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I'm a Therapist and my Patient is Going to be the Next School Shooter
I'm a Therapist and my Patient is Going to be the Next School Shooter
Dr Harper | 2019 | Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't get over how much this book drew me in. I love movies where I can guess whats happening, makes me feel smart. Well I tried to do that reading this book and it kept fooling me! I had theory's the whole time but they were all wrong. Minus a couple about what was wrong with them. Its not as horroresque as I expected it to be which as much as I would have enjoyed, it doesn't need it because it works amazing as a seemingly real series of events! I have all 3 books so I'm onto book 2 immediately so I can find out who wants to help Elliot escape. And if that gross cult gets taken down!
The Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3)
The Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3)
Julie Kagawa | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
As if this trilogy all happened within a year! There's so much stuff happened.

Admittedly it took me a while to get into this book since it's been more than a year since I read the second book in the series but once it really got going I devoured it, especially in the last two days.

One bit shocked me. One bit made me cry. One bit involving Jackal surprised me.

It was a really good ending to the trilogy and when I thought they'd killed the bad guy I had to agree with Allison's assessment of <b>"Why won't you die?"</b>. My heart was pounding for a good 80 pages as the showdown drew ever nearer.

A brilliant book.
The Ghost Camper&#039;s Tall Tales (Destiny Falls Mystery &amp; Magic #3)
The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales (Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #3)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2021 | Mystery, Paranormal
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elizabeth Pantley has done it again!

Ever since Hayden has arrived at Destiny falls mystery seems to follow her. There is no change in this book as a man who was already thought dead is found, dead! Its down to Hayden, Han, Jaxson and Axel to discover what's going on.

Another fantastic story beautifully written by Elizabeth it captures you into the world of Destiny Falls and the magic that happens around it. I love that every book has a new mystery to be uncovered but I also love the new charecters and the descriptions of them they are so vivid!

Another fantastic story definatly recommended, but please read the others in the series first! I can't wait for book 4!
4/5 stars

This is the second book today to make me cry. They were really pushing it at the end there and I was starting to panic, thinking I'd be staying up even longer (currently 2am) to buy and start reading the second book in this series just to see what happened with Rosie and her love interest but it all worked out in the end so yay!

Some of this book had me laughing, some of it had me cringing. Some of it, mainly where Rosie was oblivious to her love interests' interest in her, had me screaming at my kindle. I mean, come on!, how oblivious can you be?

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to reading The Randy Romance Novelist soon.
Nine Elms (Kate Marshall #1)
Nine Elms (Kate Marshall #1)
Robert Bryndza | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my goodness ... you have GOT to read this book!!

It is amongst one of my all time top reads!!

Just brilliant from start to finish!!

I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this book from the very first to the very last page. I loved everything about it; the characters (all of them ... which is unusual for me), the plot, the story, the tension, the pace, the writing style ... everything and I absolutely devoured it and can't wait for the next instalment in this series.

Read it ... you won't be disappointed.

Thank you to the Secret Readers Project for giving me the opportunity to read this book and for introducing me to a new author that I will definitely read more of.
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