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Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
2012 | Comedy
Chemistry. It can’t be bought, on screen or off. At the time of Silver Linings, we pretty much knew what a talent Jennifer Lawrence was, but Bradley Cooper was still an unknown, having made a string of bad to awful films where we didn’t get to see what he was really all about as an actor. The director too, despite some interesting efforts hadn’t really nailed it yet. So the joy of this one is seeing it all come together! Nothing is more satisfying than an underdog story that lets you believe it just isn’t going to happen. And then to see the fairytale distilled into reminding you it was never about winning, it was about moving forward and really loving someone for who they truly are, not what they can give. A modern love story that rings true and deserves multiple re-watches.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated A Star Is Born (2018) in Movies

Oct 19, 2018 (Updated Oct 19, 2018)  
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Bradley Cooper's direction (2 more)
Both lead performances
Great original songs
Some odd character motivations (0 more)
Better Than Expected
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have dragged my other half to see plenty of stuff recently that she has sat through because I wanted to see it, so I thought it was about time that I let her drag me to something that she fancied seeing. I'm pretty glad that she did.

I expected A Star Is Born to be full of cheesy dialogue and crappy pop songs and I didn't know what to expect from Bradley Cooper's first time in the director's chair. Thankfully, my uncertainty and doubt was proven wrong. This is an absolutely fantastic directorial debut from Cooper. There were several parts in the movie where it felt similar to a Clint Eastwood directed movie, the influence that Clint obviously had on Cooper when they worked together for American Sniper has clearly paid off here. The cinematography is brilliant throughout the film and he gets a lot out of his actors too.

Considering Cooper is an actor, he plays an exceptionally convincing rock star as Jackson Maine. His voice is phenomenal and if all of the guitar playing was done by him, then that was impressive also. Likewise, considering Lady Gaga's background is as a singer and not an actress, she did a pretty great job in this role as Ally - even if she is playing a character very similar to herself. Sam Elliot is also fantastic, (as he always is,) as Jack's older brother and I reckon could be in for an Oscar shout for best supporting role.

In order to talk about the main negative I had with the film, I am going to have to spoil the way that it ends. So SPOILERS from this point on, you have been warned.

I know that Jackson didn't commit suicide just because of what Ally's sleazy agent said to him at the end of the movie, but I only know that because I had to fill in the blanks myself. The way that the movie presents it, is as if the agent tells Jack that he's an embarrassment to Ally and that's what makes him want to hang himself, which to me isn't justification enough to have a character take their own life, especially a character like Jackson Maine. The argument could be made that it wasn't what the agent said that led to Jack's suicide, but because he said out loud the way that Jack sees himself. As a burden and embarrassment to Ally. Although, if this was the case I feel like the movie could have driven it home a bit more. Like I said, I know that there was more to the character's decision to end his life than that, but the movie doesn't show it, instead making it look as if he decided to hang himself because of a smarmy wee prick's obnoxious comments.

Overall, this film was far better than it had any right to be. Although, the movie is funny in parts, overall it takes itself more seriously than I expected it too and I think that it is better for it. It may not win best picture, but I reckon it deserves a nomination, as does Bradley Cooper for best director.
Limitless  - Season 1
Limitless - Season 1
2015 | Drama
Premise (3 more)
Finch and Rebecca's relationship
Mike and Ike
Bradley Cooper
Better than the film
I've always liked the limitless premise however for me the movie didn't work that well. I was dubious to watch the tv show but a friend convinced me it was worth doing.
The first episode took me a while to get into mainly because I'm so used to Jake Mc Dorman play Evan in Greek it took a while to adjust to seeing him as Brian Finch. That being said when I got into it I really enjoyed the show.

Brian Finch is a lovable character who has a kind heart but gets into trouble and Rebbeca Harris is just the FBI agent who has the sternness to keep him in check but also the capability to care which makes the team work well. The side characters in the FBI are intresting and amusing poor Mike and Ike ( not there real names but names finch make up.) End up with the rough end of the stick more than once the Janitor is a little hard core.
A Star Is Born Soundtrack by Lady Gaga
A Star Is Born Soundtrack by Lady Gaga
2018 | Soundtrack
I was recently lucky enough to win this CD in a Smashbomb giveaway, so here's my review!

If you'd read my review of the movie back in October, you'll know that I found it to be one of this years big disappointments (sorry!). For me, the first half was an 8/10, the second half a 4/10, so I ended up giving it a 6 overall. That being said, the best thing about the movie, and the thing that remains consistent throughout, is the music. By now you'll have probably heard Shallow thousands of times by now as it gathers frequent radio plays, and the Oscars are sure to follow. But there are so many other great songs, and it's great to be able to have all of them collected together as Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga both have incredible voices. With accompanying dialogue in-between tracks, it's like having all of the best bits from the movie, without all the boring stuff that starts dragging it down.
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
A Man is Bored
Watched this last night with my wife. About half way through, she asked if I liked it. I said "Not really." She laughed & said the same. There's no question that Lady Gaga is talented. Every time she sang, her voice gave me chills. Her acting is fine too. I like Bradley Cooper, but his singing is just not that good & his bad accent in this film just takes away any believability. That aside, I found the film boring. There is definite chemistry between the two stars, but I never felt any connection to any of the characters. It felt rushed. Everything happened too fast & I never felt like there was enough character development for me to like anyone. And for a movie over 2 hours, there should have been some sort character development. Without that, and without caring, the movie felt empty. When it was over, I was like, "Well, so what?" I still give it 5 out of 10, just to hear Gaga.

Lee (2222 KP) Jun 25, 2019

Totally agree!

American Sniper (2015)
American Sniper (2015)
2015 | Action, Drama, War
Incredibly Harrowing
There’s something about Clint Eastwood’s varied directing career that puts him among the greats of the craft. Along with Spielberg, Scott and Fincher, Eastwood has created some of cinema’s greatest films – yet he goes about it in a completely different fashion to his peers, he doesn’t shout about it.

Here, Eastwood directs Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller in his latest offering, American Sniper, but does it stand as one of the better films on his resume?

American Sniper follows the story of Chris Kyle, a decorated marksman in the US military at a time when the war against terror strikes fear into the hearts of practically everyone across the globe.

An Oscar-nominated Bradley Cooper plays the lead role beautifully, in what is the best performance of his career, while Sienna Miller makes a welcome return to the big screen as his loyal wife Taya.

As the film plays out, we see the duo go about their lives – apart and together as they come to terms with raising a family, despite Kyle’s constant deployment to Iraq and the many troubles that brings as he tries to resume normal life.

Eastwood really hits hard with the imagery, never glamorising the war on terror or conflict itself and this is perhaps the strongest part of the picture. Many films in the genre almost feel like military propaganda, but here, the brutality is raw in the emotions of the lead characters and squalid locations.

The surroundings themselves are beautifully shot with Eastwood’s trademark flair for long, sweeping camera angles being used in abundance. Thankfully he lets the stunning locations speak for themselves throughout the majority of the film, not tampering with them despite that becoming a norm recently.

These scenery shots are juxtaposed with the damp, dirty conditions the soldiers must deal with frequently, with sunset-flooded vistas giving way to crumbling buildings and claustrophobic rooms.

However, the very nature of the movie, following Cooper’s character on his various Tours, does get repetitive at times and there are certain moments that feel like you’re watching someone playing a video game like Resident Evil or Call of Duty as one minor set piece leads to a larger one – though the tense final act makes up for this somewhat.

American Sniper also makes you increasingly aware of the human cost that comes with conflict. This is a bleak film, make no mistake and it’s especially harrowing seeing how Taya (Sienna Miller) copes with being away from her husband for long periods of time, especially with the job of raising a family.

Despite a running time of over two hours, Sniper never feels long, a testament to the snappy pacing and wonderful performances Sienna+Miller+Sienna+Miller+Films+American+dQWprK3Evu6lthroughout, and despite a lack of backstory for some of the other characters, Eastwood delves into the lifestyle of Chris and his wife beautifully.

Overall, Eastwood has another memorable film to add to his CV, and whilst it would be insulting to call it ‘fun’, American Sniper is enjoyable to watch in a whole different way. Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller are both excellent and when the whole cinema leaves the screen in complete silence, you know that the message has got across.
Limitless (2011)
Limitless (2011)
2011 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.5 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After years of hearing women saying this I can now agree that Bradley Cooper does indeed have beautiful eyes. If you don’t believe me go see his new movie Limitless based on the 2001 novel The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn. The movie has so many close-ups of Bradley’s face that you find yourself staring into these blue orbs of beauty, approximately 6 feet across, that utterly mesmerize you and take you to a peaceful place where mice, cats and dogs get along.

But enough about his incredibly enchanting eyes let’s talk about the movie.

The thriller Limitless is about an unemployed struggling writer Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) who, after being dumped by his girlfriend Lindy (Abbie Cornish), bumps into his ex-brother-in-law Vernon (Johnny Whitworth). After talking over a few beers, Vernon realizes that Eddie needs help and gives him one pill of a supposedly FDA-approved, soon-to-be-released brain boosting drug called NZT. Eddie is skeptical but upon returning to his apartment building he tries the pill. And. It. Is. Awesome!

The drug allows a person to access every bit of information locked away in their brain. It gets all the neurons in their brain kicked into high gear, allows them to learn anything very quickly, makes a person more focused, perceptive, confident, driven and gives them a boost of energy. So when Eddie takes the NZT pill (close up) he helps his landlord’s attractive wife write her term paper, sleeps with her, cleans his apartment (close up) and writes a good chunk of his book for his publisher (close up). The next morning he is back to his normal self, so he goes to Vernon for more pills, events happen and Eddie ends up with a lot more pills plus a large sum of money.

With the help of NZT he begins to turn his life around. He finishes his book, gets in shape, gets a haircut, still not clean-shaven though (don’t look at the stubble, look at his eyes), learns new things, makes new friends, has lots of nooky (because women dig smart guys), travels and multiple close ups. But soon he realizes that he wants to do something meaningful with his life. As he works to achieve his dream and also get back with his ex-girlfriend, he crosses paths with a mysterious man, Russian mobster Gennady (Andrew Howard), shifty lawyers, police, corporate fat cats like Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro), gets more random close ups and soon starts running out of pills. Will he do something meaningful with his life? Will he jump off of a building? Can his dreamy eyes get any bluer?

Right from the start the movie grabs your attention by throwing you into the action (and blue eyes) and it gently holds it in a soft blue embrace until the end. The movie has an intelligent and, at the appropriate times, humorous dialogue that flowed very smoothly and naturally. Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper definitely brought their A game (Bradley’s eyes A+) and their on-screen chemistry is one of the best I have seen. Both Abbie Cornish and Andrew Howard were great throughout the film but each of them had their own individual scenes where they really shined. There are some plot holes but they do not detract from this very enjoyable film.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Mule (2018) in Movies

Feb 11, 2019  
The Mule (2018)
The Mule (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Impressively good
I'm going to admit something now, but I don't think I've ever seen a Clint Eastwood starring film before. Ive seen some of his directing efforts (and really liked them), but this is the first time I've seen him acting - and after seeing this, I know I've been missing out.

This is very much a slow burner. It's not so slow that nothing happens but moves at its own steady pace that just about keeps your attention and hooks you in. This is helped mostly by a stellar performance from Clint Eastwood and a great script, which inserts some fairly humorous lines into what would otherwise be a very serious subject. The plot itself is a simple and enjoyable story that kept me enthralled for the entire 2 hours. The only downside is that most of the fantastic cast apart from Eastwood himself - Bradley Cooper, Michael Peña and Laurence Fishburne especially - are sadly underused. It's great to see them, it's just a shame that we don't see them enough.

Aside from this though, it's a very good enjoyable film that's absolutely worth a watch.
Show all 5 comments.

Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 11, 2019

I do indeed!


Donna Jackson (0 KP) Feb 11, 2019

I love Clint Eastwood


Nick Beaty (70 KP) rated The Mule (2018) in Movies

Dec 6, 2019 (Updated Dec 6, 2019)  
The Mule (2018)
The Mule (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Clint still going strong...
To see Clint Eastwood still going strong at the age of 89 is simply incredible, sadly this film is not some of his best work.

From the start the movie feels a little bit disjointed and a bit all over the place but if you can get past that and the blatant plot holes in the script, there is a half decent movie in there somewhere.

Clint Eastwood is solid as always as the 90 year old, politically incorrect Korean war veteran. However the very talented supporting cast including Bradley Cooper & Laurence Fishburne feel very restricted and underused, I can't actually believe Laurence Fishburne took this role if I'm being honest, as his screen time is very limited to say the least.

To sum it up if you are a Clint Eastwood fan like myself then on the whole, The Mule is a watchable and at times enjoyable movie. Although admittedly not his greatest piece of work, if this does indeed turn out to be his last movie then I think we can all safely say it has been one hell of a career for a true Hollywood legend.