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Billy Boyle
Billy Boyle
James R. Benn | 2007 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Search for the Spy
Summer of 1942 finds Billy Boyle traveling to England to begin working for his distant uncle, Dwight Eisenhower, as a investigator during World War II. Billy had just become a detective for the Boston PD before the war hit American shores, and Billy isn’t sure he is up to the task. However, he has to jump in immediate when he is asked to help find a spy that might impede Operation Jupiter, the plans to invade Norway and drive out the Germans. His investigation is only hampered when a Norwegian official dies under mysterious circumstances. Is Billy now looking for a killer and a spy?

I’ve heard about this series several times over the years, but it was a friend recommending it to me recently that pushed me to finally start the series. I’m glad I did. I’ve always loved World War II, and I already learned something I didn’t know about it thanks to this book. The author has obviously done his research; unfortunately, sometimes that slows down the story. I’m torn on that because I did love the characters, and I loved seeing how everything from this time was impacting them. Most of the characters are fictional, but they feel like they could be real. Billy was especially wonderful, and I hope we see more of several of the characters as the series progresses. While not a cozy, the book does keep the language and violence to a minimum, which I appreciated. I also loved Billy’s restraint with the women he met – I found that very refreshing. The tone mixes some humor with more serious themes for a richer book. Now that I’ve met Billy, I have a long way to go to catch up, and I’m looking forward to the journey.
A Pairing to Die For
A Pairing to Die For
Kate Lansing | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Parker Pair the Victim with the Correct Killer?
Reid Wallace’s estranged family has come for a visit to Boulder, Colorado, and Parker Valentine is hoping to make a good impression on her boyfriend’s family. However, things aren’t going well as Reid’s family is constantly judging everything she says as not being up to their standards. Never mind their opinions of her wine. The visit is interrupted when Reid is arrested for murder. Oscar, the sous chef at Reid’s restaurant and his long-time friend, was murder behind the restaurant, and the police are certain that Reid did it. Parker doesn’t believe that Reid is capable of murder and sets out to figure out what really happened. Can she free her boyfriend from jail?

The first in this series was one of my favorite books from 2020, so I had high hopes for this one. I’m pleased to say I enjoyed it. There is plenty of conflict in this book to keep us hooked. I did think the pacing started to slow in the middle, but about the time I thought that, it picked up again and kept going until we reached the end. The characters are still rich, and I appreciated the growth in their relationships, while the new characters fit perfectly into Parker’s world. For those interested because of the wine theme, there are plenty of scenes in Parker’s winery. I’d forgotten that this series is written in the present tense, which I don’t mind once my brain adjusts. There are three delicious sounding recipes with suggested wine pairings at the end of the book. If you haven’t started this series, you need to fix that. If you’ve read the first, this book will please you.

Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated The Legacy in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
The Legacy
The Legacy
Gemma Malley | 2010 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first read Malley's The Declaration series this third novel hasn't yet been released. And then I kind of forgot about the series until the end of last year.

Anna and Peter have found a safe residence in the countryside thanks to the Underground, the resistance movement against the use of Longevity. But their safety is being compromised as some unknown "illness" is spreading through the Legals - killing people who are supposed to live forever. People are pointing the finger at everyone around them, fear spreading even quicker than the virus.

Jude and Sheila are living in the main Underground facility, but are forced to move base when their leader, Pip, hands himself in and a brick comes flying in through their window. Meanwhile, Peter's ring is of high importance to Richard Pincent, who has arranged with some unknown Underground member for it to be sent to him.

Without Pip, Jude has to take over. But he wasn't expecting his half-brother to arrive, especially without the rest of his family. And now Sheila's disappeared...

Why are people dying? Are the Underground really to blame?

And then, when he didn't think things could any worse, Jude sees Pip talking to Richard Pincent's closest friend and guard, as if they were friends.

Is this really the end of the Underground? Have they finally lost?

I noticed a lot of typos and punctuation mistakes, which gave the book a bit of an unprofessional, juvenile feel. But I've always loved this series and honestly I found the book so easy to read and enjoyable, despite the mistakes. There are some really interesting twists, and the story focuses a lot on characters other than Anna an d Peter which is nice.

4 stars for this book.
Blinded (Club Indigo #5)
Blinded (Club Indigo #5)
Karen Nappa | 2020 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blinded is the fifth book in the Club Indigo series and we start off with our main male character having to have PT due to a climbing accident. Sandra, our PT, is determined to help this grumpy patient and then have absolutely nothing to do with him. The only trouble is, he's a member of the Club Indigo, the same as she is, and he is a master of the ropes, which is something she wants to do more. Sandra has her baggage to contend with and GT has more than few walls to knock down.

This was a great addition to the series. Like with the others, I would say you could read it as a standalone but to get the most out of it, I would recommend reading them in order. Characters from previous books are mentioned so I found it helpful to have read their story first.

I loved how Karen Nappa managed to intertwine Sandra's relationship with her mother (dysfunctional, people!!!) with her budding relationship with GT. I found her fears and concerns completely relatable and, as someone who also shuts down and runs away rather than have a confrontation, I found her reactions to be completely realistic. The Colour Run sounded like so much fun but I would have killed GT for his "little surprise." 🤣

This was a brilliant addition to the series that I loved reading and I can't wait to see who comes next. Absolutely recommended by me.

(P.S. - please let me find out who was the first Top on the Blind Date night!! PLEASE!!!!)

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Caramel Pecan Roll Murder in Books

Mar 4, 2022 (Updated Mar 4, 2022)  
Caramel Pecan Roll Murder
Caramel Pecan Roll Murder
Joanne Fluke | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hannah Goes Fishing for a Killer
A fishing tournament has come to Lake Eden, which is great news for Lake Eden Inn since it is located on the shores of Eden Lake. Hannah Swensen is out at the inn filling in for their pastry chef, who is out for a family emergency. That’s how she first meets Sonny Bowman, the celebrity face of the contest. Sonny is as arrogant as he is handsome, but Hannah is still surprised when she finds his dead body. Can she figure out what happened?

If you haven’t picked up a book in this series before, don’t start here. Not only are there some spoilers about what has gone on in Hannah’s life recently, but the earlier books were stronger. Go back then to see why people got hooked on the books. For fans, they’ll find this book is a mixed bag. It’s definitely stronger than the last few in the series were, with a little less cooking and baking talk and more time spent on the mystery. I didn’t figure out who the killer was until the end, and there were some decent twists along the way. Since the action takes place at the Inn, we only get cameos from some of the usual characters, which is okay. The characters continue to be a bit thin, but fans will love spending time with them anyway. My biggest issue was the lack of editing. There were several times that a character contradicted something that had happened just a few pages before. It wasn’t related to the mystery; it was just lazy writing and editing. By my count, there are twenty new recipes to enjoy once you’ve finished the book, and they made my mouth water as always. If you’ve stuck with the series, you’ll be glad you picked up the latest entry.
Leviathan's Song (The Boundlands #1) by Elsie Winters
Leviathan's Song (The Boundlands #1) by Elsie Winters
Elsie Winters | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first in a series and I can't wait to see what happens next between Sidney and Jordan!
LEVIATHAN'S SONG is the first book in The Boundlands series, and we start off where two worlds combine. Elara is a golemancer and tinker. She is small in height but big in competency. She first meets Levi when she hears him busking and she can hear the lure in his voice. When her life gets complicated, Levi is the one who is there for her - along with friends both new and old.

I loved every word of this story! The world-building is fantastic, leaving you in no doubt about what it means to live in the Void. Each character could easily stand by itself, but they do so much better together.

I also loved the slow-burn build-up between Elara and Levi. Yes, the attraction is instant, but it takes them time to act on it, down to Levi's reluctance more than Elara's! You find out the reasons why, plus how difficult it is for both of them. Stressful circumstances make them realise just what it is they have, and from then on, it's full-steam ahead. I loved that they took that time and had a relationship built on more than s*x.

This is the first in a series and I can't wait to see what happens next between Sidney and Jordan! A fantastic start that I highly recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *


Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Alien Indiscretions (World of Kalquor #9)
Alien Indiscretions (World of Kalquor #9)
Tracy St. John | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alien Indiscretions is the ninth book in the Worlds of Kalquor series. I have read some of these before, but not all of them. I would recommend you read the series though, as previous characters and relationships are mentioned.

Crissy and Tasha are Jessica's cousins and have made their way to Kalquor to start a new life, one where they can be with whomever they wish. Crissy takes an instant dislike to one of the councillors but is more than happy to push them onto her twin. Of course, that doesn't happen, and Crissy and the Kalquorians need to figure a lot of things out while they still have the chance.

This is definitely a case of those who know, see a different person, because at first glance Crissy is uncouth, brash, and downright rude at times. However, those who know her, love her. And there is enough about her to catch the interest of two out of the three Kalquorians.

This story has a lot of backstory to it, with an overall story arc playing a BIG part of this story. For that reason, I would definitely recommend reading some of the others before this one. It was all well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The pacing is smooth, and there are plenty of sexy scenes for your titillation.

If you have read any of these books before, then I can absolutely recommend it. If you haven't, then I still recommend it, but would suggest you start the series properly first.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 2, 2018
Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Bridgertons, #4)
Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Bridgertons, #4)
Julia Quinn | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think that this has by far been my favourite of the Bridgerton series that I have read so far! After not enjoying An Offer From A Gentleman quite as much as the first three, I’m glad to see that Julia Quinn seemed to have gone back to her original style rather than retelling a fairytale.
We follow Penelope Featherington as she resigns herself to a life as a spinster after no proposals in all of the time that she has been out in society. I felt for Penelope that she’d not even interested one man. Despite being intelligent and witty, Penelope never was noticed at the balls and was a wallflower who only had eyes for one man, Colin Bridgerton.
I spent so much of the book wishing for Colin to notice Penelope and notice how talented she was, rather than be like the rest of the ton men. And once he finally did, it was amazing to read on as his feelings grew. Although I wasn’t too keen when he lost his temper with Penelope multiple times, but I understood the reasoning behind him doing so but just wished that he would listen to Penelope’s side a bit more.
I also love the fact that we found out the identity of Lady Whistledown in this book, but will however miss her summary of the parties and her comments about the goings on around town. I think Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers were such a fun addition to the stories and the mystery behind who she was was a puzzle that occupied me throughout the first four books of the series.
I’m hoping the next book is just as good as this one, and I am enjoying this series immensely.
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Jayne Paton | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SMITH'S CORNER: STORM AND STONE is the fifth book in the Heartwood series. Stone has always been the odd one out amongst his brothers; the one they turn to when they need a favour, but not to give him the relationship he wants. He feels firmly stuck on the periphery when he wants to be involved. Storm knows all about that as she was a foster child until Dee and Layla found her. Whereas Stone will hold it all inside, Storm will lay it out there.

These two don't have it easy, simply because Stone is so afraid of being hurt again. He pushes Storm away until he snaps. It takes him some time to realise she is different from his ex, Vicki, but then, just like the proverbial bad smell, Vicki rolls back into town, with Stone set firmly in her sights.

One thing I adored about this is no matter Vicki's machinations, Storm is not prepared to jump to conclusions. She knows Stone, knows how he feels about Vicki, and how hurt he was. She does not jump to conclusions Vicki wants her to and certainly gives as good as she gets.

We also get further snippets of Hunter and Holden, as well as playing catch up with the rest of the clan. Now, you could read this as a standalone, but to get the most from it, I would definitely recommend you read it as part of the series.

A great addition to the series and recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 14, 2022

Kyera (8 KP) rated Legend in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Marie Lu | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
While the idea of Legend is in no way unique, with the recent influx of post-apocalyptic/dystopian storylines in YA fiction, it is still an enjoyable read. It was nice to have the two varied perspectives - the boy from the street and the girl of means. Their story is full of highs and lows, deception, hurt, betrayal and death. Each deals with events in their own way and comes out of the series as a very different person. (Series-wise) <spoiler>I was not entirely satisfied with the ending. It left the reader with the temptation of promise and a what-if, but felt like an afterthought. The epilogue didn't seem as pulled together as the rest of the novel. It felt more like the readers raged against the conclusion of the book and the author tacked this story on at the end to appease them. Remember what tragic things, what relationships, what changes happened at the end that you didn't like? Just kidding, I take it back. Here's a glimpse of the storyline you actually wanted. </spoiler> Other than that I really enjoyed the series and would recommend it.