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Fragility Unearthed (The Cascade book 3)
Fragility Unearthed (The Cascade book 3)
Rebecca Royce | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
204 of 250
Fragility Unearthed ( The Cascade Book 3)
By Rebecca Royce

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Malcolm is missing. Levi is taken. And all the light from the world has gone with them.

Kendall Malcolm thought the world ended when her marriage ended and her life fell apart. She was wrong. Things could be a lot darker. She stands at the precipice - leader, mother, warrior - placing herself between the world and darkness.

But does she have to do it alone? It's looking that way.

3rd in the series an I think there is only 1 more book! Another very good instalment from Rebecca what I love most is Kendall being a middle aged mum. She has a few personal losses in this book not including the ending but she fights on and does what she needs to.

Kyera (8 KP) rated King's Cage in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
King's Cage
King's Cage
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
King’s Cage is the third book in the Red Queen series, but not the final book in the installment. I highly suggest that you read the first two books before this one, otherwise you will be incredibly confused. The overall premise of the series is very intriguing and draws you in. Unfortunately, it is a little slow at times and can be difficult to get through. Glass Sword, in particular, took a while to get its stride and I kept putting it down. As a result of the cliffhanger at the end of Glass Sword, King’s Cage is able to start more quickly.

Originally, I didn’t have very strong feelings about any of the characters in the series. They were from various worlds, had different personalities, but I just didn’t truly connect with any of them. King’s Cage made a few of the characters slightly more likable to me, but it still wasn’t enough. Whether it was an important character or a side character, I wasn’t emotionally involved enough to deeply care if something happened to them. It was a simple, oh that’s sad or unfortunate, but it didn’t tear my heart out like some writing does.

Mare’s world is turned upside down and overall the plot of this novel is more engaging than Glass Sword. The fights were described very well and I felt like I was there watching them. I still wish that there was more world building in these novels. There are such varied lands, ruled by unique leaders that I wish we knew more about them.

Overall, I enjoy this series and would recommend giving it a shot. It’s difficult to categorize between fantasy and a form of dystopian. The series is not high fantasy so the world isn’t too difficult to dive into. I’d recommend to young adult/teen fans of fantasy books or books where the characters have powers.
Joy (The Dreughan #3)
Joy (The Dreughan #3)
Lena North | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joy (The Dreughan #3) by Lena North
Joy is the third and final book in the Dreughan series, and this time it is Troy's turn. I have been waiting for his story, because he has shown hints of not being the 'clown' all the time, and I couldn't wait to see deeper into his character. Let me just say, I was NOT disappointed.

Not only do we see more of Troy, and how he feels about Vilda and Sannah, but we also see more about who he is, how he works, and just what he will do for those he calls family. I am happy to say Valerian is his brother, so we get more of him. We see Troy really coming into his own, with the full and complete support of Rinna backing him up.

This amazing story would get more than 5 out of 5 if I could, but I don't think you can do 6 or more stars out of 5. I was sobbing throughout parts of this story, the emotions were there and would not be denied. The epilogue just about killed me, it was sheer perfection.

I have said throughout this series, that there have been errors. Just simple ones like words being misspelt, or the wrong group being blamed for a murder, but I have to emphasise to you - THIS DID NOT MATTER. Yes, I noticed them, and then I dismissed them as I was too wrapped up in the characters and the story.

This is a spectacular ending to this series, and lucky me, I have the Birds of a Feather series to read next. I bought this series on the back of ONE book by this author, and I am so glad I did. It is money well-spent in my opinion. I have loved the world she has built, the characters who have grown so much, and of course - Dragons!

* Verified Purchase ~ July 2018. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Blood Kiss (Black Dagger Legacy, #1)
Blood Kiss (Black Dagger Legacy, #1)
J.R. Ward | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read my first Black Dagger Brotherhood book back in 2010, I think, and fell in love with this group of warriors. I have books 1-12 in paperback and they sit proudly on my bookshelf, as shown below

I guess it's not fair to have favourites but two of them always stick in my head: Rhage and Vishous, though all the guys are memorable. The King, Wrath's second book in the series took me a while to read so I gave up on the series for a while, though I have been buying the rest of the books in this series as Kindle books.
This spin off series - Black Dagger Legacy - is about the original guys finding new recruits who they will train so they can help them take on the lessers and any other threats to their population.

This one follows Paradise, a society heir who wants more from her life than parties so she fills in an application form and hopes her father will give her permission to join the programme and he does, believing she won't make it very far. Paradise proves everyone wrong, though, including Craeg - fellow trainee and the guy she has an intense attraction towards. And the feeling is definitely mutual.

I enjoyed watching this play out, although Craeg's reluctance to start with annoyed me a little. But Paradise certainly wore him down in the end and it was fun watching.

It also focuses on Butch and Marissa's relationship. Both are dealing - or more precisely NOT dealing - with issues from their pasts and it's starting to drive a wedge between them. Then there's the battered female that comes into Safe Place - where Marissa works - on the brink of death that brings up old memories.

I did enjoy seeing a lot of the brothers again, it reminded me why I love this series and I can't wait to read more. I think The Shadows will be my next read.
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Jay Asher | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not for those who are suffering from depression (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a school librarian and in light of the recent Netflix adaptation of this book, I felt that I should read it.
Firstly, I don't think this book actively promotes suicide. I actually think it is the intention of the author to make us think about how our actions affect other people's lives. It is not about revenge. It is about changing your actions...making time to talk to that person you think may need someone to talk to....being kinder. Listening to the tapes makes Clay appreciate that a person's actions can influence another's life in ways you do not realise and that making an effort to really get to know someone else can help them be happier if they are struggling.
However, this is definitely not a book to be given to someone who is suffering from depression. This is not a self-help book. Hannah is in a cycle of self-destruction, a downward spiral she is not able to escape from. She has already made up her mind that she cannot carry on and I am not sure she can be diverted from her course in the end. Mr Porter tries to help her talk, but unintentionally confirms the decision she has already made. I have not suffered from depression myself, but am very aware of what this can lead to and I can see that the book could be read in a way which could offer suicide as an option to someone who is in a dark place.
If you are worried about whether to recommend this book, or allow a young person to read this, my advice would be that this is not a story for younger children - this is a dark and sometimes sexual story and does have a rape in it. I would not recommend this book for anyone under the age of 15/16, because of this.
In addition, be aware that this is not a story for someone who suffers from depression as it can be read in a way which seems to offer suicide as an acceptable option if you can see youself in the same place as Hannah finds herself, although this is not its intention. Be aware of who is reading this book. It is, however an interesting read and does open the discussion about suicide, just be careful about who you recommend this to and do talk about it with them both before and afterwards.
Having said all this, I did enjoy reading the book and don't believe that the author intends anything dark by it or suggests intentionally that suicide is a way to get revenge on others.
The Netflix series worries me far more than the book itself. This strings out the story in a way which seems to glamorise Hannah's tapes and the idea of revenge on those that caused her suffering to make it into a "teen drama full of angst". I would be very worried about letting youngsters watch this series.
 The Netflix series is horrific. This oringinally had a certificate of 15, but this was been amended to 18. The tv show definitely does not leave you with the same feelings as the book and most certainly is not for children. The final episode even shows Hannah sitting in a bath and cutting into her veins with a razor blade. Please do not watch this if you liked the book. Jay Asher, you should be ashamed that you had anything to do with this!

LadyDahlia (2 KP) Jun 3, 2018

I agree with what you are saying about being worried about the show more than the book. The graphic nature of Hannah's suicide shouldn't be shown to younger audiences or anyone who's suffering from suicidal thoughts. Hannah cutting her veins was extremely distasteful on the producers part, completely disregarding what mental health professionals say about showing a suicide in a show.

Dark Forge (Masters & Mages #2)
Dark Forge (Masters & Mages #2)
Miles Cameron | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another slog of a book but with a good overall plot
*** I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

Dark Forge follows on from Cold Iron and sees the hero, Aranthur, travelling through the desert-lands battling against "The Pure", a group of magikal fundamentalists that believe access to the world's magik should be restricted to those of noble birth.
As a rare treat, the book starts with a lengthy prologue telling of a group of mercenaries working for the Pure attempting to storm an ancient site and gain ownership of a magical artefact. A few dozen pages break from Aranthur was welcome and this was an exciting part of the story. As with the first book, the narrative style is something of a barrier to me, all the mundane details of clothing, horses, weapons are expounded ad nauseum, but when something important happens, or some new magik is used suddenly it's all very vague and hand-wavey.
That brings us back to Aranthur. We pick up with him and his crew acting as messengers for the General's army, relaying messages back and forth across the divisions of the forces. At times this changes to acting as advance scouts, other times running messages through the middle of battles. Given the rest of the story is told from Aranthur's PoV alone, this means we can see a great deal of the action through his eyes.
At long last we are treated to something of an inventory from Aranthur, as he goes over the magik he currently knows and their purpose. This felt like a brilliant improvement over book 1, where he just did a magik thing somehow. However this is short lived as over the course of the book odd words are used, with little explanation (and always in italics, suggesting they are important words but for the life of me I couldn't remember what most of them were).
A major failing for this book for me was that despite all being from one character's PoV, and we hear plenty of his thoughts and feelings, we are not privy to his experimentation with magik or some of his suspicions and theories (he suddenly in the heat of battle tries something he had been thinking about and it works - would have been so much more effective if there had been any hint of this previously). Similarly, so much of it is all metaphysical nonsense which I can't stand and can only see it as a cheap way out for an author as you don't have to explain things if they're all mystical.
The book reads like maybe the 5th in a series, where all the magical aspects and parts and peoples of the world have been solidly embedded, rather than book 2 where the world-building is being done almost real-time and there is something of a making-it-up-as-he-goes-along feel.
The overarching plot of the book is solid, and while I would have liked to see more traditional combat like the first book, and less magical/mystical stuff the action was plentiful and reasonably well told.
As with the first book, its only about 400 pages but felt like so much more to me, and it really was a bit of a slog at times.
I will finish this series with the conclusion when it is released but have enjoyed other series a lot more.
“Henry, this . . . fortune, this sudden wealth . . . I fear it will change our lives. And I don’t want my life to change.” After three years on a whaling voyage, Henry Macy returns to Nantucket to news that his grandmother has passed, bequeathing her vast fortune to him and his sister, Hitty. And it was truly vast. But Lillian Coffin was no fool. The inheritance comes with a steep cost, including when each should marry and whom—a Quaker in good standing, of course. But if they relinquish the inheritance, it all goes to Tristram Macy, their father’s thieving business partner. As Hitty and Henry seek a way to satisfy the will’s conditions, they’ll be faced with obstacles on every side—and it may be that Lillian Coffin will have the last word after all.

My Thoughts: This is the third book in the series and it doesn't disappoint! Suzanne Woods Fisher has done another incredible job with this series. In this book, it focuses on the twins Hitty and Henry and the inheritance left to them by their grandmother.

Historians will enjoy the fact that the novel is based on true events that occurred during 1837-1846. The author has done extensive history on Nantucket and the sea captains. This novel does deal with the controversy of integration ( the segregated schools).

I've enjoyed this series, especially reading Great Mary's journal and I believe readers will enjoy this book as well. The reader doesn't need to read the first two books to enjoy this novel, but it would help with some of the histories of the family.
Desperate Measures (Aspen Falls #5)
Desperate Measures (Aspen Falls #5)
Melissa Pearl, Anna Cruise | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Desperate Measures (Aspen Falls #5) by Melissa Pearl & Anna Cruise
Desperate Measures is the fifth book in the Aspen Falls series, and we finally get Camilla's story. She has made regular appearances throughout this series, but hasn't as yet had her say. She does in this one, and it was definitely worth waiting for!

Cam grew up on the wrong side of the tracks (so to speak) and was determined to change her life, and to make a difference. She does this, but not without heartbreak. She leaves behind the love of her young life, knowing he is in with the gangs that are rampant. She walks away, and does make a difference. Alex has always remained in her thoughts though, even when she tries to forget him. So when he turns up, bloody and battered, will she help him, or arrest him?

This was a great story, with plenty of depth to both the situations and the characters. There were no editing or grammatical errors to this story that I noticed. I enjoyed the banter between Cam and Alex, as well as the situations they found themselves in. Even though she is a police officer, Cam did across with a healthy dose of naivety at times.

With enough action to keep you turning the pages, this was thoroughly engrossing from start to finish. Absolutely recommended by me.

This is a series that I am thoroughly enjoying. Can't wait for the next one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!