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Alexis Taylor recommended Are We Still Rolling? in Books (curated)

Are We Still Rolling?
Are We Still Rolling?
Phil Brown | 2021
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"The most detailed and fascinating book about a recording engineer who worked on some of my favorite records. I wish there were more music books as good as this. Even though it seems impossible to know the final two Talk Talk albums and Mark Hollis’ solo album better than by listening to their murky, beautiful, sparse sound worlds, this series of first-hand accounts of the sessions —and those for Nilsson, Bob Marley and others—is incredibly illuminating."

The Malay Archipelago
The Malay Archipelago
Alfred Russel Wallace | 1869 | Education, History & Politics, Travel
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"One of my favorite books, which I read when I was about twelve or fourteen, was Alfred Russel Wallace’s travels in the Far East in search of the birds of paradise. I thought he was a marvelous man and full of insight and compassion for the people he met. He was entirely by himself, getting on for eight years wandering around the islands of East Melanesia, western New Guinea and Borneo. He writes brilliantly and says marvelous things."

    Weight Loss**

    Weight Loss**

    Health & Fitness

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Merissa (12358 KP) created a post

Aug 26, 2020  
As with all of Maya Daniels' books, it is full of snarky humour and action. There are new characters to meet as we learn about Myst's past that I can't wait to meet again. A brilliant start to a new series and definitely recommended by me.

Secret Origins (The Courtless Fae #1) by Maya Daniels - @Archaeolibrary, @mayadaniels11, #Urban #Fantasy, 4 out of 5 (very good)