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The One (The Selection, #3)
The One (The Selection, #3)
Kiera Cass | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
The One is the third book in the Selection series by Kiera Cass, following The Selection and The Elite.

Again, it tells the story of America Singer, an Elite, and Maxon Schreave, the heir to the throne.

On top of the Selection, the inhabitants of the palace also have to face the Northern and Southern rebels. One group is harmless, but the other... wants the royal family gone.

America isn't the king's favourite girl in the Selection, but once the people of Illéa catch a glimpse of her fighting spirit, they soon fall in love with her. Little do they know, she's joining forces with the rebels, and little does she know that it runs in the family.

Although I'm not much into romance novels, I really do enjoy this series. I find each book so easy to read, and I love all the different aspects thrown in. The only thing about The One is that there are so many deaths, and they seem almost rushed. The first few tragedies are really touching, but then the crisis at the end - and the loss of such massive members of the royal family - just didn't have as much detail and emotion as I would have expected.

I'm not going to lie, I also got a bit tired of Maxon and America's constant fall-outs and arguments. Yes, it added another dimension to the story, but it was essentially just the same thing over and over.

America also has a moment of total desperation in this book, where she just goes way too over the top trying to win Maxon over. I just didn't like it. But the relationship that developed amongst the Elite was nice, though I doubt it would happen quite so smoothly in real life. If a bunch of girls were fighting over a guy, let alone a prince, I'm pretty sure it would involve a little more bickering, even at the end.

Anyway, I did like this book, and it might actually be my favourite out of this series. I flew through it with no trouble, and can forgive the faults I found. Like the rest of this series, I'm giving The One 4 stars. I hope to read the next book, The Heir, soon!
Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche
Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche
Nancy Springer | 2021 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am excited to present my first guest review, from my wonderful wife, Kate! Thanks, babe, for your review of this book, the seventh in Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes' series.

When I heard there was going to be another book in the Enola Holmes series, I jumped at the chance and promised my book-loving wife that I would write a guest review. So, here it is! Please accept my apologies ahead of time for the fact that I cannot (and would never dare try to) match the quality and skill that my wife demonstrates in her own book reviews.

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche, by Nancy Springer, is another book in the growing series following Ms. Enola Holmes, the 15 year old sister of the famous Sherlock Holmes. This book is being released over 10 years after the last published novel, which came out in 2010. The earlier six novels covered the ongoing story of Enola’s (often contentious) relationship with her brothers (Sherlock and Mycroft), as well as brought the reader resolution about Enola’s missing/runaway mother. This new story starts with a Prologue written by none other than Sherlock himself, who provides a summary of these tales, and tells of his earlier encounters with Enola. His introduction even suggests his level of respect for her has improved dramatically. The new story finds the young detective (or Scientific Perditorian, as she has dubbed herself) seeking the whereabouts of Miss Leticia Glover’s twin sister, Flossie. Glover has been told that her sister has died, but the circumstances surrounding Flossie’s death are mysteriously vague. Initially, Glover seeks the assistance of Mr. Sherlock Holmes, but she ends up with the masterful pair of Enola and Sherlock, who are finally working together on a case. The two detectives set out, albeit in opposite directions, to ascertain the fate of the missing twin.

I think the allure of these books for me is the underlying message that Enola is as good as, if not better (or at least cleverer) than her notorious older brother. In the previous stories I enjoyed her ability to reach conclusions before him, even if she was getting there with only a slight edge. This particular story seamlessly continues the message that Enola’s keen mind works in ways that Sherlock’s doesn’t.

I thoroughly enjoyed this seventh book in the Enola Holmes series and hope that the author continues with her story. And, while I do enjoy that Enola and Sherlock have mended their relationship and are able to work together, I hope Enola can still find time to shine on her own. This particular book began with a Prologue from Sherlock, and ended with an Epilogue also penned from his perspective. As these stories are supposed to be Enola’s, it felt wrong for the final word to be coming from someone else. Beyond that, this was an excellent mystery and fun, quick read.
Ronaldo: The Vixen Pederson Workshop
Ronaldo: The Vixen Pederson Workshop
Maxine Sylvester | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved how Ronaldo not only befriends Cupid and tires to help her but also stands up for her, even when she is not around. (0 more)
In previous Ronaldo books I have mentioned that I don’t like the fart jokes (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Ronaldo: The Vixen Peterson Workshop is another amazing book by Maxine Sylvester. It is short, fun, and carries some wonderful messages to its readers. Read it as a stand-alone book or part of the series, either way, this is one book you don’t want to miss.

 Ronaldo and Rudi take readers to the North Pole as they take part in The Vixen Peterson Workshop, focusing on teamwork. The young reindeer are all put into teams and as it happens Ronaldo’s team gets the one cadet that no one wants, Cupid. Poor Cupid is a sweet reindeer with a wonderful attitude, but a terrible flyer. All the members of Ronaldo’s team look to him for guidance with hopes that they may still win the race at the end of the workshop.

 Ronaldo befriends Cupid and tries his best to help her. Finally, he discovers why Cupid has so many problems with flying and can help her correct the issue. As luck would have it Ronaldo has a score throat the day of the big race and is unable to lead his team. He gives up his position to Cupid which builds her confidence even more.

 I loved how Ronaldo not only befriends Cupid and tires to help her but also stands up for her, even when she is not around. There are very few people who will do something like that anymore and it is a lesson that everyone needs to learn, especially children. It is a rare occurrence that I can truly say there is nothing that I did not like about this book. In previous Ronaldo books I have mentioned that I don’t like the fart jokes and while I could still do without them, they have become a common occurance in this series that I have come to expect.

 Just like the rest of the series, this book is great for elementary students. There may be a couple of words that they need help with but overall it shouldn’t be a problem. Alternatively, it would be great for parents to read to their children. I rate this book with a perfect 4 out of 4 once again. This book is wonderful. The story is fun, yet packed full of strong messages. It offers many learning opportunities for children and discussion points for parents.
Imminence (Connected #2)
Imminence (Connected #2)
Kat Stiles | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imminence (Connected #2) by Kat Stiles
Imminence is the second book in the Connected series, and being as I loved book one, I couldn't wait to read this one. As it had been a while since I read book one, I took the opportunity to re-read that one, and can I just say that even knowing how it ended this time, I still fell in love with the characters and situations just as much! HOWEVER, this review is about the second book, not the first.

Imminence starts where Connected finished. Basically, Em puts the phone down on her dad - the one she had thought was dead for years - and tries to understand just what is going on. Also, whilst dealing with the adrenaline drop from the attack. Not easy for anyone, let alone a sixteen-year-old! The gorgeous Tommy is on hand though, to help her cope. And yes, this is one of those times that I felt like a complete cougar, lusting after a (much) younger man!! I blame Kat Stiles though - if she hadn't made him so scrummy, I wouldn't be needing counselling right now! ;)

Suffice it to say, this story is packed full of action and melting moments, plus you get to see Em's dad and why he did what he did. I loved that part, when it all became clear. If an author can make you relate to the 'big bad' then she is definitely doing it right. Lauren was a star in this book, and the repartee she has going on with Demetri had me laughing out loud.

Excellently written, with a fantastic storyline, and amazing characters, Imminence is a wonderful addition to the Connected series. Fair warning though, it does end on a cliffhanger that had me shouting out! Absolutely loved it, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sweet Little Lies
Sweet Little Lies
Caz Frear | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet Little Lies was billed as a thriller in Book of the Month's description, but it's more of a police procedural. I hadn't read one before, though I watch plenty of them on Netflix - they're a bit of a guilty pleasure! It was interesting having one in book form. It's not my typical fare, but I did enjoy it, far more than I probably would have enjoyed a true thriller. It's got all your typical parts of a police procedural - older family man cop, ball-busting female chief who isn't as bitchy as she first appears, troubled main character who snapped on a case, police psychiatrist, puzzling case, lying witnesses. All we're really missing is a partner who isn't actually a cop but somehow worms his way into cases anyway.

I'm conflicted about Cat herself. I like her - but I disagree with some of her decisions. I think she should have come clean about her connection to the case immediately. She doesn't because she's trying to protect her dad, but why? She spends most of the book talking about how much she dislikes him! Her entire family dynamic is pretty weird. They have issues.

I really enjoyed the writing of this book. The pacing was excellent - slow enough to absorb each new reveal properly, but fast-paced enough that the action rolls along. Goodreads says the book is "Cat Kinsella #1" implying it's the start of a series. I'll have to keep an eye out for them. For a debut novel, I am impressed at the level of writing, pacing, plot, and characterization. There's a lot of threads in this book that get gathered together at the end and tied up nicely, with only one escaping. That worried me until I discovered it's the beginning of a series; the one loose thread makes sense in that context.

While I didn't like this one quite as much as Goodbye, Paris, it's still another great pick from Book of the Month.

You can find all my reviews at
Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons #4)
Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons #4)
Matt de la Pena | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fourth in the DC Icons series, all of which I have now reviewed. It started with Wonder Woman, then moved through Batman and Catwoman before culminating in Superman. All four books have been written by popular young adult authors, from Leigh Bardugo to Marie Lu to Sarah J. Maas. Superman went to Matt De La Peña, who I had not actually heard of before. He apparently wrote a book called Ball Don't Lie that was made into a movie in 2011, and another book titled Mexican Whiteboy. What I'm trying to say is that De La Peña's Hispanic background makes him a perfect choice for this book. Because whatever else can be said about Superman, his is the ultimate immigrant story.

And this book not only tells Superman's immigrant story, but deals heavily with immigrant issues around him as well. Smallville is deliberating a new law that is basically stop-and-frisk; Hispanic people are going missing; undocumented immigrants are getting beaten in the streets. Clark is rightly horrified, and vows to get to the bottom of the disappearances.

The book is very timely, and I love what it says about one of our country's greatest fictional heroes. It reminds me of Justice League: Gods and Monsters, in which Superman is the son of General Zod, and was raised by illegal Mexican immigrants instead of the all-American Kents. (It's a fantastic animated movie, and well worth watching.)

Lex Luthor makes an appearance, and for a while I thought Clark's best friend, Lana, was a stand-in for Lois, but Lois is mentioned ever-so-briefly late in the book.

This is the fourth and final book in the DC Icons series, and taken as a whole, they're quite good. I wish they were a little more entwined with one another, but I understand that would be difficult with four different authors. But they are a very neat re-work of the four characters' origin stories.

You can find all my reviews and more at
The Girl In Between
The Girl In Between
Laekan Zea Kemp | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, characters, imaginative mix of Fantasy and issues connected with Disability (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
‘The Girl In Between’ was the first book I read for the ‘Disability Read-a-Thon’ in October and, because this was a free download, I didn’t have high expectations for this book at all. However, I was very pleasantly surprised.

This book’s main character Bryn has a sleeping syndrome, which means that she can suddenly sleep for weeks and months on end. This didn’t mean however, that she a poor defenseless girl, in fact she was the opposite. She was funny, sarcastic and a fully rounded teenager and I thought she was relatable and likeable.

This book wasn’t just about Disability but the book does cover some of the issues that, even though I don’t have the same condition as Bryn, I could relate to, when I was growing up. However, it was also a complex mix of real life, fantasy and Bryn’s condition, which was seamlessly and imaginatively, incorporated into the story.

There were a couple of times when I thought that this book would develop into a slushy teen romance, but thankfully, this just managed not to turn into this and any kind of romance was maturely and sensitively handled.

I found the pace of this to be excellent. In no part of the book did I feel the story dragged and I really wanted to know what would happen to the characters.

I think that the ending was really good and it resolved enough to feel satisfied at the end, but it left enough for me to want to read the rest of the series.

I will definitely be reading the rest of this series at some point. I would recommend reading this book, whether you want to read something with a strong main character who has a Disability, or you enjoy a good Fantasy read.

My Rating ****
In Bloom (Sweetpea, #2)
In Bloom (Sweetpea, #2)
C.J. Skuse | 2018 | Crime, Law
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This time Rhiannon takes us on an exclusive journey through her pregnancy, and it is absolutely hilarious. My inner psycho really missed this foul-mouthed but brutally honest character. (Don’t pretend you don’t have one!) It is so amusing to read about all her actions, pretending and manipulations and at the same time to hear what she is truly thinking about everybody in this book. She is a very original and absorbing character, that is why a single perspective in this book works very well.

This book is a continuation of the previous part, so if you would like to understand what is going on, you have to read Sweetpea first. The author takes us through Rhiannon’s pregnancy and the ugly stuff that pregnancy brings you. Yes, all the vomiting, backache, bloating and non stop eating etc., not the bliss, joy and other unicorn poop. SHE KEEPS IT REAL! 😀 The police are on Rhiannon’s back, and her baby is TRYING to stop her from the murdering, that is why our main character has to take it a bit easier in this book. For this reason, I found it a bit slow in some places, as not many things were happening, but the author threw in some unexpected twists in this story as well.

I really enjoyed C.J. Skuse’s writing style, which is not suitable for young readers, this book is filled with swear words, murders, and everything that you trying to protect your young ones from. 😀 The short chapters made the whole reading experience even more pleasurable. The ending of this novel was very unexpected but I really liked it, and I can not wait for another book in the series.

So, to conclude, if you like books about psychopaths, served with a huge portion of humour, foul language, and dark, but honest thoughts, these series are definitely for you! I hope you will give this book a try and will enjoy as much as I did. 🙂
The Serpent's Mark
The Serpent's Mark
S.W. Perry | 2019
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>Nicholas Shelby Series</b>

#1 <a href="">The Angel's Mark</a> - Not Read
#2 <a href="">The Serpent's Mark</a> - DNF

<img src=""/>;

<b><i>The first book in 2019 that I didn't manage to finish is The Serpent's Mark by S.W. Perry.</i></b>

I am sad and disappointed. If you know me, you will know how I don't want to leave things unfinished, especially when reading books. I want to finish every book I read, so I can have a thorough opinion and valid comments.

I stopped reading this book at page 75, which is very early days, but I just couldn't continue because of a few points.

Before I start, I need to mention all the things that attracted me to this book in the first place. I love mysteries, and this book promised conspiracy, murder and espionage in Elizabethan London. It is set in the year 1591, where a doctor is investigated of his questionable practices. This was, by itself a promising start. And if you haven't seen the beautiful cover already, please do. It's art to have this book on your shelves.

However, while reading those 75 pages, I haven't encountered any murder. Conspiracy and espionage maybe, but it is so subtle, that everything else comes in first place, while I am here, flipping pages and desperately waiting for something to happen.

A book that contains a lot of politics and religion in a same chapter is just not the book for me. As a person that moved into the UK, I know a little bit about politics and not much about history politics, but I am also not very interested in it either. Documentaries, yes - but books for pleasure, not quite so much. This book was over-flooding with politics and religion, and it is something I just couldn't put past me. After deciding to DNF it, I also realized that it was a second book of a series, but can also be read as a standalone.

I wish I enjoyed it, but I just couldn't. However, if the book seems like something you might enjoy, please go for it, read it, and let me know how it went. <b>We all have different tastes in book - and that's OKAY! :)</b>

Thank you to ReadersFirst, a UK based website that sends me books every month in exchange for my honest reviews. What you do it absolutely amazing!

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