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The Broken Girls
The Broken Girls
Simone St. James | 2018 | Horror, Thriller
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story goes back and forth between the past through the eyes of four roommates at Idlewild Hall, a creepy boarding school for outcast girls, and the present through a journalist named Fiona Sheridan. Fiona’s sister was murdered and found in the Idlewild Hall grounds, which had been long abandoned, and something never sat quite right with her. As Idlewild is bought and renovations begin, Fiona is drawn to it by her journalist instincts as well as the prospect of finding out what really happened to her sister.
This was a quick read. I loved the different narratives and learning about each of the Idlewild girls, as well as present-day Fiona and her desire to truly close her sister’s case. There was a big supernatural part that I didn’t expect, but it really worked. There were also some historical aspects that I enjoyed. The suspense and fear were so real in this book and kept me turning page after page because I had to find out what was going on! The stories you learn from all the different perspectives come together quite nicely and all questions are answered in a satisfying ending.
When Edwina’s funds get low enough, she starts advertising for a boarder. Fortunately for her, Beryl sees it. The two women, though very different, are boarding school friends, and this new living arrangement suits them both. But Beryl’s presence in Edwina’s small village creates some gossip, which Beryl fuels by hinting that the two women are actually employed by His Majesty. When someone tries to kill Edwina, the two realize there is a secret to uncover. What might it be?

This book perfectly transports us back to 1920 and the English countryside. The repercussions of World War I are still there, and it is a fascinating look at how the war affected the rest of life. The British Edwina and American Beryl are very different, and their differences can be fun, yet they make a good detecting pair, and we feel the depth of their friendship. The plot is strong, keeping us surprised until the end.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
She Was The Quiet One
She Was The Quiet One
Michele Campbell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting read if a bit predictable
After the death of their mother, twins Rose and Bel Enright wind up at Odell Academy in New Hampshire. They are sent by their wealthy grandmother, who has no idea what to do with the teenagers now foisted upon her. Rose is the good twin--good grades, good friends, good behavior. Bel, on the other hand, is known for going a bit wild. But it was Bel their mother favored--much to Rose's consternation. Floundering after the loss of their mother, Bel winds up with the wrong crowd at school and then turns on Rose when she calls her out on it. Meanwhile, Heath and Sarah Donovan have been brought in to clean up Moreland Hall, the dormitory where the twins are staying. It has developed a reputation for trouble. It's a daunting task, especially since so many of the girls come from storied, rich Odell families. Both Sarah and Heath are Moreland alums--they met at the school--and not all of their memories are pleasant. As for Heath, his dreams extend far beyond teaching high school English. But something in his past holds him back; he's hoping to parlay their time at Moreland into something more. But soon things at Moreland--and Odell--are out of control, with the Enright twins and the Donovans right in the middle of all the trouble.

From the beginning of the novel, we immediately know that an Enright sister is dead, but not which one. The narration from Bel, Rose, and Sarah is interspersed with snippets from police interviews, as we try to piece together exactly what happened to lead to murder. This was perhaps my favorite part of the story--trying to figure out who had been killed--and why the other sister is the prime suspect. The format of the novel is very well-done and extremely compelling.

In the beginning, some of the dialogue seemed stilted: I couldn't imagine the sisters really talking to each other in particular ways, for instance. Rose and Bel's instant fighting seemed rash, and it was hard to take. In fact, the entire boarding school drama seemed a little too much, at times. I understand the fact that girls can quickly turn on each other--especially when they all live together--but the twins threatening to kill each other over a sweater? It was tough and it was a lot of drama, so fast, so often. Rose was incredibly prissy and tough to like for a lot of the novel. And then poor Sarah, who was such a doormat, with an incredible lack of judgement--she was a hard character to find sympathy for as well.

The novel also seemed to march toward a fairly inevitable conclusion. I kept waiting for a big twist or surprise to throw me off and while the epilogue offered a little bit of that, there really wasn't much. The book focuses more on the unraveling of the families than twists and turns, and that was a little disappointing for me. I like to be thrown off the trail a few times.

Still, I really enjoyed the format of this one: wondering and waiting to find out who was dead, along with the pieces from the interviews. I liked the boarding school setting and how it added to the story. While I didn't always enjoy all the characters, I really came to feel for for Bel Enright, and I did sympathize with Rose, as well. Even if things were fairly predictable, Campbell kept me reading and interested the entire time. 3+ stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).

Tim Booth recommended Fun House by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Fun House by The Stooges
Fun House by The Stooges
1970 | Punk, Rock
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"A year after the punk gig debacle, when the school banned me from organising outings to gigs, I went to the housemaster about an Iggy Pop gig in Manchester. I explained that Iggy wasn't technically a punk and had been around ten years longer than punk music. I asked him if I could organise a trip to see the show and, very reluctantly, he agreed to me taking five people, as long as I could find a teacher to drive us there. I tried every single teacher in school and everybody turned me down, except the school organist, Mr Parks. God bless him. He had been in a boarding school himself, went to Cambridge and then back to playing classical organ for a choir at another boarding school. He had no experience of life and when he talked to you, he would never look you in the eye. He was a very damaged, sweet human being. And I persuaded the poor fucker to take us to see Iggy Pop at Manchester Apollo. Iggy, fresh out of a psychiatric hospital, who was playing the Lust For Life tour. We knew when we got there that we had to ditch Mr Parks quickly or he would yank us out of the gig. We got the venue and we ditched him. Iggy came on, covered in blood and with a devil's tail between his legs, fucked out of his mind, and throughout the show, his own security would pick him up off the floor and prop him against the mike. He would crawl into the audience and the bouncers were so terrified that they were attacking anyone. I was punched in the face for the first time, aged 16, at a gig by a bouncer who was trying to get away from a blood-covered Iggy Pop. The gig was jaw dropping. It was real, it was primal and Iggy was a force of nature. He looked like the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He looked like Nureyev on bad acid. I am not gay – I wish I was, or at least bisexual – but I fell in love. It was profound and it was beautiful – and Iggy, of course, created punk music. Afterwards, we made our way back to the car, thinking ""we are grounded for fucking life"" and that we might be expelled. We found Mr Parks and for the first time he looked me in the eye and said, ""That was incredible – I have never seen anything like it. Musically, it was very simple, but it was the most exciting thing I have ever seen in my life."" The man wouldn't stop talking all the way back in the car about this revelation. So, Iggy saved my life and probably saved Mr Park's life too. I have met Iggy. I have met James Osterberg, too – which is very different to meeting Iggy Pop – a few times. He is the most articulate, intelligent man. He was reading Dostoyevsky's The Idiot when I first met him. He is witty, gawky and very worthy of my love. I could have chosen a number of his albums, including The Idiot and Lust For Life. I wouldn't choose the more obvious one, Raw Power, because I don't like the production. Fun House is raw, fucked-up and has some astonishing moments and it has primal Iggy all over it. For years, Iggy garnered little respect. As a devotee, seeing him get respect in recent years has been great. I am very happy that the world has recognised him for the artist that he is."

A Little Christmas: Jacob
A Little Christmas: Jacob
TL Travis | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: JACOB tells the sad story of Jacob being passed from pillar to post from birth. Sent off to Boarding School at a young age, he never saw his father again. Things went as well as can be expected for him at school until his father got arrested. Then the Headmistress really comes into her own and Jacob ends up being kicked to the curb on Christmas Day when he turns eighteen. Luckily for him, after a rocky time, Richard finds him and saves his life. Under Richard's care and guidance, Jacob realises just who and what he is.

I did enjoy this story and found it to be a great addition to the Little Christmas series but it just didn't work as well for me as some of the others. Jacob was definitely broken and Richard was the one to mend him, with plenty of loving care. There was something about Jacob that didn't sit right with me whereas I found Richard to be a sweetie.

The pacing is smooth with some tender and hot scenes. I think this is the first book by this author I have read and I will definitely read some more. I don't know what it was about Jacob that didn't work, but it certainly hasn't put me off this author or Daddy/littles. Recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Furies in Books

Sep 26, 2019  
The Furies
The Furies
Katie Lowe | 2019 | Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Violet joins Elm Hollow after the death of her little sister and father. It's a private girls school that has a history of magic and witchcraft thanks to an association with the 17th century witch trials. Violet finds herself drawn to three girls--Robin, Grace, and Alex. She becomes close with them, particularly Robin, and finds herself invited to an advanced study group led by their art teacher, Annabel, which goes into more depth about the witchcraft practiced at the school so long ago. The girls seem to think the magic is real, and that they can harness it. Always lurking in the background is Emily Frost--Robin's former best friend--who died before Violet came to Elm Hollow. She and Violet look very similar. As time passes, Violet starts to wonder if the witchcraft is real. And what really happened to Emily?

The girl is found dead on a swing on a playground on Elm Hollow Academy property--no known cause of death. That's how this novel opens, and then we have Violet, who tells us the story looking back, recounting her time at Elm Hollow. So the story opens dramatically and we know something has terrible happened. And that Violet makes it out okay.

"Inconclusive, they said, as though that changed the fact of it, which was this: a sixteen-year-old girl, dead on school property, without a single clue to suggest why or how."

This book should be been really good--I'm a sucker for private school tales (I thought it was a boarding school one, as well, but it wasn't)--but it just didn't work for me. I thought about putting it aside several times, but I just couldn't. I need to work on my DNF skills.

There is a lot here: two dead girls; witchcraft and the occult; mythology; friendship and coming of age--and none of it feels fully explored. A lot of the book focuses on mythology as Annabel teaches some of it to the girls (I felt myself skimming over that, and I like mythology). There's the focus on witchcraft, but it never seems fully embraced. There's a lot of violence (won't go too far for spoilers) but there are never really any consequences. It's very strange, and honestly, not the sort of YA book I'd encourage for teens.

And, then, I just didn't care for these characters. Robin is hateful, and I couldn't form a bond with Violet, our narrator. That would be all well and good if the action was enough to keep my interest, but it wasn't. The book just felt jumbled, and I wasn't interested in picking it up. Even a few late twists didn't really redeem things for me.

Lots of others have found the story powerful, however, so if you like mean girls with a side of possible witchcraft, you may enjoy this more. 2 stars.
Anna and the French Kiss
Anna and the French Kiss
Stephanie Perkins | 2010 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
What happens when your nouveau-riche father decides that his daughter needs to be more cultures? Your entire world is flipped upside-down as you're sent to a boarding school in a country where you don't speak the language. That's exactly what happens to Anna when she's sent to the School of America, in Paris. She now must make new friends, try to stay in touch with her old ones and the most terrifying ordeal of all? Ordering her meals in French. She might want some nice fresh <i>pain</i> (bread) but ends up saying <i>paon</i> (peacock). Yum, <i>paon</i> and <i>fromage</i> for breakfast.

It may seem strange, but I enjoy the use of language in this book. I think accents, like St. Clair's are written very authentically. Bridge's love of words is a great way to introduce readers to new worlds. (And seriously inspires me to see if I can find a set of Oxford English Dictionaries for my personal library.) The use of foreign languages in books can be tricky to do well, but I think the author struck a balance brilliantly.

I find Anna very relatable - it doesn't hurt that she's a fellow lefty. But I also feel like she reads older than she is. Throughout the novel, I feel like she is at University (aged 19-20) rather than still in high school. Her desire to be a film ritic is how I feel about books and reviewing. She says, "I just like... expressing my opinion. That possiblity of turning someone on to something really great." Reading is my passion and I wan to share that with people. If I can introduce them to a book I've fallen in love with and it touches them in some way - I'm happy.

When I read the novel, I can feel myself walking along the Seine or admiring Notre Dame. Paris is a beautiful setting adn the author represents it wonderfully. It is one of those novels that gives you wanderlust and an undeniable urge to visit the places that Anna does.
If You Could See the Sun
Ann Liang | 2022 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alice Sun strives to be the very best of her class at her elite Beigin international boarding school, where she is the only student with a (partial) scholarship. She’s around China’s most rich and influential teens and she needs to do everything she can to get a leg up. But one day, she starts to turn invisible, as in, no one can actually see her type of invisible.

When she realizes she can use her new power in exchange for money she desperately needs, especially since her parents have dropped the bomb shell that they can no longer afford her school tuition after this semester, Alice will discover all the secrets her classmates have.

But as the tasks escalate from petty scandals to actual illegal crimes, Alice must decide what it's all worth.

This was a very quick and engrossing read for me and I was very interested in how it would all play out. I also enjoyed how the power Alice has of invisibility is never quite mastered and she doesn’t know when she will have the ability.

This is the second book I’ve read recently where the main character absolutely hates their rival and they then become friends with said rival and the rival is utterly confused by the actual hatred and then they fall in love. I couldn’t love it more! Ann Liang does the rivalry so perfectly that within the first few pages I was cheering for Alice to open her eyes and for them to kiss.

Overall, I stayed for the love trope between Alice and Henry, but also to see how Alice would handle the big situation she got herself in. Will be recommending this to quite a few people whom I know will enjoy it.

*Thank you Inkyard Press for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
The Secret Place
The Secret Place
Tana French | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fifth installment in Tana French's Dublin Murder Squad series reintroduces some familiar faces, notably Holly Mackey, Frank Mackey, and Stephen Moran from French's [b:Faithful Place|7093952|Faithful Place (Dublin Murder Squad, #3)|Tana French||7350661]. Detective Moran is toiling away in Cold Cases, dreaming of joining the Murder Squad, when Holly shows up. She holds in her hand a card reading "I know who killed him," featuring a photo of Chris Harper, a handsome boy from a private school who was killed a year ago. Suddenly, Stephen finds himself inserted into the middle of St. Kilda's School, Holly's private all-girls' school, the neighborhood school to Chris', and the place where his body was found. Stephen joins up with the Murder Squad's Detective Antoinette Conway, one of the original leads on Chris' case, to find out what happened. But Stephen quickly realizes that Antoinette isn't a popular figure in the Squad, and that the girls of St. Kilda's are a tight-knit, complicated bunch whose interconnected relationships present Conway and Moran many obstacles in finding Chris' killer. Can they find the killer before the girls close ranks for good?

This was a typical Tana French mystery in many ways. This novel is compelling, as always, featuring thoughtful and reflective characters and a detailed, well-plotted mystery. The story is told in alternating chapters by Stephen (in the present-day) and then flashes back to various sections told by the girls of St. Kilda's, who are telling bits of the story leading up to Chris' death. It's an excellent technique because Stephen's portion covers basically 24 hours, as he and Antoinette rush to solve the crime before the girls can cover their tracks once and for all. But by going into the past, French effectively builds suspense and allows us to meet the various teens in her tale (about eight in all, which is a lot at times).

Overall, she does an good job of capturing teen culture: particularly, I'm sure, the culture of British teens in boarding school (shockingly, something I'm not too familiar with). While the descriptions of the girls gets a little tedious (a lot of blond, straightened hair), their personalities are clear and develop easily over the course of the novel. The commentary on the bonds of teen friendship is excellent. For me, Stephen wasn't one of my all-time favorite French protagonists, but I enjoyed the dynamic between him and Conway and how the window into their lives is basically less than 24 hours.

The mystery portion was a little less enjoyable for me than some of French's other novels and a bit of a let down at the end, but it was still a great read. One of my favorite things about French's books is how they easily transport you into another world while reading--you find yourself lost in the characters and their world--and this one was no exception. 3.5 strong stars. I'm looking forward to her next novel, which is supposed to feature Conway again.

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Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Girlhood in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Cat Clarke | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a bittersweet twist, Harper’s parent’s won the lottery the day after Harper’s twin sister died. With this windfall she is able to go to a very expensive boarding school of which she really doesn’t fit into. Or maybe she does? Just not in the way you expect.

When Kirsty the new girl appears, she and Harper get on very well. They have so much in common it’s unbelievable! And that’s just the point. It soon becomes clear some things she’s told Harper do not quite add up, but why would she lie to such a good friend? What could she be hiding?

I have to say this story surprised me, because I felt the pink cover portrayed a completely different theme to what I was expecting, which was a lighthearted YA/ children’s book, but the characters had much more depth and were so realistic, it was an absolute pleasure to read! I’m pretty keen to check out Cat Clarke’s back list and I know she has a lot more books out now.

In addition, Girlhood is a diverse read with characters from different ethnicities included. Yes, it is largely LGBTQ+ themed too, but it’s not the main basis of the plot, which is quite suspenseful and at times deliciously creepy. Like I said, not what I expected – in a good way!