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Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue
Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue
Marissa Meyer | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
As the second and final graphic novel (for now) chronicling Iko's adventures after the events of the Lunar Chronicles, Gone Rogue does a brilliant job catching us up on what all of our favourite characters have been up to in the last year. Despite the fact that Wires and Nerve continues the story in graphic novel form, rather than the original book - I never felt like I was missing anything.

As the story focuses on Iko, there was less time dedicated to the other pairs from the series. In the first graphic novel, I felt that Cress and Thorne were given a lot of story time and that they weren't as present in the second novel. On the other hand, Scarlet and Wolf were almost nonexistent in the first and had more of a presence in the second. Meyer did a brilliant job developing the relationships further and showing readers how they have evolved despite the limited amount of text she had to work with because it was a graphic novel.

Although Iko was a supporting character in the original series, she completely stole the show and lit up every scene that she was in. It was wonderful to see her take the lead in this series and adapt to a world in which she looked human, although there were still those that constantly reminded her that she was not. She struggles to deal with the reminders that she is an android and programmed to be the way that she is, despite the fact that her closest friends never see her as anything but normal.

The three main additions to the series are the villain, the guard Kinney and his sister Tressa. I felt that the two male characters were well developed and you could understand their motivations throughout the story. Tressa felt less real and I honestly forgot who she was from the first book to the second, until reminded in the course of the story. She is an exuberant character who loves a lot of the same things as Iko, but I don't feel that I know as much about her as I wish I did so that I could connect to her more.

Overall, the plot was brilliant and the story was so engaging that I didn't put the book down from the moment I began reading it until I was on the final page. While I am saddened that this is the final graphic novel in the Lunar Chronicles, I love the world and characters so much that I hope that the series continues in some manner. I felt satisfied with the ending and feel that if it is in fact the end of the story - I am happy. I loved this series so much and being able to watch Iko shine in her own adventures.
Circus Maximus: Race to the Death
Circus Maximus: Race to the Death
Annelise Gray | 2021 | Children, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Dido, a twelve-year-old girl in ancient Rome, and this story is told from her perspective. Dido was raised with horses and chariot racers, and her dream was to become a racer herself. After her father gets murdered, she has to flee Rome to survive. But she left a lot behind, and she will need to return to claim what was hers. I really liked Dido, she is so stubborn and not scared of hard work. I also really admired her self confidence and bravery in a very male-dominated environment. I had a love-hate relationship with some of the characters, I loved the ones that supported Dido, and hated all of those who were cruel to the horses. I really liked the sheer amount of horses in this book, their different personalities and their ability to work so well as a team. They are truly impressive animals. 🙂

The narrative of this book was very fast-paced and very intriguing. There were plenty of turns and unexpected surprises, that I thoroughly enjoyed. This book talks about four factions/teams: Green (everyone’s favourite), Blue (biggest Green’s competitor), White and Red (these teams were the least mentioned in this book). I have to say, that I am a supporter of the Blue faction. 🙂 There are plenty of reasons but if I will tell, it will spoil the reading experience. The topics discussed in this book are chariot racing, cheating in sports, gender power playing, mental health issues, very slight romance, animal cruelty and many more.

I was a little scared to read this book because when I saw the character listing at the beginning of the book, I thought that there will be a very wide variety of characters and I will have difficulty knowing who is who. But I was very wrong indeed. This book is beautifully written and very easy to read. The chapters have medium length, but they just flew by for me, I was very absorbed with this story. I have to throw in a warning, that this book contains animal cruelty, so if anyone is like me, tears and anger will be happening while reading. The ending of this novel rounded this story very nicely, and I can not wait for the next book in this series.

So, to conclude, the protagonist of this story is very likeable, and I was cheering her all the way till the end. All the characters in this book are very well crafted and delivered, and the plot of this book is fast-paced and absorbing.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will start with a confession, I requested this book because I knew the TV Series is out, it can’t be bad if it’s on telly right? And guess what, I was right. I loved this book.

This book is a quick read because it is tiny and really gripping. This book carries two stories at once, the story of Hannah and another one of Clay. This novel is filled with feelings and regret. I loved Hannah’s character in this book, yes, even though she is dead, she is still the main character in this book. I loved her courage for this confession and the secrecy and originality of all this “business”. The palette of characters is really wide in this novel and offers a great variety of personalities to choose from. The characters are very realistic, just like ordinary school kids, which most of us faced in our lives. The whole story is told by Clay and Hannah, but that is sufficient to showcase the feelings and powerful meaning of this novel.

I absolutely loved the message of this book, and I think that Jay Asher has done a great Job, by highlighting suicide and its causes. I loved the way he showed, how small and to some, unimportant actions might influence young people and what it can lead to. I loved the difficulty of relationships which Jay Asher was portraying in this book, and how it changed due to particular actions. The narrative of this book is flowing smoothly and there are no much twists or turns, but every chapter has a great cliffhanger, which creates suspense, makes you wonder of what is waiting on the next side of that cassette. One thing that made it difficult for me, was the merging of these two stories, I would’ve preferred that Hanna’s stories would be uninterrupted by Clay’s commentary and thoughts.

The language of this book was easy to read and understandable, and the chapters are reasonable length, so it is easy, quick and very powerful read. The ending of this novel is well-thought throw and shows to all of us, that life goes on. So, to conclude, it is very amusing and extremely deep book, full of friendships and teenage relationships, and I think this book is absolute must read to all the school goers (and others as well), as in my opinion, most of them can relate to this book and learn few great things about life as well.
Kiss of Steel
Kiss of Steel
Bec McMaster | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well paced plot and action (3 more)
Great dialogue
Fleshed out characters
Amazing world-building
Victorian Steampunk with vampires, mechs, and werewolves. AND AWESOME.
Holy crap. I have only read the first two of this series – I have three more to read. (My Lady Quicksilver, Forged By Desire, and Of Silk and Steam, with a second series in the same universe called The Blue Blood Conspiracy.) (Edit: I have now read three and four, and they are also excellent!)


Victorian Steampunk in London with vampires, mechs, and werewolves (sort of) with romance, a political conspiracy plot, and plenty of action? YES PLEASE. These books are excellently written, with a hefty plot that moves at a perfect pace. Both romances have been very believable and intertwined seamlessly with the larger world’s plot. Each book is a hefty length, enough to really get absorbed in and flesh out everything that needs to be covered, without dragging on and getting old. The characters are fascinating – even the side characters are interesting enough that I really hope future books focus on them.

I don’t have a single bad thing to say about this series, and I can’t wait to read the next books. I am forcing myself to take a break from the series, even though I have the next two books, because I have library books that are due sooner that I need to read!

See all my reviews at
M is for Malice (Kinsey Millhone, #13)
M is for Malice (Kinsey Millhone, #13)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Malice Among the Maleks
PI Kinsey Millhone is reluctant to take a case from one of her recently discovered cousins, Tasha Howard, but the case is too intriguing to turn down. The head of Malek Construction has recently died, and the only will anyone can find divides his estate among his four sons. The problem is no one has heard from Guy, the black sheep of the family, since he was supposedly disinherited almost twenty years ago. Can Kinsey pick up a very cold trail and find him?

Those familiar with the series will know what to expect, plenty of family drama and a case that is much more complicated than it sounds. Yes, things slow down a bit in the middle, but I suspected what was coming next and I found that suspense more than enough to keep me reading. Kinsey is the star of this series, and her slow growth is enjoyable to watch. We do get a bit from other series regulars, but we spent the most time with the characters related to the mystery, and they are all strong. I was especially happy to note that a group of Christians Kinsey meets don’t turn out to all be hypocrites or extremists, which is what I expect almost every time I run across that in a mystery. Fans of Kinsey who haven’t read this book yet are in for a strong entry in the series.
Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins
Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins
Bella Forrest | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second instalment of the Harley Merlin series and I have to say, I'm still hooked! Usually a series can start to lose it's grip after the first book but this one is still really well written! Bella Forrest really seems to know how to keep readers intrigued.

One thing I really love is that Harley is still as fiery AF... even when all hope seems lost she just carries on being an utter badass. I just hope she keeps in getting better as the series goes on.

Even though there is a hint of romance that creeps in between Harley and Wade, it isn't ridiculous... there isn't an obvious mention on romance being on the cards but we see these two characters that obviously have a lot of respect for each other and really do care for one another as friends before the thought of them being together is introduced. It really does make you hope that everything works out for them. The witty back and forth they have really brings a light hearted element to the plot, especially after certain events.

I truly am hoping the rest of the series carries on at this pace, with it being such an easy ready, it really is a pleasure to read - especially while comutting to work on a morning. This story of witches and worlocks really does make for a pleasent read.
The Crown (The Selection, #5)
The Crown (The Selection, #5)
Kiera Cass | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh...My...I can not tell you the crazy rollercoaster ride of emotions Kiera Cass took me on in this series. Now that it is all said and done and I look back, I am SO glad I finally picked up The Selection. I will say that the first three books (America's selection) are the BEST part of the series. I totally binge read them and would probably do so again in the future. However, I was disappointed with the Eadlyn's selection story. The Heir and The Crown have a very different feel than the first three books. Eadlyn is a very different person than America and that is to be expected. I did enjoy watching Eadlyn mature and become her own person. She has a strength that I admire. And I was happy with the final result of her selection, however the story as a whole felt a little too forced. There was a lot of fluff that wasn't wholly necessary. That being said, although I think it would have been better to end the series with The One, it was good to read the continuing stories of so many characters from the original books. I doubt I will read The Heir and The Crown again, but the first three book of The Selection series are among my favorite books I have read this year. Overall, I did not enjoy The Crown...It fell very short of my expectations.
Partners in Crime
Partners in Crime
Steve Hockensmith | 2023 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Five Cases of Crime in the Old West
This book collects five stories featuring Old Red and Big Red, the stars of the Holmes on the Range series. They are set during late fall 1893 and winter 1894, and find the brothers solving a variety of cases. The first story finds the brothers returning to their home town in Kansas with mixed results. When the brothers set out to find a Christmas tree for their landlady, they find a dead body instead. A series of strange events leads them to go to Idaho to try to help the sheep ranchers involved. A request in Colorado finds them in the middle of newspaper wars. Finally, they have to clear their own names when their landlady thinks they are responsible for the things that have been disappearing around their boarding house.

Combined, these five stories reach novel length. Individually, they vary in length. The first one seems to wander a bit at first, but as a fan of the series, I didn’t mind. The stories take place around two of the novels, but there aren’t any spoilers. Instead, we get Big Red and Old Red and some great new characters in each story to keep us engaged. The crimes don’t always involve murder, which I enjoyed seeing. If you haven’t tried the series yet, this would be a fun way to sample the characters. If you’re already a fan, you’ll enjoy seeing what the brothers get up to here.