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Cold Pursuit (2019)
Cold Pursuit (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
What Are You?
I seen this film twice now, once back in 2019 when it came out and once couple days ago and im still confused what this film is trying to be, cause i have no idea what its surpost to be. Is it surpost to be a comedy film, a drama film, a action or all above? I have no clue.

The plot: Nels Coxman's quiet life as a snowplow driver comes crashing down when his beloved son dies under mysterious circumstances. His search for the truth soon becomes a quest for revenge against a psychotic drug lord named Viking and his sleazy henchmen. Transformed from upstanding citizen to coldblooded vigilante, Coxman unwittingly sets off a chain of events that includes a kidnapping, a series of deadly misunderstandings and a turf war between Viking and a rival boss.

If your confused as i am than dont watch this film, but if you like Liam Neeson kicking ass than watch this film.
    Devious Dungeon 2

    Devious Dungeon 2


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