes lead to Charlotte being sent to a boarding school in Connecticut when she should be in England? If a Moriarty and narcotics are involved, then you know it’s going to be intense – especially when the famous crime family isn’t particularly forgiving. Jamie’s story is less thrilling but no less important to his character. Not everyone is as they appear, some have secrets, some don’t always make the best choices, but it all drives the story forward. The book is full of poison, explosions, spying, chases and other staples of great mysteries.

The book has a lot of nods to classic Sherlock and Watson adventures and sometimes outright mentions them. As a huge Sherlock fan, from the classic novels of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the modern BBC creation – this book was perfection. I loved how it felt like a new story featuring some of my favourite characters and it kept you guessing until the end. The action and plot were well paced, allowing the story to unfold like a mystery should. Don’t worry, Moriarty’s were included in the writing of this story.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen fans of mystery, contemporary, or the classic Sherlock Holmes novels. I fell in love with this series and can’t wait to see where it goes from here.
Because murderers are never who you expect…
She was the quiet one… but is she guilty?
For twin sisters Rose and Bel, enrolling at the prestigious new boarding school should have been a fresh start. But with its sinister rituals and traditions, Odell soon brings out a deadly rivalry between the sisters.
For Sarah and husband Heath, the chance to teach at Odell seems like the best thing that ever happened to their small family – a chance to rise through the ranks and put the past behind them.
Until one dark night ends in murder.
But who’s guilty and who’s telling the truth? And who’s been in on it all along..?

The author does a great job with the characters in this book as whilst they are fairly stereotypical I felt they were well developed and I enjoyed learning more about them. The twins are very different to one another and it was interesting to see their different friends and experiences at school. I’ve seen a couple of reviewers describe one group as similar to those in the film ‘mean girls’ which I would say was accurate.
The mystery of who has died was very well done and I liked the suspense and gradual revealing of this. The reader is aware that one twin has been held for this murder at the beginning of the book but not which one. This is gradually revealed through a series of flashbacks and police interviews which made for quite gripping reading.
The ending was great it was as I'd expected but there was a sneaky little surprise that I hadn't been expecting and so that gave the ending to the book that little something bit extra.

I highly recommend this book and if you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the author's debut book of It's Always the Husband.

Thanks to HQ and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I am a HUGE fan of Megan Miranda. I love the way she writes, and I love the plot of her stories. When I saw Hysteria by her, I knew I had to read this book! I must say that she didn't disappoint me.

Mallory killed her ex-boyfriend in self defense, so she claims, but she can't really remember what happened that night. Mallory's parents ship her off to a boarding school to get her away from everything that happened back at home. However, she can't help but feel that her ex-boyfriend's ghost has followed her. She can hear his heartbeat. She has the impression of a hand indented on her shoulder from where she's being grabbed by his ghost. Not long after Mallory arrives, another pupil is found dead in her room. Mallory claims she was sleeping and can't remember anything. Could she have possibly done it? Is Mallory a killer?

The title of this book called out to me. Hysteria is a brilliant title for this book, and it suits the story rather well.

How wicked does the cover to Hysteria look!?! The cover was another aspect that made me want to read this book. Whilst the cover doesn't really let you know too much about what's going on with the story, the design is still amazing!

I loved how the setting of this book mostly took place at some old boarding school surrounded by a forest. Yes, it is a bit cliched, but it worked well for this book.

The pacing was fantastic. There was never a dull moment in this book. I kept on reading without ever wanting to put this book down. It is very action packed and thrilling!

As for the dialogue, I felt it was fantastic. I imagined it to be exactly how older teens would speak. Be warned that there are a few swear words, but they aren't overly used just for the sake of swearing. The dialogue is smooth and never once feels forced.

The characters of this story were developed quite well. I loved how Mallory seemed very down to Earth, yet was always trying to get her memories back. She just felt very real. Reid was fantastic! I loved the way he wanted to protect Mallory. Colleen was my favourite character. I loved her free spirited attitude towards everything!

Overall, I thought this story was very well executed. There weren't really any major plot twists, I thought, but the story itself was really great!! This had me on the edge of my seat...well my bed as I was laying down reading it.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 15+ as it's such a good book!

Lenard (726 KP) rated Tolkien (2019) in Movies

May 19, 2019  
Tolkien (2019)
Tolkien (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Tolkien is a biopic of author/professor JRR Tolkien, the writer of The Hobbit and other fantasy novels. The only reason it was greenlit was to ensnare fans of the LOTR. The film opens with Ronald in the trenches of Belgium during WWI suffering from trench fever. He is overcome with a need to find his friend who he learns is nearby and in dire trouble. We then flashback to his country childhood home located in a village reminiscent of The Shire from his novels. His father has died and left the family with little hope of survival. The church has found a new home for the Tolkiens in Lake-town, I mean Birmingham. Soon, his mother is dead, Ronald and his brother become wards of the Catholic Church and are moved into the home of elderly woman who already cares for a young female pianist. Tolkien earns scholarship to a local private school where he accidentally becomes friends with other artistically inclined young men. One of whom, the poet, is secretly in love with Tolkien. Thus, with a kiss, I die in the trenches of Belgium fron poison gas. The whole film spends so much time finding connections to his famous novels, it never really gets to know the writer himself. Plus, Nicholas Hoult does not help much playing the writer like a Hugh Grant rom-com character. He even does the squinting quirk multiple times to romance his boarding house companion.