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The Christmas Sisters
The Christmas Sisters
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again I am transported straight into a family I want to seek out and join. Sarah Morgan has the uncanny ability to weave a story so real, so engaging that it leaves you wanting so much more when the storyline ends. I want to pack a bag, jump on a plane and head to the Highlands of Scotland to find this magnificent family and climb a mountain or 2.

Suzanne is the matriarch of the McBride family, 25 years ago her life changed, for the better, when she was blessed with 3 daughters. She was fulfilling a promise she made to their mother to care for them if anything happened to her or their dad. After that day on the mountain, 5 went up and only 1 came down, she knew what her new destiny would become. She is ecstatic that all 3 of her girls are coming home to Scotland for Christmas this year, it has to all be perfect.

Hannah doesn’t want to remember, or talk about, anything that happened 25 years ago. She prides herself on being a hard worker, a good boss, firm but strict and doesn’t have time for reminiscing or letting emotions get in the way. She knows this has strained her relationships with her sisters and adoptive parents Suzanne and Stewart. She just doesn’t know any other way. Getting involved with a colleague was by far the wildest thing she has ever done. Now she may be pregnant with his baby and has no idea what to do. First step is getting herself on the plane to Scotland, after canceling last year can she do it?

Beth is a champion multi-tasking mom. She left the work force after her first daughter was born and now that her kids are older, she is ready to head back. She needs to feel important, smart, not just like someone’s mom. Her husband works hard to make sure they have what they need but what she needs is to have some help from him at home. When she receives an offer to rejoin her old boss she goes to Jason to discuss her reentering the work force. He wants her to have another baby instead. She grabs her stuff, changes her ticket and heads to Scotland leaving him to care for their daughters and to fend for himself.

Posy loves living in Scotland, though she hates that her village is so small that literally everyone knows her business. Enter handsome lodger renting part of their barn for months in the winter. What’s a girl to do but do a little flirting? When both her sisters arrive home early she knows something is up but can’t get the real story from either of them. When their mother falls ill with the flu just before Christmas, Posy has to rally the troops to pull off the most perfect Christmas celebration yet.

But with a secret agenda, a demanding not quite boss, an arthritic pony, makeup malfunction, unexpected arrivals and locals that get the gossip all wrong, can anyone save this Christmas?

Once again a 5 star read from Ms Morgan, she grabs me at the first sentence and I just can’t stop reading until I finish. I literally read while brushing my teeth for fear of missing something. I received an advance copy without expectation for review. This book is just another reason why Sarah Morgan is one of my go to authors. I absolutely cannot wait to see where her next adventure takes me.
Close to Home (Sawyer's Ferry #4)
Close to Home (Sawyer's Ferry #4)
Cate Ashwood | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the four!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Sawyers Ferry series, but you don't NEED to read the other books for this one to make sense. The previous stories come before this in time, and the previous characters pop up here too. But, you know? two 5 stars and a 4star read from me, so why not, eh?

Witt somehow manages to get himself a beating, and by some miracle, drives himself to the only place he feels safe: Sawyers Ferry. His boss did not like it when Witt said no. Mason is struggling at his place with his house mates family visiting, so when Logan and Jackson ask Mason to move into their place to keep an eye on the still recovering Witt, he jumps at the chance to not only get out his house, but to get to know the shy man a whole lot better. Something about Witt pulls at Mason, and he can't figure out what, not yet. But when Witt's boss turns up in town, Mason figures it out real quick. Witt is HIS and Mason will do everything he can to protect him.

So, book 4 and this carries a far darker story line. Witt has been working with a bully, and managed to, up to now, avoid any serious confrontation but when Witt says no to more overtime, that confrontation happens and Witt suffers at the hands of his boss. How he managed to get as far as the ferry, he will never know, but Logan and Jackson are there, they will help him. Then Mason is in the house, and Witt doesn't quite know what to do about the man who seemed to have invaded his dreams somewhere along the way.

Mason works with Barrett at the Copper Creek Brewery. He met Witt some time ago, the smaller shy man trying to almost hide in the sofa. But Mason noticed, he noticed a lot about Witt. Visiting Witt at the hospital bought all kinds of rage out of Mason, and all kinds of other feelings he didn't want to examine just yet. Being able to look after Witt when Logan and Jackson go out of town is just the best thing.

Slowly, Witt comes out of himself. He is painfully shy, and Mason so darn gentle with him, it was a delight to see Witt break his shell. And when Witt decides to take the plunge and take what he wants, or rather WHO he wants, ooooeeee that was so hawt!

It was great fun watching these two dance around each other for a huge part of the book! Mason admitted his feelings to Barrett and Frnakie quite early, but Witt took a while to get there. Neither man was sure what the other was feeling!

Brody pops up, and Mason's best friend. He has a short in this series, Laguna, which is availble for free from Profilicworks. And I do mean SHORT! 34 pages is all, but I do know that Ms Ashwood will be writing Brody and Beckett's full story shortly! Can't wait for that, I tell ya!

I just got back off my holidays, and I read this on the plane. Fabulous way to pass a 4 hour flight!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Men in Black International (2019)
Men in Black International (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Perfectly Fine
MEN IN BLACK INTERNATIONAL is a perfectly fine movie that showcases two perfectly fine talents getting into a perfectly fine predicament that is perfectly fine to view. It's fun and action-packed with weird aliens and charismatic, bickering, leads.

It also is nothing new. We've seen this film before with MEN IN BLACK or MEN IN BLACK II or MEN IN BLACK III. So, while I walked out of the cineplex with a satisfying movie going experience, I was left wanting something...more.

In this version of MIB, Tessa Thompson takes over the Will Smith role as the "newbie" in the MIB Universe. We (the audience) experience unusual - and unexpected - things through her eyes and she is joined by a veteran MIB agent - this time played by Chris Hemsworth. The MIB Universe is expanded as agent "M" (Thompson) is sent to the London Bureau by her boss, "O" (an always welcome Emma Thompson". There she meets the head of MIB London (Liam Neeson being gruff and "boss-like") and his "golden boy", Agent "H" (a game Hemsworth). The two join forces to investigate a "mole" in MIB and are, eventually, joined by Alien "Pawney" (voiced, nicely, by Kumail Nanjiani).

The plot machinations are nothing new. I saw the 2 "plot twists" coming a mile off. So it is the journey, not the destination, that should be the fun of it and, ultimately, the journey is agreeable enough but nothing more. "H" and "M" bicker their way through the proceedings until they form a mutual respect for each other. "O", "High T" and Agent "C" (a rival for Hemsworth's "H") are gruff...enough...but never threatening.

And that, ultimately, is the issue here. The stakes weren't high enough, the conflicts weren't big enough, the special effects weren't new enough and, ultimately, the movie just isn't original enough. I kept thinking to myself..."This is the perfect "airplane" movie." By that, I mean I could watch this on an airplane and not be worried about who is looking over my shoulder at what I am watching on screen. It is a safe, pleasant enough, entertainment experience.

You won't be disappointed in this film, you also won't be challenged, thrilled or amazed at it, either.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
Twisted Metal: Black
Twisted Metal: Black
Let The Cars Hit The Floor PS2
Twisted Metal: Black- is a excellent vehicle combat game. I grew up on the twisted metal franchise. I think i only played this one or twice, so i dont remember this one to much.

Overview: In concept, Twisted Metal: Black is a demolition derby that permits the usage of ballistic projectiles. Players choose a vehicle and an arena—or a series of arenas in the story mode—to engage in battle with opposing drivers. A variety of weapons and upgrades are obtainable by pick-ups scattered throughout the stage. The objective of the game is to be the last one standing.

The basis of the plot follows the same structure as in all the previous games: Calypso runs a car-based contest called Twisted Metal (though in the game the contest is never called that), in which the various characters compete risking their lives to claim the tournament's prize - any single wish they desire, no matter the difficulty, rarity or even reality of such wish. Although Calypso is indeed malevolent, characters who have malevolent wishes (which make most of the cast) have their wishes granted without him tricking them on the wishes, while those seeking more noble ends (such as Outlaw's driver Agent Stone) find that Calypso usually has the last laugh.

In a somewhat different take from previous games, each character has their own story, which they narrate from their own point of view. Each of them starts with them being visited by Calypso, who knows what they desire and offers them in his contest. More of the characters' background is revealed in their midpoint cutscene, presented as a dream experienced when they briefly pass out after the sub-boss Minion is defeated. The characters' ending movie showing their wish being granted is presented after defeating the final boss Warhawk.

The game instead takes place within a single city known as "Midtown", with most competitors coming from the city's mental asylum, "Blackfield".

Twisted Metal: Black has a diverse cast made up from both new and returning characters, some of which have changed drastically from their previous appearances. There are a total of fifteen selectable characters, in which ten of them are selectable from the very beginning and the other five must be found and unlocked.

It got excellent reception from critics, and its getting a excellent reception from me.
Cruel Peter (2019)
Cruel Peter (2019)
2019 | Horror, International
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The movie starts in 1908, a young boy named Peter is accused of cutting a girl with a razor, he insists the girl is lying and his mother defends him even though she knows the girl is actually telling the truth. We learn how evil Peter is soon after when he sets fire to a rat and it is implyed that he killed someone's dog. Peter soon gets a visitor from someone wearing a potato sack on their head, who hits him on the head with a shovel and buries him alive, never to be seen again.
We jump ahead to the present day to a dad studying and then randomly going in his daughters room and finding a boof of spirits in his deaf daughters room. We then jump to another scene of him being offered a job in Italy with some bloke on a boat, who I can only assume is a friend or his boss, its never made clear. Then in the next scene, him and his daughter are pulling up in Italy!?! Literally no lead upto it, just job offer and boom, they're there! The dad is even shown talking to some woman who I thought was a tour guide or his new boss, until she asked him if he'd like to meet her aunt! Anyway, we briefly see his daughter Liz walking down the corridor at her new school and then he finds Peters body whilst on a dig, leading to him searching the Internet and Liz summoning a ghost which we later find out is Peter.
To be honest, I knew from the get go that this movie wasn't going to be great, but I always see a movie to the end so I persevered. The scenes were very poorly put together, they seemed randomly placed and very rushed, random characters would appear, have no introductions (apart from one) and yet seem to have known the dad for a while! Speaking of which, I don't recall ever finding out his name as it was never mentioned. The acting was absolutely atrocious and the sound effects even worse, for example when Liz was supposed to be possessed, she sounded more like a dinosaur from jurassic Park rather than a demon. I was glad to see the end of this truly awful movie.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
After falling into debt with a crime boss, Baby (Ansel Elgort), must pay back what he owes by being the getaway driver for brazen daytime heists. The crime boss, Doc (Kevin Spacey), promises Baby that once the next job is done he will be debt free. Baby does the job and heads home feeling finally free and ready to start doing good things with his life. He meets a beautiful waitress, Debora (Lily James), and plans to drive across the country with her. It may be too good to be true. He soon learns that being debt free may not mean that he gets to walk away from the life of crime. Being an exceptional driver has made him indispensable to Doc. Now Baby has a choice between walking away, which Doc has promised to hurt him and those he cares about if he does, or do one more job, and hope he find a way out of the criminal world and onto the road with Debora.

Writer/Director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) does a masterful job of drawing the audience into the story with the soundtrack in a really fun and original way. From the chase scenes to the mundane task of getting coffee, the music immerses the viewer into Baby’s world. The film starts out with an exciting car chase sequence and keeps moving all the way to the end. All of the chase/driving scenes are really well done, which was expected for a movie with driver in the name, but impressive none the less. The pace of the film was consistent and it flowed all the way to the end. Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, John Hamm, Eliza Gonzalez and the rest of the supporting cast did really well and all brought interesting characters to the film.

I loved the originality of the story and how it was executed. This is definitely a soundtrack I will have to listen to again. There were couple loose ends with some of the characters that didn’t get tied up but that was minimal. It is a fun ride and has a little bit of something for everyone. There is a love story, action, a compelling story, and a mixed in comedy that lightens the mood.