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Lyric (Love Sync Mates, Season Two)
Lyric (Love Sync Mates, Season Two)
Wendy Rathbone | 2025 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LYRIC is part of the Love Sync Mates Season Two series. Lyric/Lyrican is an athlete, the best of the best, but he's in pain and Lyrican has had enough. Jinn has his drink spiked and is left with a feral alpha intent on claiming him, even though he doesn't want it. These two meet when Jinn is fleeing in terror and Lyrican is there to protect him.

This is well-paced but fast and, considering Jinn has a feral stalker, is very low angst. I loved how the dragons and the people were distinctly separate beings while still being one and the same. This is the first book in this series (or the first) that I have read and I definitely enjoyed it.

If I had a 'light and fuzzy' shelf, it would take pride of place. A great read that I absolutely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 22, 2025
Samson & Amish Delilah
Samson & Amish Delilah
Thomas Nye | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love stories with horses!

I have worked with horses for most of my life and I am always looking for ways to be around them. In this book Thomas Nye shows his love of horses in this book quite well, I love his descriptions of the big draft horses and what they can do. I hope to own a pair of draft horses like them someday too!

Samson and Delilah’s story was an interesting tale and not really what I expected. This book had a couple of firsts for me. One I have never read an Amish book by a male author, and male authors have very different writing styles then females and that makes books interesting. Second, I have never read a book about Sampson and Delilah. Most people don’t write about them, I am not sure why. However, this book is very loosely related to their story, as in if you didn’t know their names to be looking for that specific storyline you probably wouldn’t notice it. I loved the twists in this book and thought It was a great ending to the story… or a possible lead into the next book in the series?

For me, the start of this book was quite slow, and I had a lot of trouble following the story and getting engaged with the characters. There seemed to be a lot of over expressed emotions and things repeated (which is somewhat understandable with the characters reading a book that closely follows what is happening in the book). I was very excited to read this book based off the description; however, the story fell short on what I expected and hoped for. Based on the overall book I give this story a 3 out of 5 stars for the creativity of Thomas Nye in crafting a dual storyline, for the interesting premise, and the great ending… or beginning?
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hold on just one moment, please. *Reflects* Ahem. Okay. Now, I can review this book. This book. What can say about this poignant, stunning novel of epic proportions? I can tell you that this book will pull you in and twist you up inside, as you get to know Hephzibah, or Ishma as she's first known. The pages within this book come to life, the characters moving before you like you are really there, learning of Isaiah, Hephzibah,Yaira,Hezekiah and all the happenings of Jerusalem.

Seeing all that young Ishma went through, really tugged at my heart. Watching her grow with Hezekiah was an experience I won't soon forget. I felt all of Zibah's feelings, all her pain and love for the Father. I cried when Isaiah and his wife adopted Zibah, I cried when Hezekiah and Zibah fell in love, I cried when I reached the end of this amazing novel.

This book is a book of true love. Of sacrificial love. Of a love that will never end, both within family, even if it's not blood family, and the never ending love of our amazing Father above. This story is utterly heartbreaking, yet it's heart-reviving. It is rich in detail, it is throroughly researched, and it's stitched perfectly together like that of a beautiful handmade quilt.

Ms. Andrews has gone beyond 5 stars with this book. This book is so much more than just that. If you want a book that will carry you away to a land, and a time, that we've only read about in the Bible and imagined with our minds and hearts, then this is a book for you. If you want a book that steals your mind, and soul long after you've shut the book, then this is for you. If you want a book that will leave you contemplating all you've learned in Bible study, then please, look no further than the first book in a Biblical series that is sure to be a best seller.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Redesigning Fate (The Revive Series, #1)
Redesigning Fate (The Revive Series, #1)
A.M. Wilson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SIN!!!!!!!!!!! (3 more)
You will need therapy by the end of this series
Warning Not For Faint Hearted (1 more)
If you are of squeamish nature do not read.
SIn Mine get another Book Boyfriend
Out of all Indie authors i know there are two that can attack your emotions so brutally and beautifully you will never know to read another book again or just give up and cry in the corner.

There are numerous complex and multi-dimensional characters in Allison books my favorite belongs in this series.

 Alexander Sinclair more commonly known as Sin a moody Bar tender who has heart of gold. Even the psychopathic Stalker Travis has something about him has a sexy I know you could kill rape kill and torture me but man your so appealing there's a part of me that don't care.

These books deal with the darkest of real world situation and should you be of a squeamish nature do not read.
Hard Eight (Stephanie Plum, #8)
Janet Evanovich | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
After my disappointment with the last installment in the Stephanie Plum series, I was happy to see Evanovich bring it in Hard Eight. This book was much more engaging than the last. I couldn't put it down.
The sexual tension between Ranger & Stephanie finally came to a head (no pum intended). But of course there's still Morelli popping up when least expected & always managing to find his way into her heart or her pants in no particular order.
The plot of this book was fast paced. I am really enjoying that Stephanie's sister Valerie is back in Jersey & figured rather prominently into the story line. This particular plot was a bit more developed than that of the other books in the series. There were more twists & turns in this one which made it a more engaging read in my eyes. I like not being sure what's coming & Evanovich defintely didn't disappoint in that aspect!

Kyera (8 KP) rated The Midnight Star in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
The Midnight Star
The Midnight Star
Marie Lu | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
We meet up with the ever-charming Adelina one year into her reign. she rules with fear and swift action. The unmarked are given rotten food and harsh punishments. The marked are freed from their owners and given titles, never to be called malfetto again.

I actually believe that I enjoyed the conclusion to this series more than the previous two installments. The ending even had the emotional depth that I was waiting for since the first book. Since Adelina is an anti-hero, the reader usually has a difficult time relating to her and must rely upon secondary characters. Unfortunately, in the first two books there weren't many characters that I connected to. By the third book, I feel that it had changed. You felt the characters' pain when they experienced the death of a fellow.

I can't much else without spoiling the plot, so just go read the series. I definitely recommend it.
A Disguise to Die For (Costume Shop Mystery, #1)
A Disguise to Die For (Costume Shop Mystery, #1)
Diane Vallere | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Margo Tamblyn returns home to help her father with the family costume shop, Disguise DeLimit, in time to put together a bunch of detective costumes for a birthday party. But when the guest of honor is murdered in the kitchen and Margo’s good friend Ebony is the prime suspect, Margo has to put her own detective costume on to find the killer.

This was a fantastic start to a new series. The plot was great with many twists and surprises before we reached the logical conclusion. The characters were stronger and had more depth than many characters in long running series do. And the costume element was just plain fun, as I expected it would be. I can’t wait to revisit these characters again soon.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Eli Marks looks into the projection booth of the theater next door late one night, the last thing he expects to see if the projectionist dead on the floor of the locked booth. Against his will, he finds himself involved in the case and interviewing the eccentric suspects. But which of them is a killer? And how did they pull off the crime?

This is a wonderful mystery with the added locked room element. I had no clue where the book was going, but I couldn’t believe I didn’t figure it out when the clues and killer were presented at the end. The eccentric cast of suspects are fun, and the series regulars are great as always. Eli’s job as a magician is a great hook that makes this series stand out from the others.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A new antique shop has opened in Sleepyside, and when Trixie and Honey visit the shop, they find Carl, the owner, rude. But Trixie really gets suspicious when he asks them to do him a favor on a weekend trip to Paris, and they find themselves being followed after doing it. What have they stumbled into?

While not among my least favorites in the series, I certainly do see the flaws. The plot drives the book more than logic and the author has to twist things around in pretty painful ways to get to the climax. Having said that, I do enjoy the climax, and I think the idea behind the mystery was good. Some of the series regulars are reduced to cameos, and this is the infamous books where Trixie knits.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Winnie’s new Emergency Dessert Squad business has been opened for six weeks, and it is quickly gaining customers. But then the unthinkable happens – someone dies after eating one of Winnie’s desserts. Now the phone has stopped ringing and it looks like Winnie may go out of business. In order to keep her new business running, she needs to find the killer, can she do it?

This series has such a fun premise, and the punny names that Winnie uses for her desserts are a delight. Just as much fun are the characters. They’re a bit unusual for a cozy series, but I appreciate them for that. The plot is strong as well. I saw a few plot points coming, but others caught me by surprise.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.