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Blood in the Water - Single by Empara Mi
Blood in the Water - Single by Empara Mi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Empara Mi is a London-based singer-songwriter from Guernsey. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her “Blood in the Water” single.

“I feel like everyone acts out the end of a relationship in their heads before it happens. Maybe as a coping mechanism; to prepare ourselves for the worst and to see how we will take it. This video was meant to capture that mental snapshot, the beginning of the end and all the fighting and anxieties that come with it.” – Empara Mi

The music video tells an interesting tale of a pre-breakup mental state which symbolizes phases of love, argument, and fighting amid vibrant allegory.

Apparently, the woman who shares this dying relationship with her significant other senses that they might be too far gone to resuscitate the love that they once had for each other.

Later, she admits that because they were lying in a bed filled with roses and thorns, that’s why they are torn apart now.

‘Blood in the Water’ contains a dramatic storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with a commercial pop aroma. Also, it’s the follow-up single to “Crying”, which is an intoxicating introduction to the vision of Empara Mi.

“The video is the journey of the breakup. It begins in a dreamlike state where everything feels safe, but suddenly you can’t control the involuntary warnings flooding your brain. Slowly the walls begin to crack and the other person’s colors start to show.” – Empara Mi

Empara Mi emerged in 2016 with her critically acclaimed debut single, entitled, “Wanderlust”. Since then, her music has amassed almost 3M streams online via Spotify.
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scarlett Parker's life is falling apart between loosing her job and a breakup gone viral, so she moves to London to help run the hat shop she and her cousin inherited from their grandmother. However, when she arrives, her cousin is missing. Her bad feeling about everything only grows with one of their customers is murdered.

The book is very engaging with delightful characters who feel fully formed from the moment they step on to the page. In fact, it took me a little while to realize the plot was moving rather slowly. That's my only complaint with the book, however, and I'm certainly looking forward to the next book when it comes out in May.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Nick Kroll recommended Her (2013) in Movies (curated)

Her (2013)
Her (2013)
2013 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ve really genuinely loved every one of Spike [Jonze’s] movies from [Being John] Malkovich to Adaptation to Where the Wild Things Are, also. But I thought Her still had, like, the fun humorous stuff but was, for me, such a great movie to encapsulate what it’s like to have the hangover of a breakup that just won’t go away. And also I think it’s probably the most realistic version of where we’re heading with technology and our relationship with technology, as we delve further into ourselves and out of public interaction. How we still need and want human interaction. And I just think he handles both of them so beautifully. And I love the way he shoots his movies, I love the colors he uses. I just love Joaquin Phoenix’s shirt in that movie. I was less concerned with the pants."

Swingers (1996)
Swingers (1996)
1996 | Comedy, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Reality Check Comedy

Story: Swingers starts when two friends Trent (Vaughn) and Mike (Favreau) head from LA to Las Vegas for a night to try and help Mike shake off his breakup with his girlfriend. Trent does have a way with women, which he is trying to teach Mike for their return to LA. Joined with Rob (Livingston) the three struggling actors talk shop about how they haven’t gotten their big break yet.
We continue to follow the friends around the town as they try to help Mike rebound from his breakup, pushing him to take risks, despite the group of aspiring actors just going through the same routine, not partying till late and Mike wanting to get back together with his ex.

Thoughts on Swingers

Characters – Mike is one of the aspiring actors, he has had the most gigs of the rest of the friends, he is struggling with a break up which has been holding him back for 6 months and now, the friends are trying to help him break out of his shell, as he always ends up getting nervous about everything whenever he is put on the spot. Trent is the confident ladies man, he is always trying to teach Mike about how to pick up women, showing his confidence through any chatting up situation. Rob is the friend that followed Mike, he looks up to him and wants to follow in his footsteps despite the constant job rejections. Sue is another one of the group, he has a different attitude which could see them getting into trouble. Between the three of them of the friends they all want to help Mike in their own way.
Performances – Jon Favreau as the down on his luck actor is great to watch in this role, he makes us understand why he feels life isn’t going his way. Vince Vaughn brings all the energy to his role, showing that he was always going to be great to watch in the fast-talking roles. Ron Livingston bring gravity to his role, showing a man with his feet on the ground, while Patrick Van Horn brings a mix of the three while not knowing his own motivation.
Story – The story here follows four struggling actors as they look for women every night which sees them trying to help one of them get over their blues of a breakup, each has their own style which they try to imprint on the others. This story mixes up the styles of helping a friend with a breakup and highlights how difficult it is to make it as an actor in Hollywood. We might spend a lot of time just watching the guys party, which is mean to highlight their struggles and watching them all give advice to Mike shows that friends will always be there for you, but you will need to make the biggest step in changing your future.
Comedy – The comedy in the film comes from the mishaps that happen to the guys on their adventures through the night showing how not every plan is as well exercised as the next.
Settings – The film is mostly set in LA, it shows the bars that people would go to hoping for a late night party, the ones that only the locals would truly know about.

Scene of the Movie – The awkward phone, mainly because it is and can be so real for people.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – It doesn’t show any of their acting lives.
Final Thoughts – This is a comedy that shows the struggles being an actor really are, while also trying to highlight the party lifestyle people in LA like.

Overall: Strong Look at Hollywood Lifestyle.