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Half Baked (1998)
Half Baked (1998)
1998 | Comedy
Ironically, not even that much better while high. I liked this for the majority of the runtime but that third act really tried my patience - falls into the exact line as other late 90s/early 00s buddy comedies in vein of π˜‹π˜Άπ˜₯𝘦, 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 π˜”π˜Ί 𝘊𝘒𝘳? and the like that I just fucking hate, where the film completely gives up and a bunch of tiring 'wacky' stuff happens until it abruptly ends. Pretty typical hit-or-miss stoner comedy of the era but easy to forgive when the thing isn't even 85 minutes in length. It's agreeable enough with some seriously funny shit in it every now and again, mostly only holding its own in the sea of other similar movies due to its trio of three sharp, exuberant lead performances - Jim Breuer's final boss tie-dyed pothead steals the show with extreme prejudice (seriously, has anyone else in a movie ever exuded *more* stoner energy than this guy?). Can be lumped right in with π˜”π˜ͺ𝘴𝘴 π˜”π˜’π˜³π˜€π˜© in the "kind of funny, semi-decent films written by people who are clearly above such work but also maybe that was the point of it to begin with?" pile. But Bob Saget's "I used to suck dick for coke!" bit remains as iconic and effortlessly hysterical as ever.
Chariots of Fire (1981)
Chariots of Fire (1981)
1981 | Drama, International, Sport
Yep - just as overly-mannered, anticlimactic, awards bait-y, and loooonnngggg as everyone says. However, also like everyone says, there's no denying that righteous Vangelis score and drop-dead gorgeous shots (in particular the sumptuous locales, but even the grandiose interior shots here remind you just how much can actually be captured on a camera lens). But honestly? You could do *way* worse in terms of Oscar bait (or even wrongful Best Picture winners). I thought this was mostly fine right up until - ironically - the Olympics happen where it then proceeds to fall apart narratively, structurally, and thematically. This features some fairly compelling notes on antisemitism, faith, and patriotism but they all only get mentioned like once or twice before taking a backseat to the rather sterile and predictable running stuff - which is shot competently but uninvolving, if you're going to underwrite most of the other stuff then you at least gotta have that, boss. Also noticeably misogynistic - setting up the paper-thin women characters as sticks-in-the-mud who have to be condescendingly explained to like infants why they should just shut up and realize that what these rich, spoiled asshole men want is more important than what they want. Plus everyone in this runs like they have to take a massive shit.

Mark Arm recommended Duck Stab by The Residents in Music (curated)

Duck Stab by The Residents
Duck Stab by The Residents
1978 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I guess it was originally two EPs, put together in one record. I don't have the original versions but the songs all feel like one record and it's kind of them at their catchiest. They were always a little bit creepy. Some of the other things that came out on Ralph Records like Renaldo and The Loaf were wackier but there was a creepiness to The Residents that I found very, very appealing. Do you know Long Gone John, the label boss from Sympathy For The Record Industry? I went down to visit him at his house in Long Beach. This band I was in, Bloodloss, was on tour and we all went over there because he released a couple of our records. We went to his house and he was just a massive collector of crazy rock stuff and also that kind of juxtaposed art, like Robert Williams paintings. The Residents came up and his eyes lit up. He was like, ""Come here, follow me"" and he took us to this back room, opened up a safe and pulled out a copy of Santa Dog their first record. He prized that so much he kept it in a safe!"
