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    Save the world by the power of music in this dynamic & refreshing rhythm game! Play the tunes and...



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    Tabletop Game

    You are one of the lieutenants to the nefarious Mr. White. You are tasked with building his secret...

The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Three shorts taped together
When an animated film does well, there is usually a follow-on of some short films, or a TV series. I mean like the Shrek Halloween shorts, or the Boss Baby series on Netflix.
I think this is what was planned here - three short films for distribution some how, but they weren't sure what to do with them. So they seem to have decided to stitch them together and pad them out into a film.
The film as a whole is enjoyable but jumps around all over the place. Each of the stories in isolation are very enjoyable, with enough humour and charm to keep the audience entertained.
The Punisher (2004)
The Punisher (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When former Navy Seal Frank Castle's family is gunned down at a family reunion in an act of revenge ordered by mob boss Howard saint, frank is forced to leave his life behind and take up arms against all those who wronged him - with extreme violence. Turning to his inner darkness to extract justice, frank becomes a symbol of both Justice & Fear known as The Punisher!

This movie has great plot points, great casting, excellent stunt work and memorable quotes packed with scenes that hit hard, the punisher is something not to be missed.

Starring Tom jane, John Travolta, Samantha mathis, will patton, laura harring, ben foster, James carpinello, John pinette, eddie jemison, kevin Nash, Rebecca Romijn & Mark Collie.
The Double Bind
The Double Bind
Chris Bohjalian | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book completely caught me by surprise. I couldn't put it down... it tells the tale of Laurel, a young woman who was attacked while in college -- an attack that left quite an impression on her. Currently Laurel works for a homeless shelter. When one of her residents dies, her boss gives Laurel (an amateur photographer herself) a box of his photographs. Convinced he was somehow tied to a rich family, quite infamous in Laurel's hometown, she goes on a quest to learn everything she can about the man and his family. The book adds an extra layer as it weaves much <i>The Great Gatsby</i> lore into its own story.