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The Twelve Disasters of Christmas
The Twelve Disasters of Christmas
JP Sayle | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really enjoyed this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book five in the Manx Cat Guardians series, and you probably SHOULD read he other books first. Some things are mentioned here, that happened in those books and not all is fully recapped.

Brad is sex-bribed into giving a Christmas party for Martin and his work colleagues. Brad never had a proper Christmas before and he wants it to be perfect. Things take a turn, and it's one thing after another going wrong. And just what is going on with his cat, Princess??

I really enjoyed this latest book in this series! It's funny and witty; emotional and painful; and sexy and steamy! So bloody sexy and steamy! The guys have a *thing* Brad and Martin, Joe and Stuart, and Greg and Aaden. So freaking hawt but they are spoil sports too! "Look, but not touching!"

But it's Brad and this party that take centre stage. Well, mostly, more on what I mean shortly! The party of the century has to be perfect and things keep going wrong for poor Brad! Greg has a hiccup too! I'm not going into any details, cos of spoilers, but you feel for them, as one thing after another goes wrong!

Poor Max (Aaden's cat) has been given an impossible choice. When it becomes clear just WHY the witchy-woo (I had to laugh at that name given to her!) is doing what she is doing, Max' decision is easy, but the witchy-woo ain't happy. Neither is Princess when she finds out what Max did to save her life so I'm hoping she comes round!

Brad, Greg, Joe and Nick (Aaden's little brother) all have a say, the other guys don't. But when Nick had HIS say, it made me want to hear from Brody (Aaden's best friend) Because of what Nick has to say, because there is something going on with Brody we don't yet know about, because of what happens after Brody picks Nick up after they all get drunk, I NEEDED Brody, and we don't get him.

And this is what I meant earlier. While the party is the main plot line of the book, Nick and Brody's story is being laid out too, and to ME, that is a far more important part of this story, than a party. Nick has a LOT to say about what he feels about Brody, even if he is Aaden's best friend, and I have a feeling Brody isn't as indifferent to the squirt as he makes out.

I don't get Brody here, and I NEEDED him, and that's the ONLY reason I gave it

4 stars

But that's just me, spitting my dummy out and having a hissy fit with these books, AGAIN!! Ms Sayle keeps doing that to me! I very much look forward to seeing what Ms Sayle does to illicit such reactions from me!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Destiny Collides Past and Present (The Manx Cat Guardians #2)
Destiny Collides Past and Present (The Manx Cat Guardians #2)
JP Sayle | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much MUCH better read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy if this book.

This is book two in the Manx Cat Guardians series, and I would recommend that you read book one, Seeing Beyond the Scars, first. Brad and Martin play a huge part here, there is some overlap of the two stories and you need to know what Brad suffered.

I enjoyed this far FAR more than book one. The major issue I had with that book was it had not been edited properly and it had a massive impact on my reading experience. I saw no sign of that problem here, and it made for a much more pleasurable read.

Stuart is a work colleague of Martin (although I'm still not entirely sure what ANY of the guys do for work!) and he moves to the island to help Martin while Brad is in hospital. Cat sitting wasn't his best decision. Joe is hiding from his abusive ex, and lodging at Stuart's seemed like a good idea. Falling in love wasn't something either of them had in mind.

I'm still not sure about the cat, Princess! I said in my review for book one that I wanted more of the history of her "people" and I STILL want that, I NEED it, I think, to get the full picture. That Max turns up with Aadan, gives a little bit, but no where near enough for me! I'm just greedy, I know!

I do think again, that Joe would have been a bit more skittish, jumping into something so soon after he managed to get away, but he does push Stuart away when Stuart says something that Joe hated.

I loved Aadan, and the fact that he pushed Joe and Stuart into something they maybe hadn't thought about, but ran with it anyway.

I see book three laid out for me, and I REALLY ant to read that now! Max has upset Aadan, when he saves Princess and Aadan has some paranormal power that isn't fully explained here, it's just hinted at. Something has happened between Aadan and Greg, Stuart's secretary, and I really NEED to know what!

Since this was a much MUCH better read, and I saw no editing errors that plagued book one....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Seeing Beyond the Scars (The Manx Cat Guardians #1)
Seeing Beyond the Scars (The Manx Cat Guardians #1)
JP Sayle | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 3 stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I quite enjoyed this, but there was one issue that very nearly ruined it for me.


This book needs a major edit. Almost every other page there were words, while spelt correctly, did not fit in the sentence. Images, when it should have said imagine. Little things, that mount up, and because of this, I very nearly dumped it. It NEEDS mentioning, because it did effect my reading pleasure.


 I did enjoy it, mostly. The tale of a little cat, looking after her charge. A damaged man, and a disillusioned man, coming together. Brad is pretty much a recluse, only going out his house when he HAS to. His new neighbour and his naughty cat have him all a-dither. Martin is hit with that "MINE" moment you usually get with shifters (there are no shifters in this book!) and the attraction is instant and powerful. HOT too! But I found it a little too much, too soon, you know?? Brad is damaged, emotionally and physically, by his history, and I would have expected him to be way more skittish.

I would have liked some more of Princess, more specifically, about HER, and her sort of being and her people (for want of a better word!) We get hints and clues, but I'm left feeling like I missed something, you know?? Something important about her.

A first time author and in places, it shows. BUT!!! One to watch out for, I think. A good start, as a new author, AND as the first in a series. I'd like to follow it, maybe I'll get what I'm missing from Princess.

3 solid GOOD stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Lenard (726 KP) created a post

Jan 12, 2020  
Final Oscar Nomination Predictions
This has been a weird year where it seems like you cannot base the BP noms on an equitable studio split or traditional metrics. I do not think there will be 10 and there is a good chance that only 8 will get nominated again, but I have no idea which film will be snubbed so here are the predictions for 2020.

1917 (Universal)
Ford v Ferrari (Fox)
The Irishman (Netflix)
Jojo Rabbit (Fox Searchlight)
Joker (Warner Bros)
Little Women (Columbia)
Marriage Story (Netflix)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Columbia)
Parasite (Neon)

Bong Joon-ho, Parasite
Sam Mendes, 1917
Martin Scorsese, The Irishman
Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Taika Waititi, Jojo Rabbit

Antonio Banderas, Pain & Glory
Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Adam Driver, Marriage Story
Taron Egerton, Rocketman
Joaquin Phoenix, Joker

Cynthia Erivo, Harriet
Scarlett Johansson, Marriage Story
Lupita Nyongo, Us (here is where preferential balloting is good)
Charlize Theron, Bombshell
Renee Zellweger, Judy

Jamie Foxx, Just Mercy
Tom Hanks, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (His speech solidified his nom)
Al Pacino, The Irishman
Joe Pesci, The Irishman
Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Laura Dern, Marriage Story
Jennifer Lopez, Hustlers
Florence Pugh, Little Women
Margot Robbie, Bombshell
Zhao Shuzhen, The Farewell (my longshot, but ScarJo is not respected in Hollywood)

Noah Baumbach, Marriage Story
Rian Johnson, Knives Out
Bong Joon-ho & Han Jin-won, Parasite
Josh Safdie & Benny Safdie, Uncut Gems
Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
People talk about a lack of female direction nomination, but screenplay is just as void.

Greta Gerwig, Little Women
Anthony McCarten, The Two Popes
Todd Phillips & Scott Silver, Joker
Taika Waititi, Jojo Rabbit
Steven Zaillian, The Irishman
I wish there was room for Lorene Scafaria.
Army of Thieves (2021)
Army of Thieves (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime, Horror, Thriller
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“Did He Just Say Gulp?”
I have Covid-19, and am confined to quarters. So time to catch up on some streaming films. New on Netflix is “Army of Thieves”, a quirky prequel, of sorts, to Zac Snyder’s “Army of the Dead“.

Plot Summary:
Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert (Matthias Schweighöfer) is a geek obsessed with the work of legendary safe-manufacturer Hans Wagner whose magnum opus was a series of four intricate safes named after the four parts of his namesake’s Ring cycle: The Rhinegold, The Valkyrie, Siegfried and Götterdämmerung.

Seeking more the glory of cracking the legendary safes (rather than the riches within), high-class jewel-thief Gwendoline (Nathalie Emmanuel) teams with Sebastian to crack the three known safes (in Paris, Prague and St Moritz) before they are officially ‘retired’. Together with Korina (Ruby O. Fee), muscle-man Brad (Stuart Martin) and getaway driver Rolph (Guz Khan) the gang try to stay one step ahead of obsessed Interpol agent Delacroix (Jonathan Cohen).

US: TV-MA. UK: 15.

Starring: Matthias Schweighöfer, Nathalie Emmanuel, Ruby O. Fee, Stuart Martin, Guz Khan, Jonathan Cohen.

Directed by: Matthias Schweighöfer.

Written by: Shay Hatten (from a story by Shay Hatten and Zack Snyder).

“Army of Thieves” Review: Positives:
I really wasn’t expecting much from this offering. For me, the character of Dieter in “Army of the Dead” was an annoyingly quirky comedy character in a zombie-actioner that you just wanted to punch in the face…. repeatedly. But in contrast, this Dieter-centric film is deliberately quirky throughout and it just all worked for me. Under his own direction, Schweighöfer’s Sebastian/Dieter becomes a genuinely quirky, lovelorn and loveable loser that you want to root for.
The look and feel of the film is utterly glorious. The wonderful cinematography by Bernhard Jasper makes the introduction to the European locations feel Bond-like and the combination of Production Design and Special Effects make the safe-cracking scenes tense, dynamic and beautiful to watch. It’s all nicely rounded off by a quirky Steve Mazzaro / Hans Zimmer score.
Shay Hatten’s script delivers a nice balance of action and exposition. It actually – shock horror – takes time to flesh out some character behind the generic heist-movie stereotypes. Setting the movie in the same timeline as the emerging Nevada zombie-apocalypse as “Army of the Dead” is neat: (although those expecting extensive zombie-action will feel short-changed). And having the Las Vegas safe as the mythical Götterdämmerung is a nice touch. Above all – “SURPRISE!!!” – the script surpassed the essential six-laughs test.
The acting is above par, with Schweighöfer putting in a fabulous turn and the stunningly beautiful Nathalie Emmanuel (best known for being Ramsey in the Fast and Furious series) gets to be a lot more than mere window-dressing here. Stuart Martin is notable here for looking astonishingly like Hugh Jackman…. I mean, really, they could be twins.

I mean, honestly, there are more holes in this story than a St Moritz swiss-cheese. Why would all of the safes, owned by different private institutions, be being “decommissioned” due to a Zombie outbreak on the other side of the world? Can the Interpol team really be that incompetent? And however clever he is, I don’t buy that you can open safes like that!
Although I liked the balance of the script overall, the story is pretty simplistic and linear.

Summary Thoughts on “Army of Thieves”
Sometimes a little movie appears that surprises and delights you, and this was one of those for me. It’s not big and it’s not clever. But it is very nicely made, thoroughly entertained me and was – for me – way better than its source movie. A recommended watch on Netflix.