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Full Dark No Stars
Full Dark No Stars
Stephen King | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disturbing and hard to read at times but well worth it. (0 more)
Casual Review
Full Dark, No Stars is a collection of four short stories by Stephen King. These stories include 1922, Big Driver, Fair Extension, and A Good Marriage. As Stephen King admits in the Afterword at the back of the book these four stories are disturbing and hard to read at times but they are well worth it. In these four books Stephen King explores the possibility of each person having at least one more person inside them, the person that comes out when we experience something too traumatic for our typical self to handle. What happens when this person we keep hidden deep inside of us gets let out? Can we put this person back and go on to live a normal life or does it change us forever?


This story reminded me largely of Poe's Tell-Tale Heart and I am sure many other bookworms will see the resemblance between these two stories. Wilfred Leland James is a farmer living on 80 acres of land with his wife and his son. When his wife is given 100 acres of adjacent land when her father dies, Wilfred is thrilled until he learns that she plans on selling all of it off to a big company and that there is nothing he can do to stop her. She is determined to sell the land and move to the city, taking their son with her either Wilfred wants to go or not. Their respective stubbornness starts a chain of events that can only end in pain and misery for all involved.

Big Driver

Tess is a mystery writer of the sort that writes simple little mysteries often read by older ladies and their book clubs and who occasionally makes guest appearances to talk about her books. When she takes a shortcut home suggested to her after one such event she finds herself in a world that she doesn't even dare to write about. A stranger stopping to help her ends up having other plans for her and leaves her for dead after raping her multiple times. Tess manages to survive and makes her way home but the damage has been done in more than one way and she sets out to get revenge on all she believes to be involved in what happened. Is it possible though that she doesn't know the full story?

Fair Extension

Dave Streeter has cancer and doesn't have much time left to live, under a year for sure. He is extremely jealous of an old friend of his from school who seems to have it all while Dave and his family are not struggling but they also are not doing as well as what his old friend is. Then one day while heading home and contemplating his life. he sees a man along the extension by the airport with a little stand set up. This man offers Dave an extension on his life but Dave has to offer someone that he hates up to this man in exchange, not to kill him but someone must pay the price.

A Good Marriage

One day while Darcy's husband is away on business and she is looking for batteries she stubbles on a box that her husband has hidden under a table in the garage. When she tries to push the box under the table the rest of the way she pushes the box up against something that she ends up wishing she never investigated. When she looks at what the box hit she ends up discovering that her husband has been harboring a horrible secret from even before they were married but this puts her in a very bad spot. She fears no one would believe that she did not know about what he was doing until now and she also fears the stigma that the discovery will leave on their children. At the same time though she must do something about what she found out.

Eduardo Sanchez recommended Blade Runner (1982) in Movies (curated)

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Again, I think chronologically, is Blade Runner. It was the movie right after Raiders. And Harrison Ford is, you know, my favorite actor. He just has this… He’s just such a likeable guy. He’s obviously been one of the biggest stars in the last 20, 30 years. But he’s really been underappreciated now. And Blade Runner, to me, was such a cool film. And I know it didn’t do well at the box office, but I saw it opening night. People were expecting a lot because Raiders was the film that had just come out before. I just thought it was so ballsy, you know, especially for Harrison Ford to do this, because it wasn’t an action film, it was more of a noir/science fiction movie. And just that opening sequence of going over Los Angeles and those big fire plumes, and the spinners and the angelic soundtrack, it was just, it was religious. It was like a religious experience. Again, I really got into how they made it. I had already been a fan of Ridley Scott but this really solidified him as one of my favorite directors. Just the mood of that movie, it’s just beautiful. It’s one of those weird movies where I’ve seen all the versions and I actually like the original studio version better. I really love Harrison Ford’s narration. To me it was just kind of classic noir, crime/mystery film, you know? But it was set in this frickin’ crazy science-fiction future and I just loved it."


Ben Wheatley recommended Come and See (1985) in Movies (curated)

Come and See (1985)
Come and See (1985)
1985 | Drama, Thriller, War
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The last one, well, I think for me — at the moment — it’s Come and See, the Elem Klimov film about the Russians fighting the Nazis. I’ve only ever seen it once, and I don’t know if I ever want to see it again, but it is an incredibly, profoundly affecting and terrifying experience. I just thought it was amazing. I saw it maybe two years ago, and it’s just stayed with me so much. It was a film I had and I was scared of watching. I don’t know why I bought it. I buy a lot of films all the time, and I’ve just got cupboards and cupboards of movies. I saw it on the shelf and looked at it at like midnight one night and thought, “I’ll just watch five minutes of it and see what it’s like,” and then at two in the morning I was still watching, going “Oh my god, I’ve never seen anything like this.” What I like about it is that it’s a mixture that shouldn’t work on so many levels, because it’s very arty and it’s very self-conscious, but yet it’s utterly realistic, and it feels emotionally realistic. It feels like you’re totally transported into that situation. I’d also double that with The Ascent, the Larisa Shepitko movie. She was married to Klimov and made a movie 10 years earlier on almost the same subject, and her film is just unbelievable as well, you know. It’s well worth checking out, that Criterion box set. Mind-blowing stuff. Have you seen Come and See?"

The Postman (1997)
The Postman (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
Kevin Costner released 'Waterworld' in 1995.

It sunk at the box office.

This was a few years later, based on the highly-respected David Brin novel of the same name.

I'm sure he wasn't expecting this one to flop either. Set in the far-off future of 2013, following a un-named catastrophe of some sort (no, not Trump)

The problem, I feel, is simply the length at nearly 3 hours long - there's some good ideas in here, and some good scenes, and a refreshing society-is-now-getting-better-again thread, after the unnamed events that led to the dystopian future shown at the start of the movie, but I do feel that the first act (in particular), playing up the threat of the fascist army led by General Bethlehem, could have been excised somewhat.

I understand why it's there - it needs to give Costner's character something to push against - but I think the book (and from what I remember) handled that aspect better than the movie does.

So, yeah, Costner plays a drifter who - after his escape from that army - discovers an old Postman uniform, initially putting it on only to become warm and then 'delivering the mail' simply as a scam to get food and shelter. However, over the course of that movie, that scam takes on a life of its own and more and more becomes the truth, finally ending with a code in the late 2040s after his death and where - going by dress, etc, - things seem to be back to 'normal'.
Pandora's Box (1929)
Pandora's Box (1929)
1929 | Classics, Drama, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pandora’s Box was one of the last films of the silent era, a period of transition to sound which I believe set the art of cinematography back a decade.

In short. Pandora’s Box looks stunning! Using the frame to its fullest, with a combination of wide framing and exploiting the art of the close up as Lulu herself, would the men around her, as well as driven by brilliant performances by most of the cast. But kudos needs to go to the star, Louise Brooks, as she portrays Lulu, the alluring flapper girl who can work her innocent, secutive magic on anyone, men and women alike.

But this is not limited to the narrative’s characters as her performance is subtle and underplayed, oozing out the silver screen and seducing the audience with same allure. If looks could kill, then this movie has them all.

With a sparse use of inter-titles, the film relies on both the physicality of the cast and imaginative cinematography to convey the seductive and danger of the events as they unfold over the two and bit hour runtime. Fritz Korner in particular rivals Brooks with the intensity of his performance as the ill fated husband of the girl about town.

And then there’s Alice Roberts, the Countess, who is widely thought to have the first lesbian to be seen on screen. Only Belgian actress’s second film in her short career, is played very Germanic, yet sympathetic as she too, has been drawn under Lulu’s spell.

This was made during the period in which German cinema was ruling, driving the art form from the nickelodeon to the theatre, but this was about to change in the 1930’s with advent of the sound and the golden age of American cinema. But as this film proves, you do not need sound to tell or show a good story.

Granted, the central story is pretty mediocre; a simple tale of a damaged woman who instinctively uses her allure to get her own way yet not as a diva, just an instinctive manipulator, casting her spell far and wide until that spell leads her into the hands London serial killer, Jack The Ripper (Gustav Diessl). But she is never portrayed as evil or scheming, just as herself as those around her are drawn to her aide.

There is little of the pantamine action or motives that you can expect from this genre even now, 90 years on.

But German director G.W. Pabst manages to create a multi-layered tale, deepened by psychological and social subtext, achieved as much because of the relationship he garnered with the star, Brookes, as he played on her natural talents to bring one of cinemas most defining roles to the screen. This would be the first of two collaborations between the director and the wayward starlet that year.

Pandora’s Box is yet another example of how German Cinema was leading the world back in the 1920’s; and even though the second world war may have brought this golden era to an abrupt end, it’s legacy lives on today with the styles, both in front and behind the camera, still being honoured by entire film industry now and hopefully for decades to come.
Orphan Black  - Season 1
Orphan Black - Season 1
2013 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Unique plot line (1 more)
Fantastic actors
I was originally drawn to the series after reading the synopsis, and was hooked in the first 10 minutes. The story centres around Sarah, who assumes the identity of a woman who looks identical to her, trying to escape her own troublesome past, but instead finding she has just stepped into more trouble. As the story develops, we find out that they are actually clones of each other, and are not alone in the world.
The plot thickens quickly as the series develops, becoming more sinister as Sarah tries to protect her foster family and young daughter. In all, I could the plot line unique and refreshing in comparison to what is currently out their.

The clones are played by Tatiana Maslany, who acts each one individually, the fact that she is able to demonstrate a clear identity of several characters at the same time, is a credit to her acting career.

The show itself does have a lot of drama, suspense and a little violence throughout the series, however it never takes itself too seriously, with regular breaks to add a little light heartedness into the show. The clone Alison/ soccer mom, in particular adds an air of humour to the show, particularly with her turbulent relationship with her husband and the stark contrast between herself and Sarah.

The series itself is worthy of a complete box set binge, and is definitely not one that you want to stop until the very end. This has made it to my list of favourite TV shows of all time.
Just Mercy (2019)
Just Mercy (2019)
2019 | Drama
Fact-based courtroom drama. Idealistic young lawyer Bryan Stevenson (Jordan), fresh out of Harvard, heads down to Alabama and sets up an agency to provide legal support to people with no other recourse. He comes across the case of convicted murderer Walter McMillian (Foxx), which strikes him as deeply compromised. But can he overcome a prejudiced system and win his client justice?

I was all set to be very glib and cynical about what looks like - from the trailer at least - another box-ticking exercise in liberal angst about the Plight of Black America, calculated to have a presence during awards season. Well, to some extent this is that kind of a movie, but it is also a genuinely involving, powerful and moving drama - it's the kind of film that gets past your defences and forces you to care, thanks to basic film-making virtues, a compelling story, and strong performances. Anyone doubting that Michael B Jordan is now a significant leading man should check out his performance here: he brings strength, dignity, and nobility, as you would expect, but there is also a willingness to show naivety and vulnerability. Obviously this is part of a tradition of films about racism in America that includes To Kill a Mockingbird and In the Heat of the Night, but by focusing mainly on the legal plotline and saving its political points until near the end, it makes them all the more impactful when they land. Jordan gets stuck with a bit too much speechifying as the film goes on, and a couple of the supporting performances are arguably overcooked, but otherwise this is an extremely accomplished film.
Crimes & Capers: High School Hijinks
Crimes & Capers: High School Hijinks
2021 | Murder & Mystery, Puzzle
High School. While many have horrible memories of that time period of life, I personally did not have many negative experiences. However, I do remember the different cliques, and those that could and could not be trusted. So when I heard about the new Crimes & Capers series from Renegade Game Studios, and that one of the options was a high school, I knew we had to take a look at it. Come see why we enjoy it.

A popular student among many different social circles is in trouble and it is up to her friends (the players) to suss out the entire situation armed with merely small pieces of information. Each player takes on the role of one such student, and their information is vital to the overall story behind these High School Hijinks.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover everything, but will describe the overall game flow so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth coverage, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, each player chooses a character, receives the corresponding booklet of information, and the padlocked locker is placed on the table. The locker contains more vital information, and it is up to the players to arrive at the correct combination to unlock it. Open the envelope entitled, “Opening Materials,” and the game is on!

Now, there is so much to this game that I wish I could relay to you, the reader, but without spoiling anything, my hands are almost literally tied. I wish I could explain what kind of information is found in each player’s materials, and what the locker contains, and even a little of the story, but in doing so I fear I would spoil at least SOMETHING. That’s not what I’m about, so unfortunately, this portion of the review will need to remain a mystery. Apologies, but it benefits you this way.
Components. Inside this box is a bunch of folios and envelopes and one of the coolest components I’ve ever seen in a game box: a fully-formed and padlocked personal locker. Yes, one could easily tear the cardboard locker apart to get to the materials inside, but what kind of monster would do such a thing? I have no problems with any of the components, and the artwork throughout is excellent.

The game itself is also incredibly solid. We really had no idea what to expect going into this one, but were pleasantly surprised with the included puzzles and deductions. There were many times when we just HAD to exchange folios and information belonging to the individual player because we just needed a second set of eyes on it. There is a lot of stuff going on in this box, and it definitely was a great time playing.

However, this game is one of those that is a one-and-done play, because once you have played through it, it is impossible to replay with the same components. Renegade Games does provide a recharge pack, of sorts, so that the game may be enjoyed by another group, but I have not checked into that, so I will not comment on it. I believe our scores are indicative of the great time we had, but the fact that we are unable to play it again, and that is both a very very cool feature, but also very saddening. We would love to be able to salvage some components and have a different scenario be made from them, but alas, we are not designers, so we have not yet figured out how.

The official recommendation here is that everyone should definitely try this one. If you are a fan of mystery games and games that have interesting themes and mechanics working together, then this is a no-brainer. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a nostalgic 12 / 18. If it were replayable in any fashion that would not rehash the same story, this would easily earn a higher rating from us. That said, we are very much looking forward to trying the other game(s) in the series as they release. So come on back to high school and join your friends for the High School Hijinks that are certain to be a good time.
A Gentle Rain
A Gentle Rain
2021 | Puzzle
“Take a deep breath and relax…” These words greet you as you open the box for A Gentle Rain, and they certainly set the tone for some cathartic experience. Such was the case when upon opening a mystery mailer I found a copy of A Gentle Rain. I had no idea it was coming to me, but it came, I played it, and it did indeed set my soul at ease for the 30 minutes I spent playing several games of it. Mystery games are always good, right? Even when they are bad? But how was this little soothing surprise?

A Gentle Rain is a solo tile placement puzzle game. In it the player is attempting to help eight lily varieties to bloom during a rain shower. This magnificent experience sets alight the spirit of the player and transports them to a new level of zen. Or they simply win the game. It just depends how into it one likes to be.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game (I think), so what you see in these photos is probably what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup A Gentle Rain, gently place on the table the eight blossom tokens. Near these place the shuffled stack of lake tiles, face-down. Flip over the top lake tile and place it on the table in whichever orientation your heart desires. You may now begin your tour of the lake.
On a turn the player will draw a tile from the top of the lake tile stack and attempt to place it on the table, joining a matching straight side to an existing lake tile on the table. As more and more lake tiles are revealed and placed the player may notice a group of four adjoining tiles forming a square. Once this is achieved the player may choose one of the completed lilies showing in this completed square and place a related blossom token in the created circular space. Placing the tokens allow this type of lily to bloom and nurture the player’s natural essence. Should a drawn tile have no space to occupy, it will be safely discarded and allowed to watch the magical spectacle unfold before it.

The lake journey continues in this fashion until either all blossom tokens have been placed in their respective safe spaces or all lake tiles have been drawn and placed or discarded. The player will count all blossom tokens placed for their final score, and if all eight blossom tokens were placed, will also add the number of lake tiles remaining with their brethren in the draw stack. These scores represent the level of enlightenment achieved by strolling near the lake to take in its beauty.
Components. This game is comprised of eight blossom tokens and a bunch of lake tiles in a small box. The lake tiles are all different and feature different lily semi-circles on the edges. They are thick enough to withstand multiple multiple plays and feature incredibly serene artwork. Similarly, the blossom tokens contain beautiful lily depictions upon painted wooden discs. The components in this game are high quality, and suited for addicted gamers’ need for play after play.

Again, I was surprised, not only by simply receiving the game out of the blue with no prior notification, but also by how much I truly enjoy playing this. The rulebook suggests pouring a cup of tea or other soothing beverage (chai is by far my favorite, with Earl Grey several leagues behind), and I certainly follow rulebooks’ suggestions every chance I get. What I was given here is a wonderful solo experience that I will absolutely be rewarding myself with many times in the future.

The puzzly bits of the game are not at all frustrating, as some puzzle games can be, but you truly feel bad for the lilies that you were unable to find a suitable match for it so it can bloom and display its beauty. And when a blossom token is finally placed, I found that I smiled a bit and wished the blossom a nurturing rain shower. Now, of course I have been using flowery words mostly in jest, but truthfully, this game does put one’s mind at ease for a spell. I have been slightly more stressed than normal lately and for some reason this game was EXACTLY what I needed at this point in my life. Destiny? Perhaps. Extremely lucky coincidence? Perhaps that is the same thing…

If you are a fan of puzzle games that can be played solo and that are addicting, then you must take a look at A Gentle Rain. I believe every gamer can appreciate the theme and artwork, and the design is so refreshing and simple. I will be treasuring this little gem for a very long time, and its small footprint makes it a near perfect travel companion. I give this one a very high recommendation for ALL gamer types and ages. Go find a copy today!
Never Say Never
Never Say Never
2020 | Party Game, Word Game
Never have I ever played Never Have I Ever. At least I don’t remember ever playing it. You know the one. A player says they haven’t done something and if you have you have to either eat a Twinkie (not a sponsor), take a drink of whatever, or put down a finger. That’s the general idea of that game. Never Say Never definitely takes inspiration from this aforementioned classic (?) and puts a new twist on it. Read on if you are intrigued.
Never Say Never is a party card game in the same vein as Never Have I Ever, but plays oppositely. So gather your friends (well, up to 20 of them and only after COVID passes by) and get ready to amaze them all.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. Like what you read? You may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, have each player draw five cards from the massive deck. You are now ready to play!
On a turn the active player will choose one of their cards to be played to the table. When read aloud, the active player will score one point if everyone says they would never do the action played. If people say they WOULD do the action, however, they immediately explain themselves and why they would or how they have in the past. The greatest story wins the point. The first person to 10 points wins the game or is very drunk (if playing by the alternate rules).

Components. This game is about a million cards in a box with the rules of the game printed on the back of the box. The cards are all fine quality and minimal art is used, but the layout is decent and legible. No real problems to be had with components.

The game itself isn’t what I would call “bad.” In fact, it is enjoyable for what it is: a simple party game offering some new and imaginative prompts for when your brain cells aren’t necessarily firing correctly. Instead of coming up with the prompts from experiences you have actually had, these offer off-the-wall scenarios that many people have not done, but may actually consider. A small change, but an interesting one.

Obviously this one probably will not rank highly on many gamers’ favorite lists, but I think it is one that is handy to keep around when something of this style is needed. I know there have been times when the game night invitee list was bloated with non-invitees and I had to scramble to come up with some engaging activities. Never Say Never would certainly have saved my bacon on those occasions. Especially when non-gamer spouses are added to that number.

So I think that if you are a fan of party games and want to try a spin on an old standard, give Never Say Never a shot. If, like me, you struggle to entertain the non-gamers who show up to game night, give this a try. You might very well open up some peoples’ minds to other games that night as well. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an 11 / 18. I personally would never eat rat meat, but under the right circumstances would certainly consider shaving my eyebrows completely off. HBU?