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Endeavor (Voyagers #4)
Endeavor (Voyagers #4)
Ava Olsen | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ENDEAVOR is the fourth book in the Voyagers series and I'm really hoping isn't the end! After all, as was pointed out, Charlie hasn't found love yet. Please tell me there is more to come!

Anyway, back to this one...

Jared, Alex, and Aiden are all characters we have met in the previous books. Alex is Jarad's bodyguard, and Aiden is his lawyer. The sparks have been there for all to see but they haven't acted on for numerous reasons. But then they stay on Now, Voyager and the love spell works once again.

This was a hard read in places, dealing with stalkers, sexual assault, depression and PTSD, to name just a couple of topics. However, they are perfectly written, with no quick fixes, just understanding and compassion.

It was also hot as hell, and not just because they're in Thailand for part of it! They may have a multitude of reasons, but once they decide to go for it, phew! Hold onto your hats! Hot and steamy and so full of feelings.

Once I started this, I couldn't put it down. Absolutely fantastic and HIGHLY recommended by me.

Just... please tell me there's another book. Please?!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 14, 2023
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
The double act bickering of Reynolds and Jackson (1 more)
Salma Hayek!
Not a very groundbreaking plot (0 more)
Surprisingly Good
I wasn't sure what to make of The Hitman's Bodyguard when I first saw the poster. Movies which try to squeeze some comedy out of two people being thrown together who don't really like each other generally tend to suck. But then I saw the trailer, which made it look entertaining and worth a watch. However, if it hadn't been for the fact that I was away on holiday last week I may well have read some of the early negative reviews and thought about giving it a miss. Luckily though, I was on holiday, I didn't read any reviews and I ended up watching one of the funniest action packed movies I've seen in a while.

Ryan Reynolds is Michael Bryce, a 'Triple-A' bodyguard with a hot girlfriend, nice house, nice car and a smart suit. He likes to make sure that the protection of his clients runs like clockwork (boring is best, as he likes to remind his team!). So when things go badly wrong on a job, Bryce suddenly finds himself way back down the ladder when it comes to landing quality bodyguard roles. Consequently, his expensive lifestyle takes a big hit and we join him 2 years down the line, unshaven and peeing into a bottle while sitting in his beat up car before heading into a job.

Meanwhile, Samuel L Jackson is Darius Kincaid, a hitman being escorted by Interpol from Manchester to testify in Holland at The Hague. The man he is testifying against is warlord Vladislav Dukhovich (Gary Oldman, suitably evil). A nasty piece of work determined to take out anyone with the potential to put him behind bars. So when the escort accompanying Kincaid takes a hit, it becomes clear that someone in Interpol has been leaking their route, and Bryce ends up landing the role of escorting Kincaid for the rest of his trip to The Netherlands. Turns out though that Bryce and Kincaid have history, with Kincaid nearly killing Bryce on 28 previous occasions, so their initial meeting doesn't go too well. Eventually the pair reach enough of an understanding so that they can head out on the road together, down through the English countryside. It's their constant bickering on this road trip that then provides a lot of the humour for the movie. Bryce is pretty particular when it comes to how smoothly these things should be handled, whereas Kincaid just likes to get things done and screw the consequences. The word 'motherfucker' gets used to great effect A LOT by Jackson (as Bryce puts it, “This guy single-handedly ruined the word ‘motherfucker’”) and Bryce continues to be frustrated and amazed at just how 'un-killable' Kincaid appears to be.

It's not very long before the bad guys are on their tail though, leading to a succession of more and more complex action sequences. These hit a real high when everyone reaches The Netherlands, with an exciting chase through the streets and canals of Amsterdam kicking things off nicely. The only complaint with this, and the rest of the action in the movie, is that there does appears to be a never ending supply of bad guys lining up to take them out. Just when you think we're down to the final few, another wave of vehicles appears, all full of weapon waving maniacs! I loved all of the action in the movie, but because of this it does constantly run the risk of seeming a little too dragged out. It's a very fine line.

Before I forget, a special mention to Salma Hayek who stars as the wife of Kincaid. Despite being locked in a cell for the entire movie, she gets more than her fair share of funny lines and action, mainly in flashbacks where we get to see just how much of a foul mouthed bad ass she really is. Taking no crap from anyone, she's brilliant.

Although there's nothing really here that hasn't been done before, it was the brilliant double act of Reynolds and Jackson that really made this worth seeing for me. That, along with the hugely entertaining action sequences. Judging by other reviews though, I think it's just my taste in these movies that's different from most others. I actually hated last years 'The Nice Guys', while everyone else seemed to love it so I guess I'm just going to be in the minority when it comes to this movie too!
A Perfect Blood (The Hollows, #10)
Kim Harrison | 2012 | Mystery
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harrison pulls off another stellar installment in the Hollows series, a book I could hardly put down for anything. Rachel Morgan's drama expands to epic proportions with the threat of HAPA, an underground organization that is working to eradicate all non-human species. Combine that with Rachel's neutered magic thanks to Trent's bracelet, and it's a catastrophe waiting to happen. My frustration at Rachel's indecision is near constant from cover to cover, and that is just with the bracelet situation.
Rachel's romantic interest is also in limbo, as she ignores her attraction to Trent and bickers with her new bodyguard, Wayde - yet another source of frustration. Meanwhile, romance buds for both Ivy and Jenks, and secrets hover in the periphery, such as Glenn's personal motivations and the identity of the vampire Felix. The subplots provide nice diversions to the main one, and will expand in the next book in the series certainly.
The introduction of HAPA to the series also adds some backstory to the history prior to the beginning of the series as to the revealing of the inderland species, which I appreciate. Once upon a time, HAPA was much more vocal about their hatred for the inderlanders, and now it seems they have a much greater presence than previously assumed. This provides much fodder for plot possibilities!
I also rather enjoyed the interactions between Al and Trent's family at the end of the book. Personally, I think Harrison could turn Al into a very good dad - and children could be the key to truly taming him. Just keep writing, Harrison!
Are You Experienced? by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Are You Experienced? by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
1967 | Blues, Psychedelic, Rock
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'd only heard the singles on the radio in America, and my mother happened to be going to Germany. I said to her: "Get me any copies you can of Jimi Hendrix." Because I loved the shiny covers that you guys got in Europe, unlike the crappy covers we got. This was 1967. The first time I heard him was 'Hey Joe', on the radio. The playing was so fluid. I kept wondering how many people there were in the band. I got to meet them on their very first tour. [He pulls out his phone, and shows a photo of Hendrix, taken on Febuary 28 1968, at a club in Madison, Wisconsin, followed by a photo of the poster for the gig, at which he was supported by Soft Machine]. It was $3.50 to get in, and I got to see two shows - a six o'clock and a 9.30 show. The photo is backstage at that show. I was thinking: "Man, a guy who looks that cool …" It was the best ever show. I've been around so long that I ended up knowing the guy who was his bodyguard - he worked for us for a while. He wasn't a sweet guy, he was a "sleep with the fishes" kind of guy. He said he used to go out with Jimi and they would goof off, and there was nothing mysterious about him. Hendrix had it all: the voice, the songwriting, the guitar playing, and the weirdness. He was from outer space."

Ninja Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
So I have Cookie O’Gorman’s debut novel, <i>Adorkable </i>sitting in my Kindle app, and I can’t wait to read it because it sounds freakishly adorable, and I am all about adorable books (I like to mention <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Imperfect Chemistry</a></i> for the New Adult readers).

<i>Ninja Girl</i> is O’Gorman’s second novel, and it does seem like a second book in a stand-alone series since from what I know, the love interest of this book, Ash, makes an appearance in <i>Adorkable </i>and the couple in that book make an appearance here. (Did I make sense or was that too weird?)

What drew me to <i>Ninja Girl</i> in the first place is the Korean MC, Snow, who looks up to Bruce Lee as her role model and makes her decisions based on what she thinks Bruce Lee would approve. She’s phenomenal at martial arts, which makes her stick out from her group of “friends” because she’s considered a tomboy. To prove that she is indeed a girl, Snow decides to kiss an entirely random guy, someone she would never typically go for, who turns out to be the son of a running candidate for the Senate that recently got pulled out of his life in a public school to a private school.

<i>Ninja Girl</i> reverses the whole damsel in distress and boy saves girl trope - instead, Snow is the one who saves Ash. Snow is recruited as Ash’s bodyguard when his father starts getting more threats as they get closer to elections. It’s just so refreshing to see a familiar trope being reversed and breaking out of the norm (and of course, O’Gorman isn’t the only one who does this, but I’m extremely glad there’s another female character to root for).

It is a very nitpicky thing, but I am a little bothered by the title since ninja originates from Japan. However, I feel the title fits remarkably well with Snow as a character - she is extraordinarily fast in her movements when we see her in action as a bodyguard.

I loved the writing style in <i>Ninja Girl</i> - O’Gorman is hilarious with her writing style, and there are a lot of moments where I just really enjoyed having Snow as the main character and getting to know Ash as a character. As mentioned, I currently have O’Gorman’s debut novel on my kindle and getting the chance to see her writing style in her sophomore novel makes me extremely excited to read her debut when I get the chance. There are some fantastic lines in <i>Ninja Girl</i> that I love, and I honestly want to make a different post featuring all of my favorite quotes from the book.

Overall, though, if you want a cute story with a kickass main character who is a POC and hilarious lines, <i>Ninja Girl</i> might be the book for you.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Dark One&#039;s Mistress (Dark One&#039;s Trilogy #1)
Dark One's Mistress (Dark One's Trilogy #1)
Aldrea Alien | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DARK ONE'S MISTRESS is the first book in the Dark One's Trilogy, and we start with Clara being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She lives in a village called Everdark and rumours abound that the Great Lord has died, and his heir now rules. If this is the case, then a new mistress will be called upon. Clara is one of those taken and she does everything she can to avoid being the one chosen, but to no avail.

This is a slow-paced book, with plenty of interaction between Lucias and Clara as he tries to prove to her that he is a man of his word, and he won't do anything before she is ready. She, of course, doesn't believe him and spends the first part of the book constantly trying to escape.

Interwoven with that is the constant threat of Lucias' mother and her barbarian bodyguard who want to kill Lucias because of who his father was. Trust me, that actually becomes acceptable the more you learn about the father.

I loved the attitudes of both Lucias and Clara and found it definitely to be a case of if you love someone, set them free. Clara is not a doormat, but is definitely set in her ways and has trouble seeing things from different perspectives.

Due to the emphasis on Lucias and Clara, I did feel that I missed out on some of the other characters. There were also questions raised to which I received no answers. However, this did not infringe upon my enjoyment of this book, and I have no hesitation in recommending it.