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Neutral (Curse of the Gods #4.5)
Neutral (Curse of the Gods #4.5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I did enjoy this short that showed us things from Emmy and Cyrus's POV's after the events of the last book. I liked that Cyrus has finally met his match in Emmy and that they're now together.

Pica still made me smile like an idiot despite her actions now being a little on the more deadly side of things.

And Willa's personality still showed through despite her not being the lead in this one. It was quite fun to read her from the perspective of others.

Off to read Pain, the last book in the series.
Born To Be Wilde (Immortal Vegas, #3)
Born To Be Wilde (Immortal Vegas, #3)
Jenn Stark | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*Read as part of the 1-3 boxset*

I was more into this than the previous ones, the series is now starting to progress at speed, with more players coming into the game in relation to the tarot cards and their representatives. Very interesting concept, although I admit I know nothing about it at all, so Sara's explanation when she reveals her picks are rather interesting.

The thing that started in book 1 with Sara and the Magician progressed quite a lot in this one, and I have to say I was excited for it happening.

Cannot wait to read book 4.
Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1)
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I seem to be on an Urban Fantasy binge read at the minute. I enjoyed this more than I expected I would after reading book 5-13 back to back of Kim Harrison's The Hollows/Rachel Morgan series, and getting totally absorbed in it.

This was different to most other UF books I've read, which is good. I'm not normally a fan of the fae but I actually really enjoyed this--or maybe I mean Falin. I'm really intrigued by him and what could possible happen between him and Alex next

Can't wait to read book 2!
Love on the Edge (Mindful Writers Retreat Series #3)
Love on the Edge (Mindful Writers Retreat Series #3)
Kathleen Shoop | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You may be looking for a book that has some stories of love. This book has a few different tiers of redemption of love. It got stories about the loss of love and a few others; there are even poems about love.

The stories are all sweet and enjoyable. Some occur around the Pittsburgh area. I know the names of the rivers around my neighborhood, and they signify mentioned in this book. They are featured in some of the stories as well.

Here seems like an excellent book to have around for Valentine's day. You can read this book anytime; You can pick and choose a story here or there. There is no reason to read the whole book at one time. They are all sweet.

There are various authors, and they all write differently. Primarily the stories are focused on love or a form of love. This one is not as a promise to me as the second book in the series. But it is decent and enjoyable to read.

The short stories focused on the writer's love stories or their meaning of love to them. I enjoyed each story, though. There was not one the stuck out from the rest. This book is rated four and a half stars (Moons) for me. This book can be for anyone who might have lost a loved one or loves to read some romance.
I'll start by saying I LOVE THIS SERIES! Darynda Jones has written such an amazing likeable but slightly dumb, sometimes genius character in Charley Davidson. You can't help but like her.

This starts with Charley sitting in a psychiatrist's office as she equally does a job and confesses everything that she's learned about herself over the last ten books to the doctor in the chair. Turns out the shrink is dead and haunting the office. There is one big case that Charley is working on in this and it's the couple who kidnapped Reyes when he was a baby. There's a few other smaller things thrown in and we see Charley learn how to be who she was born to be with a little help from Reyes.

As I've already mentioned, I love this series. It is right up my street with it's snark, humour and romance. Characters that we've grown to love over the last ten books make reappearances, some new characters pop up and some that have been mentioned peripherally make themselves known. It's hard to give too many details without spoiling it for those who haven't got this far in the series.

If you've not at least started this series, then I can't recommend it enough, really. That is, if you like urban fantasy/paranormal romances. Or demons. Gods...

I have book 12 in paperback, too, and haven't decided whether to read it straight away yet - despite that bit of a cliff hanger that happened at the end! - as I feel I would immediately want to read book 13 to finish the series and I don't have it yet. It's on my to-buy list.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Bake Offed in Books

Dec 1, 2022 (Updated Dec 1, 2022)  
Bake Offed
Bake Offed
Maya Corrigan | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery at the Mystery Convention
Val Deniston and her granddad are going to the Maryland Mystery Fan Fest to help her friend Bethany with it. And Granddad, aka the Codger Cook, is participating in the mystery themed baking competition the first night. One of his fellow contestants is Cynthia Sweet, the woman that Granddad feels stole his shot at turning his Codger Cook recipe column into a book. But when Val finds Cynthia dead in the middle of the night, the two of them start to discover that other people didn’t like Cynthia either. Can they figure out who killed her?

Since the fest is out of town, we don’t see much of the other series regulars, but the series usually focuses on Val and Granddad, so it’s not too big of a loss. This also gives us plenty of time to get to know the new characters, who rise to the occasion. And there is a return appearance by a character from early in the series that is fun. The plot is wonderful. It is intricately plotted, yet it holds together at the end. As someone who complains about the timelines in books when they don’t work, I have to praise this one for holding together perfectly. I got a kick out of the mystery fest setting. The recipes at the end are great fun as well, but I’ll leave that for you to explore on your own. Fans of the series will be happy with this book. If you are looking for a fun culinary cozy series, I definitely recommend you check this one out.
The Wastelands - Dark Tower III
The Wastelands - Dark Tower III
Stephen King | 1991 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.6 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Writing, characters, plot (0 more)
Cliffhanger (0 more)
A good entry in the series
Contains spoilers, click to show
I’ll start with an admission - I love these books so much I have a dark tower tattoo. The Wastelands was the first book in the series I read. I found the book in the library at school and took it home with me. Anyway I’m just rereading the series and thought I’d post some thoughts.

So, the book itself. Roland, Susannah & Eddie have started their quest towards the tower in MidWorld but Roland, their dinh (leader) is slowly going insane due to the paradox he created by saving Jake in New York (see book 2 The Drawing of the Three).

Safe to say during the book perils are faced, sanity is restored, Jake joins the quest and there’s a deadly train.

Ok so what I like - the plot moves along nice and swiftly. I never got bored reading this. Stephen King has occasions where I loathe his style (Gerald’s Game as an example) but this moves along quickly and flows really well. I like the characters, they’re all fully formed people and not just plot devices. They take actions because of who they are not just because the plot needs them to. The world King has created is absorbing, interesting and I always wanted to know more.

The bad - that cliffhanger. Blaine is a pain. I read this a few years before Wizard and Glass came out and I was raging about the cliffhanger. There’s zero resolution. It’s not so bad now you can move straight on but at the time I was really annoyed. Also, I’m not a big fan of the illustrations just because they don’t match the pictures in my head. Have to admit I’m never a fan of illustrations though, I think imagination is much more powerful.

Anyway, I do recommend it. I love these books. It’s maybe not the best jumping on point (though it got me when I first found it) but it is an excellent book.
The English Breakfast Murder
The English Breakfast Murder
Laura Childs | 2018 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Worst one of the series
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Spoilers ahead you’ve been warned***

This would have to be the worst book in the series so far. I read this through because I just wanted to get to the end of it in the hopes of having somewhat of a satisfying ending but even that was denied.

The plot wasn’t that interesting. It tried to have intrigue and mystery but it was severely lacking. What you read more was more tea parties than anything else. Yes, she owns a tea shop and has two large events that somehow took over nearly half of the book. The mystery takes a back seat in this book and it’s disappointing. The pace of the book was slow and although it tried to make it a little engaging with two issues going on at once it wasn’t enough to really capture my attention.

I wasn’t even that interested in the suspects. Nothing stood out and even when it was revealed it was so lackluster. There wasn’t much of an action scene and it completely did a nose dive. The suspect was nabbed. Done. No explanation, no way to tie the loose ends. Everything was just left open and unfinished. I have no idea what in the world happened in this book with the mystery aspect of it. Then there was the issue with Nadine being a complete kleptomaniac. Okay, she stole stuff….so...what ever happened to the items she stole? Nothing was said. Was it ever recovered? And Delaine, lordy. She got the point where she became annoying everytime she appeared in a scene.

I read this book just because it was following the series. I think the next one will determine if I continue on with it or not. It’s too bad. I actually enjoyed these and thought they were quaint little mysteries to get into after heavy reads. Not so with this one. You could probably skip this one and go to the following. You’re not missing anything.
All That Has Flown Beyond (Natural Magic #2)
All That Has Flown Beyond (Natural Magic #2)
Marina Vivancos | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All That Has Flown Beyond (Natural Magic #2) by Marina Vivancos
All That Has Flown Beyond is the second book in the Natural Magic series, and it is a series I am thoroughly enjoying.

In this story, we meet Kaiyo and Ahmik. They are both young boys and the reader learns about their horrific loss, and what it like for them now. The story is very sad for a while, and you really get the feel for what is going on. The depression that Kaiyo suffers from is so well-written, it's scary! You can't help but empathise with him, and end up cheering him on as he makes small miracles every day. Seriously, this part was so incredibly written. Either the author has suffered this herself, or she knows someone who has, who can describe it in perfect detail.

Although this is book two in the series, you can actually read it as a standalone, as there are none of the same characters in it from the first one. I found this to be a bit of a shame, as I would have liked to have connected with Damian and Hakan again, if only to see how they are going. I thought when Kaiyo went travelling, this would happen, but I was wrong.

This is a second-chance romance, but primarily told from Kaiyo's perspective. This meant I felt a slight disconnect with Ahmik, and even though I got his reasons for why he did what he did, it didn't really give me much insight to him.

On the whole though, this was an amazing book. It is sitting firmly on my favourites shelf, even though it's not 5-stars. Excellently written, with no grammar or editing errors to disrupt my reading flow. I have no hesitation in recommending this book. An absolute stunner.

* I received a copy of this book with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Kiss of Vengeance
Kiss of Vengeance
S. Young, Samantha Young | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Faeries (0 more)
Too much slow burn for my taste
3 1/2 Caffeinated Stars

Kiss of Vengeance is the second book in the True Immortality series by S. Young. As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of Samantha Young & I thoroughly enjoyed War of Hearts. When I received this book in exchange for an honest review, I was extremely excited to dive into it, but it just wasn't my favorite. It had many of the elements I love, but at times it fell flat.

This book was a slow burn with an enemy to lover trope feel. Unfortunately, it was indeed a slow burn. There was nothing more than one-sided flirting for over 50% of the book. When I'm reading a romance, I want it to be the focal point, and it didn't feel like a focal point until 70% into the book.

Though the slow burn romance wasn't my favorite, I loved the world that S. Young created. The fantasy aspects were what kept me going. Learning about the fae & seeing their abilities kept me thoroughly entertained. I enjoyed seeing Rose learn her skills, and it was fun to see her interact with Fionn as her mentor. I do have to say that at times, her fixation on Fionn and flirting felt like her sole personality trait.

I would have loved to see more of Rose's interaction with any character that wasn't a "hot guy." When Rose wasn't flirting, I loved her strength and determination. Her joy for her abilities was something I loved about her. Fionn was a complex character. I loved learning about his background & seeing his struggle.

Even though I didn't enjoy the book as much as I liked, I'll be continuing on in the series. The fantasy and world-building were fantastic, and I can't wait to see how the rest of the series goes.