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Alicia S (193 KP) rated The Life of Anna: The Complete Story in Books
Sep 28, 2018
Read the entire series from start to finish... Dark, sick, twisted, so, so wrong and yet SO good!? By far the darkest series I've ever read and was surely tough to read at times, yet I simply can't put it down. Its all here... beyond anything you could imagine... and more. I kept hearing about this series and finally got my hands on it and my god.. My heart broke over and over again until I simply couldn't take any more (and then grabbed the next book of course!?). You know those books where your heart races, your blood boils and you find yourself shaking uncontrollably as you have a panic attack while reading....well, this is THAT series from start to finish!? Holy mindf$%k!!! Could NOT put it down!! A seriously evil, beautiful, heart-wrenching, loving, torturous book!? This series will make you feel everything.. from rage to love. HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves a dark, dark read!

Suzi (55 KP) rated Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader in Books
Jun 17, 2019
Good accompaniment to the series
Overall I think this is a great accompaniment to the shadowhunters series. It gives a view from the author on how she came to create and develop the series and its characters. The essays and reviews given by various authors provides an interesting view on how they perceived certain character behaviours, attributes or even just topics covered in the books.
In the audio book version however, a lot of words and names were (from my experiences and explanations within the series - from the books, film or show) are incorrect and that's a personal grate of mine so I would recommend only the physical copy if anyone else is slightly annoyed by things like this.
In the audio book version however, a lot of words and names were (from my experiences and explanations within the series - from the books, film or show) are incorrect and that's a personal grate of mine so I would recommend only the physical copy if anyone else is slightly annoyed by things like this.

Diabetes Clinical Case Series: Volume 1
V. Mohan and Ranjit Unnikrishnan
Diabetes Clinical Case Series - 1 is the first volume in a three volume series on diabetes. The book...

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Crossed (Matched #2) in Books
Jan 15, 2018
I enjoyed the first book so I decided to read the 2nd in the series. Granted it took me awhile to get to it, but I read it. And I have to say it took me forever to get through, yes Christmas was in there, but really!? 20 days to finish a YA book!? It was nothing to write home about, but I feel obligated to see the series through to the 3rd & final installment. I just can't decide if it's worth it or not...

Stephanie (8 KP) rated Air Awakens in Books
Jul 24, 2018
The first book in the series, Kova creates a world of characters that are dynamic and continuously evolving. A girl who is used to a quiet life where she is no one special is quickly thrown into a world where she has no experience. You'll find yourself unable to put down this book and quickly reaching for the next in the series as you are pulled into a story about a girl who has to figure out who she is before others decide for her.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated A Storm of Swords: Part 1 Steel and Snow (Reissue) in Books
Jan 15, 2018
So far, this 3rd book has been my favorite of the series. It is very suspenseful. There are lots of deaths, so many that at one point I thought, "How can this series possibly keep going?" But as usual, George R.R. Martin has tricks up his sleeves. And let me say, that I didn't see any of them coming at all!

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Dexter in the Dark (Dexter, #3) in Books
Jan 15, 2018
This installment of the Dexter series was a disappointment. It veered off the tried & true Dexter story line into one of ancient gods. Really!? It took me a lot longer to slog through, but it wasn't bad enough to keep me from continuing with the series. Here's to hoping Linsey has something better up his sleeve for the next book.

Ross (3284 KP) rated A Crown of Swords in Books
Sep 20, 2017
For me I think this was where the series really started to drag. So much time spent on describing horses, riding dresses and in-fighting between "sisters". Some fairly major events of the series occur in this book but so much of it is spent sorting out the weather. Some really exciting action scenes but dragged out over far too many pages.

graveyardgremlin (7194 KP) rated The Tidal Poole (Elizabeth I, #2) in Books
Feb 15, 2019
Not the most plausible series, but it is entertaining and that's why it's called fiction. I did enjoy the first book better, but <i>The Tidal Poole</i> kept me reading and the mystery was well-done. If you're a history buff, better skip it, but if you enjoy reading just for the sake of reading, I recommend the series. :)
3.5 stars
3.5 stars

Kimmic (814 KP) rated The Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials #1) in Books
Apr 12, 2019
OMG I loved this book so much!
This series is like the Hunger Games combined with Jurassic Park! Its an easy smooth read with interesting characters, action and the whole package! I would recommend this to any YA fan that wants a new unputdownable trilogy... I will warn you though that when you finish the series it will break you!!