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The Joe Rogan Experience
The Joe Rogan Experience
7.8 (33 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Informative (2 more)
Great guest on all sorts of topics
MMA devoted episodes
What needs to be said about a pod that has over 1000 episodes??
I've been a fan of Joe Rogan for almost twenty years. His stand up comedy is some of the funniest shit I have ever heard. So naturally I become a fan of his podcast as well. Listening to Joe's chemistry with his guests and how well and articulate he speaks makes people forget he's also a full time color commentator for the UFC. The man has a wealth of knowledge at his Beck and call and he shows that. Keeping up with conversations involving astrophysicists, doctor's and Eddie Bravo(insert laugh track here).
His devotion to the pod can give listeners three to four new episodes a week. The vast library of episodes have something for everyone, including but not limited to comedians, doctors, fighters and other sports figures. Joe keeps the listener intrigued and involved and wanting more. Even if it's a goofy episode involving pod regulars and Fighter and the Kid podcasters Brian Called and Brendan Shaub, where the guys do nothing but drink, smoke weed and watch fights. They never just talk about the fights... They cover a wide variety of topics that are both serious and hilarious.
Ear candy for those who want to be informed...or misinformed... Depending how serious the episodes are.
Great podcast. In my top 5 for life.
Suffragette (2015)
Suffragette (2015)
2015 | Drama, International
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Suffragette starts in 1912, woman still don’t have the right to vote, but the battle for equality continues to wage on with Emmeline Pankhurst (Streep) pushes the campaign through. We follow Maud Watts (Mulligan) who finds herself witnessing one of the campaigns with Violet Miller (Duff) bringing her into their movement.

When the latest campaign gets rejected scenes get violent and Maud finds herself in the middle of the fight, facing time in jail, forced to give up campaigning for equal rights. Now the movement is stronger than ever will look to get the equality for women through.


Thoughts on Suffragette


Characters – Maud Watts is a quiet laundry employee, married with a child, she gets caught in the middle of one of the campaigns for equal rights, she ends up joining the movement as a foot soldier knowing what is right for women everywhere. Violet Miller is one of the foot soldiers that recruits Maud, she has been fight for a while now and knows that she wants the best for her daughter. Edith Ellyn offers a cover for the meetings to make things right for women, she has been campaigning for years next to the leader, Emmeline Pankhurst has been in hiding for years as she keeps the movement going strong to make sure women can get the right to vote. Inspector Arthur Steed is trying to stop the movement from taking over, he puts the women to the test to see who the strong ones are.

Performances – Carey Mulligan is great in the leading role, we see her confliction with Maud’s decisions being made. Helena Bonham Carter is great too which puts her in a supportive role. Anne-Marie Duff is the actress I hadn’t heard of before and she goes toe to toe with the bigger names. Meryl Streep does have a small role in this film, but that doesn’t hide her importance to the story. Brendan Gleeson makes for a good law man in any movie, this is no different.

Story – The story shows the struggles British women had to get the chance to vote, just vote something men had been doing for years. It leaves you to wonder just how this took such a long time to change in a world where we are all meant to be equal. The bravery these women showed shines through because they faced being shamed by their families, the main story follows how Maud Watts went into the world and how it affected her life. While I do understand this is looking at the women’s battle, you do feel like there would have been male supporters in this fight too and them speaking up would have been just as taboo to the ones who wouldn’t look down on them.

Biopic/History – This is a moment, a movement in history that should never have had to happen, but the importance to what it achieved is remarkable.

Settings – The settings show how the everyday location were important to make this movement happen, we feel like we are in 1912 London.

Scene of the Movie – The speech.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – You would think men would have supported this too.

Final Thoughts – This is a look at an important moment in time, it shows how women worked, fought and battled to get equality in Britain.


Overall: Important look at history.