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Phantoms on the Bookshelves
Phantoms on the Bookshelves
Jacques Bonnet | 2010 | Education
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Book About Books
I am conscious that I haven't put up a read harder challenge post for a while. Honestly, I was feeling a bit intimidated of going out of my comfort zone and trying something new.

So here I am, reading a book about books.

A book about Jacques Bonnet a French literary critic who owns roughly 40,000 volumes of books. Bonnet talks about his troubles with dealing with a library that big but also about things we don't think about like categorising books, finding a home for them among many other things

Continue reading my review at:
3 Book Girls
3 Book Girls
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
3 friends who love books, getting together, talking about life and books. (0 more)
Bad? If you don't like bad language, maybe? (0 more)
Of course I love it, it's my podcast...duh!!
What Should I Read Next?
What Should I Read Next?
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Love finding out about new books that I might be interested in reading as well as what people think about books I like. (0 more)
Sometimes I hear about a book I'm not interested in and I just want to move past it, but you can't like everything. (0 more)
Strangers to Ourselves
Strangers to Ourselves
Timothy D. Wilson | 2002 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"One of the loveliest, most insightful books about social psychology that I ever read"
