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Crescendo (Hush, Hush, #2)
Crescendo (Hush, Hush, #2)
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I waited quite a while for my tiny, local library to get this book in for me, and I devoured it in about a day and a half. Ironically, I was a little disappointed with the way it turned out in the end, as I do not really consider that much of an ending at all. It felt more like one of those cliff-hangers television writers use when they have run out of air time. But I am getting ahead of myself.
The book flowed much like the first book in the series. It opened with a scene that takes place in an undetermined time period in relation to the previous book. Then it finally returns to Nora and her life, which is assumed to be perfect since Patch has become her own personal guardian angel. But as usual, unexplained events happen and Patch keeps Nora in the dark. Nora behaves in her predictable, highly emotional ways and gets herself in one bad situation after another. I could not help thinking that so much of Nora and Patch's problems could have been avoided if they both would have been completely honest with each other from the beginning.
Because the book is told mostly through Nora's viewpoint, I felt as much in the dark about what was really happening as Nora did, which became very frustrating after several hundred pages. Even after the book ended, I still had a number of questions regarding the Nephilim secret society, such as the deal with the multiple rings. Hopefully, these will be answer in the final book, Silence. I did find the character of Scott growing on me towards the end, as it became obvious how much of a victim he was, which made me wonder how many more there were like him. Marcie was just as annoying as ever, though I guessed what her problem with Nora was very early in the book, which only created more unanswered questions. And really, how hard would it have been for Nora to just read the diary? That drove me bonkers.
On the whole, as much as I loved the first book, this book was a distant second in many ways. I can only hope that the concluding book fixes what was wrong with this book.

Erika (17788 KP) rated A Discovery of Witches - Season 1 in TV

Apr 6, 2019 (Updated Apr 6, 2019)  
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Soundtrack (0 more)
I am a huge fan of this books series, it's one of my favorites. I debated not watching this series because I had heard from one of my good friends that the first episode was super lame, and then I saw the reviews...But, I bit the bullet and signed up for the free week of Shudder... The US distribution of this series was beyond irritating.

I felt like the series tried to appeal to both people who didn't read the books, and the ones that did, and I don't really think it worked. There were weird, unnecessary changes from the book, that didn't even really make sense... Marcus can't sire? Since when? Dude had a vampire army at one point... Normally, I try to distance the comparison between books and the adaptation, but you had to read the books to fill in the blanks.
The series is beautifully shot, but then we get to the corn factor. This show was SO LAME and CORNY, but I kind of liked it. I watched it all last evening, and ripped on it endlessly with one of my friends, but I still enjoyed it. I laughed out loud at how bad/corny certain moments were.
I do have to completely rip on Teresa Palmer, homegirl is not a good actress. It was a very Twilight performance, like others have mentioned, the open mouth breathing bothers the F out of me. Her American accent wasn't right, seriously, she said the word vampire like Sookie from True Blood.
I'm also wondering why Matthew Goode took the role of Matthew, it was super confusing to me when he was first announced. At the very least, he's nice to look at, and this made me want to go watch Chasing Liberty.
Overall, this was hilariously lame, but I'll still watch the next series, and probably will watch it again in the background before my free week ends.
The Wind and the Void
The Wind and the Void
Ryan Kirk | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having loved the first book in the series, and mostly enjoyed the second, I had hoped the slight dip in form of the second book would be overcome as the series comes to a conclusion. If anything, I would say the slump continues. Ryuu becomes even more irritating and self-obsessed, though the continuing development of Moriko as (in my view) the most important character was a good aspect. I really grew to like Akira more than I had thought, he comes across as someone who wants to do the right thing, personal impacts aside.
I may have zoned out for a few pages, but I'm sure Tenchi had promised to tell Ryuu the secret history of the nightblades and why they left the three kingdoms - but this never seemed to arrive. This would be such an important part of the background to the whole trilogy but I don't remember the resolution I was expecting (but it could have happened while I was getting off the train and my concentration was on other things).
Again, Ryan Kirk's writing style makes it easy to read, but this book was full of typos which I found quite jarring.
The plot basically mimics the first two stories - again the strongest opponent Ryuu has ever faced must be beaten. However, Ryuu's development to do so doesn't really seem believable, it just ... happens.
Again, for me Ryuu mirrors Rand al Thor's character - he becomes less likable or interesting the more powerful he gets.
Overall, I am glad I finished trilogy but I still feel a few too many loose ends were left untied, some fairly significant.
I probably will return to the world of the three kingdoms in the future follow-on series but maybe not immediately.
Bitten By Fate (Regent's Park Pack #6)
Bitten By Fate (Regent's Park Pack #6)
Annabelle Jacobs | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bitten By Fate (Regent's Park Pack #6) by Annabelle Jacobs
Bitten by Fate is the sixth and final book in the Regent's Park Pack series, and we see how Cam is still trying to bring together both sides of his new pack. Calling in the big guns, he sends two units, plus two betas to 'oversee', off to a couple of weeks "bonding session", held by the Alpha Council. Daryl and Jason are the two betas there as support. Their time together has some unexpected side-affects for both of them.

I am so sad to see this series come to an end, but I am supremely happy with how it was done. Daryl and Jason are complete opposites in nearly every way, but this is what makes them so perfect for each other. Their characters are written so well that even when one of them acts like a d*ck, you can understand the whys of it! With laughs at the bonding activities and tension (both sexual and otherwise), there is something here for everyone.

Exceedingly well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, I am sad to leave this Regent's Park Pack. Their world is clear and concise, with strong characters, both main and supporting. I would love to hear more about how they are getting on further down the line, but I will just have to read this author's other books in the meantime. ? It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it!

Absolutely recommended by me. This is one of my favourites of the series, although Cam and Gareth still hold the highest honour.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
Tessa McFionn | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1) by Tessa McFionn
To Discover a Divine is the first book in the Rise of the Stria series, and we start this series with a bang. Evainne has ended up on a prison barge in the middle of outer space when all she did was walk out of her front door. She is rescued by an 'alien' who helps her as much as he can. Evainne is different to the females Khalym knows, as she is blunt to the point of being tactless. However, the sparks are there between the two of them. Now if they can only figure out just what Evainne was wanted for, and how they keep being found, it should all be good.

This is a fast-paced science fiction romance, with plenty of action and adventure too. Evainne handles all the information remarkably well, but it is written in a way that explains that, rather than just trying to sweep it under the carpet. Khalym is a hero who thinks he is broken as he has been rejected for most of his life. Together, I can see these two having an amazing time, and it has definitely given me a taste for more in this series.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this story kept me engrossed from beginning to end. It does have a HFN ending, with a sort of cliffhanger, but all that has done is leave me wanting MORE right NOW! Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
This is definitely the best book of the series and the only thing that disappointed was that it was the last of the series.

The Suffragette Scandal follows the story of Frederica “Free” Marshall and Edward Clark. Edward is a scoundrel of the highest order and I positively love him. His character is amazing, and he’s got flaws but he admits them – flaunts them even.

“Which of my myriad flaws is making you uneasy, Miss Marshall?” He gave her a long, slow smile. “Is it my arrogant conceit or my wicked sense of humour?”

“I’m Edward Clark. Born Edward Delacey. Now apparently, Viscount Claridge.” He shut his eyes “You can address me by my preferred title: you idiot.”

The thing with Edward is that he isn’t afraid of admitting he’s wrong about something. I like how this book was told from equal POVs and that the whole book was about winning the girl but was instead about saving the day, winning the girl and then trying to save their marriage.

Free’s character was amazingly astute as well and so laid back but also very upfront – “Huzzah! Suffragettes!” – she meshes with Edward right from the beginning which was lovely, there wasn’t a massive overhaul of her principles after the marriage and in fact Edward tries to give her back her life.

The dynamic between them was amazing and Edward says the best thing about Free:

“I married her to unleash her on the world, not to keep her under wraps “

I’m pretty much just rambling about the characters because they were just that good. So well written and the relationship between them was amazing and it flowed expertly.

I’m kind of sad that the series has ended now after reading them all but they were very, very good. Highly recommended.
Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars #2)
Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars #2)
Rob Thomas | 2015 | Mystery
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Veronica Track Down an Attacker?
This book finds Veronica Mars hired by the Neptune Grand to clear them of responsibility for an attack that left a young woman almost dead several miles away. Before she was found, she was last in the hotel. At first, she claims she can't remember what happened in the attack, but then she names someone on the hotel's staff. With a client who wants Veronica to prove them innocent and a victim who thinks Veronica's only motive is to discredit her, can she find the truth? Meanwhile, Weevil's trial is winding down. Will the jury reach the correct verdict? And will Veronica's father ever be able to use the stories he's found of the Sherriff department's evidence planting?

Having been a fan of the Veronica Mars TV show since the pilot aired, I'm a bit surprised it took me so long to read this second book. I'm glad I finally did because I loved it. The mystery introduced here was great, and it gave us a good excuse to check in with many of our favorite characters. We even saw some minor characters again. The characters are all fantastic. I was most surprised by how much I grew to appreciate Veronica and Logan's relationship, something I'd never been a fan of in the TV series. Like with the first book, I wish this had been told in Veronica's first-person narration – I missed her snarky narration from the series. But that's a minor complaint. Fans of the series will definitely love it. Those new to the franchise might have trouble appreciating everything that happens here, but the obvious solution is to go back and watch the show. You'll find it is well worth your time.
The 19th Christmas
The 19th Christmas
James Patterson, Maxine Paetro | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Lindsay Stop a Caper at Christmas?
San Francisco Homicide Detective Lindsay Boxer and her partner Rich Conklin are using their lunch hour for a little holiday shopping, and they happen to be on hand to catch a petty criminal. The criminal immediately wants to talk deals. He’s heard rumors that someone named Loman is planning some kind of big heist on Christmas Day. As the tips begin to pour in, the police are left chasing their tails as they try to figure out what Loman really plans. Or who he even really is. Meanwhile, reporter Cindy Thomas has landed the story of an illegal immigrant accused of a murder and gets assistant district attorney Yuki Castellano involved in her attempts to free him. And medical examiner Claire Washburn leaves town to teach a course during Christmas week to college students down in San Diego.

As popular as Christmas books have become, this is one series I hadn’t expected to offer one since some of the storylines in other books don’t lend themselves to the season. These storylines do, but unfortunately, the books is a mixed bag. I didn’t buy their excuse for writing Claire out of the book, and Cindy and Yuki’s sub-plot is undercooked. It felt like it was there more to preach than entertain. Fortunately, the main mystery was entertaining and kept me turning pages, although it relied on the villain taunting police, a trope I have trouble buying. Add in an epilogue that came out of nowhere and left me wondering if they are setting up the next book in the series. On the other hand, I got plenty of Christmas spirit from the book. As I said, this is an average entry in the series.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Winter Stroll in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Winter Stroll
Winter Stroll
Elin Hilderbrand | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this ages ago, it seems, back in April while on vacation in snowy Vermont. I've been on an Elin Hilderbrand kick all year. Even though this series actually takes place in Nantucket, somehow reading this Christmas-themed novel in snow-covered Vermont seemed appropriate.

In book two (don't keep reading if you don't want spoilers!), Kelley Quinn is still running the Winter Street Inn in Nantucket. He's now single and actually on better terms with his first wife, Margaret, the mother of his first three children. One of them, Kevin, has a new baby, Genevieve, with his girlfriend, Isabelle. More worrisome is the fact that Kelley's youngest son--with his second ex-wife, Mitzi--is still deployed.

This is typical enjoyable fare from Elin Hilderbrand--I love this entire series. In this book, we hear from Mitzi's point of view, as well as Drake, Margaret's boyfriend. Each book is told from various viewpoints (usually just the Quinn family), so it was nice to expand whom we hear from. Ava, Kelley's only daughter, is her usual mess, even though she's dating someone supposedly more stable. And Kelley's son Patrick, is in jail, causing much turmoil for his wife, Jennifer (whom we also get to hear from) and the entire family.

I found this to be an easy read--I read it in a day on vacation and it's really fun. What isn't delightful about the messed up lives of other, fictional people? Even better is that Hilderbrand writes these as a series, so you really get to know the family and their issues. I can get lost in their lives. This was the perfect Vermont vacation read. 3.5 stars.