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Angel 6.0: Escape (Angel 6.0 #2)
Angel 6.0: Escape (Angel 6.0 #2)
Travis Luedke | 2015 | Erotica, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second instalment in Angel's adventures starts off with her still onboard the Gran ship, being the Captain's concubine and Jason's lover. She is very good at compartmentalising her life and will do what she can to survive. An opportunity arises that could equal both her and Jason's escape, but things go wrong and she ends up alone, trying to understand her feelings and wondering what to do next.

This is once again very well-written, full of action, intense, and with some amazing steamy scenes. It does end on a cliffhanger and you will be left definitely wanting more. Recommended!

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 12, 2016
The Lost Castle
The Lost Castle
Kristy Cambron | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a historical Christian fiction lover, but sometimes I find the multiple time lines hard to follow. However, reading this beautifully moving novel by the very talented Kristy Cambron was so easy to follow and was absolutely captivating. This book has what I call "all the feels". It's incredibly detailed, with characters that are chiseled magnificently. Each time line brings the reader to a character that will make way into your heart and stay their long after the book is finished.

The beautiful ruins of the castle that Ms. Cambron describes come to life for me. I could feel myself transported to the heart of France, finding the castle and living the life of these three women, Avaline, Vi and Ellie. I loved that feeling! It's not often that a multi timeline can do that and I was so pleased that it did.

Watching Ellie deal with her grandmother, brought back memories of my own dealings with Alzheimer's with my grandfather. It was a bittersweet time for me!

This incredible story is filled with longing, hope, faith, and finding love. I turned page after page of this 4 star novel until I reached the final one. I shut the novel, sat back and reflected on all I felt through this book, from smiles, to sadness, to butterflies in my stomach. Ms. Cambron has created another keeper in my opinion. This book will be one that I recommend to all, and have already asked my local libraries to carry it for others to read! Well done, Ms. Cambron! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Book Look Bloggers/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Of Fire and Stars (Of Fire and Stars #1)
Of Fire and Stars (Of Fire and Stars #1)
Audrey Coulthurst | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having read the prequel to this book already, I can see why a lot of people complained about the lack of worldbuilding. Even though the prequel is based in a neighboring country, there's a lot in this book that I understood based on events in Inkmistress. I definitely recommend reading that one first.

That said, I enjoyed this book a lot. I think Inkmistress is better, but that happens often with new authors. I think the sequel, Of Ice and Shadows, due out this summer, will probably be even better, and should bring the events of the previous two books together.

Like Inkmistress, bisexuality seems to be absolutely normal in Denna's country, with Denna not expressing a preference, Mare having had male and female lovers, and one of Denna's ladies having a female lover. (There is a brief mention of a gay couple as well.) I do wish nonbinary people would make an appearance, but it's something, at least.

There are a lot of twists and turns to the plot in this book, so while Inkmistress was fairly straightforward, this one took me by surprise multiple times. It also makes it much harder to talk about the plot without giving anything away!

I wish we'd discovered more about the King's council - several members of it seemed to have ulterior motives but we never got to see what those were. If we knew their motivations, some things might make a lot more sense and be a lot more satisfying.

Read Inkmistress. If you like the world, go ahead and read this book, because the events of this will be necessary to understand the third book, which takes us back to the country featured in Inkmistress. And I want to know more about that country!

You can read all my reviews at


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Monster, She Wrote
Monster, She Wrote
Lisa Kröger, Melanie R. Anderson | 2019 | Biography
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

I loved the concept behind this book, as a fan of gothic horror, and a lover of information, I was looking forward to getting a lot out of this.

The book is divided into eight parts, each focusing on a certain type of Horror or ‘Weird’ fiction. Within each part is a short introduction to each author and their works. Followed by a recommended reading list of the authors works, and other similar authors works.

As I said, in principle this book sounded great. Unfortunately it fell a bit short for me. It was full of some great facts, and I did come away learning something, but just as I was really getting my teeth into an interesting story or fact about an author, they moved onto the next thing. leaving me hanging!

Another note of discord for me was some of the references. Despite the fact there are a number of British authors featured, it didn’t feel like the book was aimed at an international audience. There were quite a few references to TV shows, magazines, and other authors that never quite made it over the pond. Unfortunately at times it just felt like I was involved in a conversation riddled with private jokes that I would never really ‘get’.

It’s not all bad though, as there were some nice illustrations within the book. My ARC hadn’t been formatted properly yet for me to get the most out of the illustrations, but from what I can see they’ll add a nice little touch to it. Plus, If this has done anything it has peaked my interest. I now want to find out more about a few authors and their works, and I have a few more books on my TBR list.

In summary, it is really a good book if you like just little titbits of information and a recommended reads list. If you want more in depth information, avoid.
Audrey Coulthurst | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I mentioned on Friday, this book is the prequel to Of Fire and Stars, so I read it first, even though it was published second. I prefer to read in chronological order when I can.

Inkmistress follows Asra, a demigod of unknown parentage, as she first follows and then is chased by her lover-turned-dragon who is intent on vengeance for the destruction of her village. Her lover, Ina, is convinced it is the King's fault that the village was destroyed, as he's been letting bandits roam over the outer reaches of his kingdom unchecked. So after taking on the form of a dragon, she's off to kill him to avenge her family. Asra is trying to talk Ina out of it, and chases her across the country, from their remote mountain to the inner forests and cities.

I really love Asra. Ina's kind of a bitch, but Asra is loving and funny and just an awesome person, fighting to protect herself and those she loves, even as those she loves evolve and change past what she can hold onto. Her magic takes a terrible price if she uses it, both on her and on the rest of the world. She has to wrestle with so many unknowns - her parentage, her magic, the world off her mountain, politics, other demigods - and somehow she manages to land on her feet. (Though not without help!)

The romance is sweet, and I love the emphasis on chosen families. Both Asra and Ina appear to be bisexual, which also doesn't appear to be unusual in this world. Reviews of Of Fire and Stars complain about the lack of worldbuilding, which is NOT a problem in this book. Perhaps I'll have an easier time having read this book first; which is a bit of a problem - you shouldn't have to read a prequel to understand the setting of the first book in a series! It does make me glad I'm reading them in this order, though.

I really loved this book. The urgency of the chase really came through in the story - Asra had to get to certain places and get certain things done before certain times, and obstacles thrown in her way made you worry she wouldn't get things done in time. It was well-written, with good character development of Asra, at least, and great world-building.

You can find all my reviews at
Morgan is my Name
Morgan is my Name
Sophie Keetch | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan is My Name is a fantastic retelling of the Arthurian legend from Morgan’s (or as we’re most likely to know her, Morgana) perspective.

Morgan le Fey is the daughter of the Lord that King Uther Pendragon vanquished. Uther then goes on to claim her mother, the Lady Igraine - and in the most underhand way possible with the help of the equally unpleasant Merlin.

Actually, the men don’t do well out of this retelling. Even the lover that a young Morgan takes, abandons her when she is found out and sent to a convent.

This book had me in its grip within minutes of pressing ‘play’. Vanessa Kirby’s narration was wonderful, and she made a convincing Morgan. She built on the book, making the reader/ listener really believe in the duality of Morgan. Not the evil woman we’ve been led to believe in (not in this first instalment, anyway!), but a young woman with a thirst for knowledge, who wants the freedom to pursue it. But it’s always the men who put a stop to her ambitions: whether it’s Uther, Merlin or her feckless husband (whatever happens to him, he deserves it!).

Oh, and the magic! Just the icing on the cake!

I can’t wait for the next book in this trilogy to come out!
Prey (Werecats #4)
Prey (Werecats #4)
Rachel Vincent | 2010 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Prey ( Werecats book 4)
By Rachel Vincent

Sometimes playing cat and mouse is no game.

Play? Right. My Pride is under fire from all sides, my father's authority is in question and my lover is in exile. Which means I haven't laid eyes on Marc's gorgeous face in months. And with a new mother and an I-know-everything teenager under my protection, I don't exactly have time to fantasize about ever seeing him again.

Then our long-awaited reunion is ruined by a vicious ambush by strays. Now our group is under attack, Marc is missing and I will need every bit of skill and smarts to keep my family from being torn apart. Forever.

Yep! This book broke me a little! First poor Manx but it could have been worse! Second Kaci that kid has been through the mill too I’m hoping she becomes a force to reakon with! Thirdly I want to hate Dan but can’t as he really is bloody clueless! Fourth my god why Ethan I went from crying to have having so much anger and wanting revenge! Lastly this saga between Mark , Faythe and Jace I’m sorry I’m fully with Jace and if she don’t want him I will!!
Oh and img a baby!!

I absolutely love this series and writer for a book to evoke so many emotions it’s got to be a good one!!