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Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Liane Carter | 2021 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After loving the first book in The Snuggle Series, I was really looking forward to reading Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter. Just like with the first book in the series, I was not left disappointed.

I found Snuggle with the Shadows to be a little different than Snuggle with the Strange (the first book in the series). In this book, there were a couple of feel good stories unlike the first book in the series. Even though there were some supernatural/paranormal stories, those elements weren't as present in Snuggle with the Shadows. That wasn't a bad thing though! Although the pacing was slower for some stories in this book, I still found myself not wanting to put this book down. The world building was still done fantastically, and I found myself instantly transported to the setting of each story. There were even some plot twists in many of the stories. Even though there are no real cliff hangers with each story, some are open to speculation such as Raisha's Reason. I loved that The Tragedy of the Tides and I was Bought at a Garage Sale were feel good stories which changed up the tone of the series a little. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Shadows were I was Bought at a Garage Sale and A Bump in the Night. Both of these stories really held my attention, and I was enthralled throughout trying to figure out what would happen. Just like with the first book in the series, Snuggle with the Shadows has a mixture of realistic stories as well as paranormal/supernatural stories.

Liane Carter kills it again with how great her characters are! They are all well written and feel like they could actually be real life people instead of a character in a book. I had no problems picturing each and every character in my mind. I actually found myself wanting to be friends with some of the characters in Snuggle with the Shadows.

Snuggle with the Shadows is a dark adult horror book, so there are quite a few heavy triggers. These include mentions of drug use, profanity, sexual comments, sexual situations, human (child) trafficking, implied child rape and molestation, death, murder, mentions of suicide, and gun violence.

All in all, Snuggle with the Shadows is an interesting read full of entertaining characters and plots. I really believe all horror lovers (and even non-horror lovers) will enjoy all the stories in this book. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter to those aged 16+ who like all sub-genres of horror. This book will not disappoint!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Silver Moon (The Silver #7)
Silver Moon (The Silver #7)
Cheree Alsop | 2013 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silver Moon is the final book in the Silver series, and let me tell you, this book has ripped my heart out, thrown it on the floor, stamped all over it, picked it back up again, only to do it all again, before finally leaving me needing a new series!!!

Things come to a head for Jaze and his pack and he has to make decisions no young adult should have to. I really won't say too much as I don't want to give out any spoilers. All I will say is be careful! Your heart will racing, your mouth dry, as you try to figure out just how he gets out of certain situations. And also, for the last quarter of the book (at least) I was sobbing as I read. Not just crying, oh no. We're talking great big f'ugly crying!!!

There's so much I want to say but I can't without giving away spoilers! I want to talk about certain characters and what they went through and how it made me feel. I want to talk about that spectacular ending that just about killed me. I want to talk about the aftermath which made me cry again. But I can't.

What I will say is this series is simply outstanding. I have loved all of the books in this series for one reason or another. They all fit together perfectly. The writing is unsurpassed. The pacing is smooth. The characters are all lifelike and behave just as you think they should, before they turn around and surprise the living daylights out of you.

This book killed me. I love and hate it so it will be kept and re-read, again and again. So sad to see this series end but it does lead me nicely onto the next series, which now I just HAVE to read.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Indelible (Grant County, #4)
Indelible (Grant County, #4)
Karin Slaughter | 2004 | Thriller
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better then the last but still not in the same league as the first couple of books in this series....
This is the fourth in the Grant County series and for a series that started so strong (I loved the first two books) I was really disappointed with this. I would recommend approaching this series in order as they do carry a lot of emotional baggage through the series.

This was the first one I listened to as an audiobook and the Southern American accents used were a bit grating for me, so I'll try to stick to the books in the future for this series (obviously a personal preference.)

With a shootout occuring in the town in the present day, we get flashbacks to an “origin” type story 12 years earlier, which sets out to give the reasoning behind the attack. It’s a pretty shocking attack and the present day part was tense.

This book is very focused on two of the main characters from the series, Medical examiner Sara Linton and her now ex husband / current boyfriend (it’s a complicated relationship) Police Chief Jeffrey. In the flashback parts of this book we see Sara and Jeffrey taking a trip to Jefferies hometown where his best friend ends up shooting someone and a body is found from Jefferies distant past. I didn’t find the investigation part here as engaging as in the previous books, with too much focus on what Jeffrey was like as a lad.

I think my main issue with this particular book is I just don’t like Jeffery and having so much dedicated to back story for him didn’t endear him any more to me. I came out of that part of the story still not liking him or really understanding why Sara is so in love with him (I suppose love is blind.)

Although I enjoyed the action packed present day shootout it still had a character issue in the form of the ever complicated Lena Adams. She is back to being a cop and this is her first day back (talk about bad timing!) I really have no idea why they are letting her back on the force she just seems to be a terrible cop (and not a particularly nice person) who is suffering from PTSD.

I feel I may be being too harsh on this book and I can fully understand people who love the characters in this series (or love to hate main characters) enjoying this book. I just prefer this series when it’s slightly more focused on a case rather than their personal lives.

CKD (37 KP) rated Heads You Win in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Heads You Win
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW! If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I totally would.

First, thanks to St. Martins Press for sending me an Advanced Readers Copy of this book.

Second, I loved, loved, loved this book! I first started reading Jeffrey Archer's book in the early 90s when my husband introduced me to the Kane and Abel series. After reading that series, I was hooked on his writing style and the stories. I've read pretty much every single one of them. This one was one of his best. If you read the Clifton Chronicles, you may remember that Harry Clifton is a writer and he "wrote" "Heads You Win". This book, like all of his others, get you hooked almost immediately and don't stop until the last word. This tells the story of Alex and his mother, Elena. They escape Leningrad by flipping a coin to determine whether they head to London or New York. Upon their arrival (I'm not divulging where they end up), the story continues playing out their lives in their new home.

Fabulous book....down to the last sentence.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Douglas Adams | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like the first book, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is based on the radio series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But where the first book was more-or-less the plot of the first four episodes, for the second book Adams included many of the best bits of the second series too, changing the story around to keep some semblance of plot (beyond Arthur's search for a decent cup of tea).

A perfect example of his ability to 'write backwards' the contents of 8 half hour radio scripts are condensed into one book, then expanded again with further footnotes and wry observations of the human condition. There is so much to like, so much to enjoy. The visit to the Hitchhiker head office, the Total Perspective Vortex, lemon soaked paper napkins, the Restaurant itself. And of course the classic and downbeat ending.

As a pair of books this and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy will keep you smiling for days, first as you read them and then as you remember all the little quotes, footnotes and bizarre extracts from The Book.

Nobody has ever come close to replicating Adams. This book shows why.
Elemental Magick (The Donovan Coven #1)
Elemental Magick (The Donovan Coven #1)
Jacki James | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elemental Magick is the first book in The Donovan Coven series. We start off with the Grimoire itself as it tries to ensure it becomes Aaron's. There is instant attraction between Malakai and Aaron, quickly followed by proclamations of love and being soul mates. If you don't like insta-love, trust me, you probably won't like this book.

The story itself is fast-paced, quickly moving from one scene to another without a real chance to get to know each character. It flows nicely though, so as long as you're prepared to go with the flow and not dive too deep, you'll be fine. As you might expect, Aaron is a whiz at magic, even though he's a newbie. And at least one of his friends is a latent witch too.

This was a brilliant book, full of action both in and out of the sheets. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more in the series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Rake is Taken (League of Lords #2)
The Rake is Taken (League of Lords #2)
Tracy Sumner | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE RAKE IS TAKEN is the second book in the League of Lords series, and I'm so grateful that Ms Sumner made a series! After reading book one, I really hoped it would happen, and it did. Woot!!

A very different story to book, so you could read it as a standalone, but with some characters from the first one. You would have more of an idea of past events and how their characters interact but it isn't necessary.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Finn and Victoria. Two very different and compelling characters who NEED to be together, and the fun is in watching them figure it out and overcoming all the obstacles. The psychic side of it is mentioned but specifically (most of the time) towards Finn and Victoria and how it affects them.

This was a brilliant read that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I can't wait to read book three. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Skin Deep (Laura Blackstone, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an intriguing beginning to a series. I've played a character with similar abilities in a long-running roleplaying game, so I was particularly interested in this book. I think the author did an excellent job of exploring just how much could be done with "essence" (glamour), while setting believable limits to the character's abilities. She has an exceptionally well-trained memory, but even she slips on a few details here and there when juggling too many personas or with someone very close to her for a long time.

The plot was less interesting to me, frankly, than the character. In fact, the details are a little fuzzy and I just finished the book earlier today. (Of course, I've read most of the next book since then, too). Even while reading it, though, some details strained believability. That detail took the rating down a point.

Still, I was interested enough to go right on to the next book in the series, and I intend to read more of del Franco's work. I would recommend this book for those who enjoy urban fantasy.
Clash (The Arinthian Line, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Probably my favorite book in the series so far.

I read a bunch of reviews where others disliked this book a lot. I don't understand. This one was GREAT.

We get more arcanery (magic), we get new friends, magic TOURNAMENTS, an old magic school with history and lore, understanding of the past, hope for the future. We get more action, more excitement, and more AWESOMENESS.

People mention things like "pacing" or "teenage angst" or "there were some grammatical errors". COME ON PPL Get over yourselves, I don't see you writing incredible stories in awesome worlds with legit magic-systems, etc! I'll take your reviews seriously when you write something this good. Really, I didn't even notice ANY of that junk because of how good the book was.

Really I was able to read all of the books in a series in a row, didn't have to wait for book 5 to come out. But if I had finished this and had to wait for book 5, I don't know what would have happened...
Seasons in the Sun: The Battle for Britain, 1974-1979
Seasons in the Sun: The Battle for Britain, 1974-1979
Dominic Sandbrook | 2013 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Extensive research (1 more)
Detailed storytelling
Informative journey back to when taste was yet to be invented
As a lover of British life on the 70s but to young to have lived it, this book was as good as a time machine and gave a normal and somtimes bizzare look at how Britain felt and how life was being lived. The birth of Punk and the turbulent political system were linked due to the effect on youth and this disaffection became a catalyst that is still felt today. The strikes that shaped the view still held to this day of a broken Britain with dead no longer being buried, piles of rubbish in Trafalgar Square and the miners who play a part in the next book in the series. This book is for those that have a live of detail and the writing style allows this book to be read with speed and ease.

Overall this book and the rest of the series give the reader the chance to relive or live a fresh version on the 1950, 1960s and the glorious 70s.