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Angie (0 KP) rated The Meg (2018) in Movies

Aug 26, 2018  
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
I am a big fan of the Steve Alten book series of the Meg. Now....when it comes to the was....entertaining at most. I saw it in 3D so maybe that’s why. Special effects were okay....nothing spectacular. I do feel that maybe if the movie were casted rating may be a little different. Wasn’t a big fan of the acting (if that is what we can call it)....
Tokyo Ghoul: Volume 3
Tokyo Ghoul: Volume 3
Sui Ishida | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 3 in the Tokyo Ghoul series has a lot of action, drama, and information packed into it. Kaneki continues to work at the cafe with Touka, and she also begins to train him in martial arts. Hinata's life sees some major changes, and she's forced to deal with much unpleasantness at a young age, since the ghoul investigators are after her when they recognize her that her family is made up of ghouls.
Prophecy of the Sisters
Prophecy of the Sisters
Michelle Zink | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Writing style (0 more)
Plot lacks sometimes (0 more)
This book started off pretty slow but did pick up towards the end...
However, I did feel like I had points where I struggled to read it or didn’t really want to pick it up and carry it on even though it had it’s really good moments.
I’m not sure if I will continue to read the series but if I do I’ll be sure to keep you all updated!
Magus of the Library, Vol. 1
Magus of the Library, Vol. 1
Mitsu Izumi | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't sure what to expect from this manga. It's like a love letter fused with history, myth, and magic, for libraries and the power that the books can hold and give to their readers. It's an interesting premise for a manga series. Once I got further into the book, I expected to feel bored, but it was written in a way that I didn't feel that. Plus, most of the art was beautiful.