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Red Eye (2005)
Red Eye (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fight or Flight
Red Eye- is a decent thiller. Both Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murray are really good.

The plot: In the wake of her grandmother's funeral, hotel manager Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams) is waiting to fly back home when she meets charming Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy) at check-in. She thinks it luck that they're seated together on the plane, but soon learns otherwise. Jackson hopes to assassinate the head of Homeland Security, but to do so, he needs Lisa to reassign the official's room number at her hotel. As insurance, Jackson has kidnapped Lisa's father (Brian Cox).

Like i said its a decent movie.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Rent-A-Pal (2020) in Movies

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Rent-A-Pal (2020)
Rent-A-Pal (2020)
2020 | Horror, Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rent-A-Pal certainly has that 90s vibe to it as lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) is looking for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his ageing mother (Kathleen Brady). His only escape is the chance to find a partner through a video dating service but he discovers a strange VHS tape called Rent-A-Pal.

Hosted by the charming and charismatic Andy (Wil Wheaton – Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Big Bang Theory, Stand By Me), the tape offers him what he yearns for, some much-needed friendship. But finding a Pal comes at a cost.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Shed of the Dead (2019) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Shed of the Dead (2019)
Shed of the Dead (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brian Blessed sets up the movie wickedly with his booming and distinctive voice as he opens the film in only Blessed could do, what a way to start a movie bring some fantasy to the genre in true Blessed style and also not forgetting that the lovely Emily Booth as a fantasy warrior woman.

Look out for the Kane Hodder in the movie as well, his portrayal of the character Mr Parsons had me laughing out loud at one point, certainly not the sort of role you’d expect to see Hodder in, but it’s priceless, but there is a little more to his character than you first expect, brilliant.
Characters (1 more)
Story telling
Too many author afterthoughts (1 more)
Overusage of scientific words for the brain
I love the Walking Dead. And,personally, I love any book that has a great apocalyptic world in it, and even more so if it has some pretty good characters in it, too.

Cue Brian and Philip Blake: in The Walking Dead's 'The Rise of the Governor,' we meet two brothers who barely have anything in common; Brian is a laid back, music-loving hippie, while Philip is a hard-headed, tough guy. In the story, we follow both brothers along with two of Philip's best buddies and his daughter, Penny. The focus is on the brothers almost the entire time, and quickly, the reader finds out that, surprisingly, Brian is the oldest of the pair, but yet, Philip is the one making all of the decisions. As we continue on, the dynamic between the brothers becomes clear - we start to understand that Brian has always been the cautious one of the family, while Philip quickly learned to be a fearless leader from an early age, making this odd dynamic seem right.

Most importantly, what the two have in common is their love for Penny. If you have ever watched the TV show, The Walking Dead, then you will recognize the little girl and the tragic fate that became her. But, we never knew the backstory of how Penny was turned into a zombie, which is one of the few reasons this book series was made. Penny spends much of the time as a background character, but her part plays a very important role on the development of the man we know becomes 'the Governor.' She reacts as most children would be expected to if the world were ever to suffer from a zombie apocalypse- she withdraws, barely speaking and hardly eats. When one of Philip's longtime friends gets bit by a zombie, Penny reacts with a cool casualness that seems troubling from early on. On another note, if it wasn't for her uncle, Brian, Penny would have probably died much earlier in the book, but because of his father-like protectiveness of her, she is kept alive until the end of the book. But when it does happen, I don't think I could blame Philip for keeping his daughter as a zombie-type of pet.

During the book, 'Rise of the Governor,' the group with the Blake brothers travel to Atlanta, Georgia in hopes of finding a refugee camp to hunker down at, but instead, they find that Atlanta has practically been turned over to the walkers. It's here that they fortunately meet a trio that is held up in an apartment building- this trio is the Chalmers family, which consists of David and his two grown daughters, April and Tara. The transition between the group fighting their way through the hordes in Atlanta to meeting the Chalmers family is done perfectly to the point that is it very believable that this could actually happen in real life.

One of the few problems I did have with this book were the authors' afterthoughts: too many times throughout the book, characters would suddenly show up with a new weapon or item that the authors would literally backtrack to explain how they found it, when it could have been easily shown while the character was in the area of where it was found.

Much of the story, appropriately, shows our main group of characters killing zombies with an array of weapons and such, but Kirkman - or co-writer, Bonansinga- seem to like to show off their knowledge of the brain a little too much:

"The business end of Philip's pickaxe lands squarely in the monster's head, cracking the coconutlike shell of the old man's skull, piercing the dense, fibrous membrane of the dura mater and sinking into the gelatinous parietal lobe. " The use of scientific terms just seems like an egotistical move, one that could have been avoided if they weren't used throughout the book.

In the middle of the book, there is an odd thing that happens which the reader may connect to the story or may not, when David Chalmers is meeting his end (Chalmers was suffering from advanced lung cancer before the group meets him), gives almost a prophetic speech on his death bed. We can either take this as he was speaking about who Philip was going to become or he was talking about the apocalypse as a whole, but the reader is never really told and the dying words are never discussed among any of the characters:

" 'The devil has plans for us.'... The voice that comes out of David Chalmers is low and gravelly, an engine dieseling: 'The day of reckoning is drawing near... the Deceiver walks among us.' "

Eventually, the group is forcefully thrown out of the Chalmers' apartment building due to a horrible mistake between Philip and April. To not give too much away, here is the part where Tara tells them to go away: " He whirls around and comes face-to-face with Tara Chalmers, who holds the Ruger pistol, the muzzle raised and aimed directly at Philip. "

The story continues on with the Blake brothers, Penny and Philip's friend, Nick, as they try to find shelter once again in the dead congested Atlanta. Early on, we learn that Philip has a bad temper, and as the book continues, his temper becomes more volatile and more important to the characters and the reader. Philip's personality changes are understandable in the story, but Kirkman/Bonansinga suddenly make Brian unafraid of his brother at a point where Philip's anger is almost at its worse; this isn't believable to the readers, especially because a few pages later, Brian changes back to being scared to even speak to his brother.

Overall, the story isn't about the zombies or Penny's tragic death, but rather about Brian and Philip; how the family dynamic plays out when everything is at it's worst. Also, when you read the story, there is a point where it seems that Brian is more of a father to Penny than Philip ever was, showing also the Uncle and Niece dynamics- something that will make complete sense near the end of the book. Whether you like The Walking Dead or not, the book is well done, but I believe it would only appeal to those who like survival type stories.

Ross (3282 KP) May 27, 2019

I have tried this book, but I was at Disneyland Paris at the time and I really can't handle books written in the present tense. I will have to give it another go, perhaps when I'm less tired and stressed.

Fade In (Tales of Bryant Novellas #1)
Fade In (Tales of Bryant Novellas #1)
V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I NEEDED Caiden!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the Tales of Bryant series, and while I would RECOMMEND that you read the other two books first, its not really necessary. Books one and two are abotu Isamu and Brian, and this book is about Isamu's friend, Devon. It woud just give you a better picture of these people and how they interact.

It was the interaction between Brian and Caiden in the first two books that piqued my interest in Caiden! Devon is smitten immediately, and you knew when they eventually came together it was gonna be hot and it really is! I just didn't expect to he hauled through the emotional wringer too!

Caiden and Devon get together at Brian and Isamu's wedding and they fall into a brief affair, thats all it can be, cos Caiden leaves twon for 3 months shortly. But Devon can't fight his feelings and runs. Caiden brings him back, time again until Devon finally calls time, when Caiden is leaving town.

Because a huge chunk of the book is set over two weeks, it IS fast that Devon falls, and utters those 3 little words, and usually I wouldn't like that but since Devon knows there is a limited time available, he goes in feet first. While Caiden doesn't say them til MUCH later, I felt he did fell the words for Devon, he showed him in other ways. It's just, Devon doesn't see it like that and all his past insecurities come crashing down around his ears.

It's hot and steamy in places, and sweet and emotional in others. It hit THAT spot in all but one.

Again, its only Devon who has a say, and thats the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars! Cos let me tell ya, Devon falling hard and fast for Caiden was great reading but I NEEDED Caiden too, and I don't get him. So I'm a bit miffed about that!

Adrian is up next, the wedding planner who lost the plot when dealing with Isamu's Baba (grandmother) and he is a character and a half!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Will Haunt You
Brian Kirk | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to NetGalley, Flame Tree Press and Brian Kirk for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!!
Will Haunt You is a novel about a disturbing book that, if read, a mysterious figure will subject you to a world of personalized terror.
And the chances are, that on reading this, it will happen to you too.

There are some things I felt were excellent about this book and some that I feel could have maybe been shorter or just omitted completely. Some may find halfway through the book that things become confusing but stay with it as it does come together. The writer really had some gems of unnerving bits in the book that I enjoyed immensely. The book has a very dark and menacing tone to it and is very surreal which makes it all the more spooky.
There are some bizarre scenes which could be described as almost hallucinogenic dreams at times. I feel that this is intentional as to make you think what is real and what isn't. I think the writing style of this author could be compared to Clive Barker so prepare yourself for the bizarre and the dark.
The book does start off rally strong and the ending is just dynamite. This is a novel that true horror fans will enjoy and devour!
Thank you to NetGalley, Flame Tree Press and Brian Kirk for the ARC; this is my honest review and opinion.
A Plus One for Murder
A Plus One for Murder
Laura Bradford | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Friend in Death
Emma Westlake has been talked into trying a new business as a paid companion for those who might need one. One of her first clients is Brian Hill, a local writer and conspiracy theorist. He wants Emma to be his cheering section at a local open mike night. When he dies not too long after starting his poem, Emma realizes he comments about there being people in the audience who wanted to kill him weren’t jokes. Feeling a sense of loyalty to Brian, Emma tries to figure out what happened to him. Can she do it?

As the first in a new series, this book has to balance setting up the premise of the series with giving us a good mystery. It does a good job of doing just that, and I was engaged the entire time. Naturally, the plot gets stronger the further we go into the book until we reach the logical climax. I did find one of the characters a little overbearing, but that was my only complaint. On the whole, I am already falling in love with the characters in the book, and it made me reflect on the friendships I have in my life. I also enjoyed the humor throughout the book. I laughed several times along the way. A new series from Laura Bradford is always reasons to rejoice, and this book proves why once again.
Carriers (2009)
Carriers (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Chris Pine's performance (0 more)
Doesn't really offer anything you haven't seen in films like this. (0 more)
Brian and Danny grew up as two brothers who were relatively close to one another. They cherish the memories they have of Turtle Beach, a beach their family vacationed to every summer. The abandoned motel in Turtle Beach may be their best bet of surviving the highly contagious disease that now plagues the entire country and possibly the world. Not much is known about the virus other than the victims coughing up blood and bleeding from the ears as their condition worsens. Brian actually came up with a few rules that will hopefully get him, his girlfriend Bobby, his brother Danny, and Danny's friend Kate through this disease ridden world to Turtle Beach clean. The rules include avoiding the infected at all costs, disinfecting anything they've touched in the past 24 hours, and that the infected are already dead as there is no cure. You may survive if you stick to the rules, but actually abiding by them is an entirely different story.

Right off the bat, people are probably going to compare Carriers to Zombieland because of the rules. Carriers was released a full month before Zombieland, but Paramount Vantage folded upon its initial release causing its wide release to be an extremely limited one at the last minute (I think it wound up playing at only two theaters in the country). Expectations rise unintentionally in situations such as this. "This is that horror film that was practically shelved earlier this year and is finally being released." The result is a horror film that is well worth watching, but may not be entirely what you're expecting.

Carriers is more about establishing an atmosphere than anything else. Everything is abandoned and rightfully so as most people were picked off handfuls at a time by this pandemic. The entire film is more like the first half hour of 28 Days Later where Jim wakes up in an abandoned hospital and realizes how empty the streets of London are. There aren't masses of the infected running around lusting for brains or wanting to tear humans apart in Carriers. The story follows these four friends as they journey across the country to this supposed sanctuary where they hope to tough it out until this disease runs its course. Carriers is more of a slow burn as things turn from bad to worse very slowly and snowball as the film goes on.

Chris Pine is really the drawing factor of the film. His role as Brian is kind of like a more intense version of his role as Kirk in Star Trek from earlier this year. Brian comes off as an inconsiderate prick the first half of the film and seems to only do things that benefit himself. The second half is where his character gets interesting though. The speech he gives Danny about their parents and telling Danny that he only told him what he wanted to hear is the turning point for Brian. Chris Pine shines as things begin to roll downhill for Brian as his emotions take center stage and his true demeanor is revealed.

Everything else in the film pretty much feels like routine manuevers when it comes to films revolving around viral outbreaks as some main characters contract the disease, they resort to drastic measures to survive, and begin to question their humanity along the way. The most disappointing part of the film is the ending as things just seem to kind of stop without much of a resolution. It seems like films like this either end this way or have a really depressing ending and that's its biggest flaw. Movie buffs who have seen films concerning pandemics already have a rough idea of how the film is going to end and it's about time to mix that up a bit. There's got to be a decent way to end the film that offers something a bit different that could wrap everything up until that point, but also leave enough room open for a sequel if need be.

Carriers may be a bit slow at first and doesn't really offer anything you probably haven't seen before in a film like this, but is still worth seeing for Chris Pine's performance. It's kind of a more serious take on Zombieland without actual zombies running or stumbling around with an atmosphere similar to the one established in Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. If you're a fan of films involving a virus that has wiped out most of the human population, then this is still worth a watch.
Fast Five (2011)
Fast Five (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The 2011 summer movie season kicks off in high gear with the release of Fast Five the latest installment in the phenomenally popular Fast and Furious series. The movie picks up exactly where the previous film ended with Brian O’ Conner (Paul Walker), orchestrating a daring escape for Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel).

The film quickly moves forward in time where Brian and Dominic’s sister Mia (Jordana Brewster), overall fugitives from the law, have taken refuge in Rio. Unsure of exactly where Dominic is, an old family friend offers Brian and Mia roles in a job which will surely score them some very easy and much-needed money. Although reluctant, Brian agrees to the job which involves the theft of three high-value cars from a train. Things go horribly wrong when they’re doublecrossed, the aftermath of which leads to the death of three federal agents. Only Dominic’s arrival, quick thinking, and a daring escape allows Brian and Mia to survive.

Although it is not their fault, the deaths of the agents is blamed solely on the trio, and an elite fugitive hunter named Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) arrives with his team with the sole mission of stopping Brian, Mia and Dominic, no matter the cost.

As if this wasn’t enough trouble for the fugities, it is learned that they have also fallen on the radar of the local drug kingpin named Reyes (Joaquim de Almeida), who will stop at nothing to retrieve an item now in the trio’s possession. Caught in the crossfire between Hobbs and Reyes, Dominic plots an epic caper that will allow them not only the money to flee Hobbs and disappear into a life of luxury, but allow them to settle the score with Reyes.

What follows is a nonstop action thrill ride that sprinkles in a nice mix of comedy and romance to keep things interesting. The film downplays the racing aspect of the series and instead saves the spectacular driving for key action sequences. While street racing scenes are alluded to they are not shown as director Justin Chin focuses squarely on his cast and allows them ample time to develop their characters. In doing so it strengthens the bond between them and allows the climactic sequence to have an even greater impact than your standard over-the-top summer film action scenes.
There are some really funny moments in the film as Dominic assembles his team to pull off the ultimate job. The new characters work very well with the established cast from the previous films and introduce characters which I hope will be a part of any future films in the series. Johnson was a very pleasant surprise, as his character could easily have been one-dimensional. He was given a few wrinkles which allowed him to walk the fine line between good guy and bad guy, which is an essential quality to many of the film’s characters. Johnson’s action sequences were solid and highly effective and once again underscores that he needs to be focusing more on action films and less on the family-friendly genre that
has dominated the bulk of his recent work.

Walker and Diesel complement each other perfectly and appear to be having a great time working with one another again. They have a very easy-going and natural chemistry with one another that works even when they’re not behind the wheel of a car or caught up in a frantic action scene.

While the plot of the film is fairly straightforward it provides ample framework for the characters to grow and propel the story forward. While the audience is asked to take some great leaps in logic it doesn’t derail from the finished product. The stuntwork in the film was absolutely amazing and the spectacular finale of the movie alone must be seen to be believed.

Many times during my press screening the audience was completely silent for a brief second following an action sequence before erupting into thunderous applause and cheers after they’ve fully processed what just unfolded on the screen. Larger-than-life characters combined with larger-than-life action, plus some very sexy cars and very sexy people make an extremely winning formula. If the rumors are true, Chin may be handed the reins to the Terminator franchise as well as the next film in the Fast and Furious series, then audiences are in for one hell of a ride.

I think my wife summed it up best when she said that movie was “Ridiculous…ridiculously good.” Reality is thrown out the window for pure adrenaline and testosterone fueled action.
The Legend of Hell House (1973)
The Legend of Hell House (1973)
1973 | Horror
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Broodingly effective British horror movie is strikingly unlike anything else of its time - not much resemblance to a movie by Hammer, or Amicus, or AIP. Four people move into a haunted house for a week; their beliefs about the supernatural vary, but they are forced to agree there is something funny about the place...

Understated, almost pseudo-documentary atmosphere works in the film's favour; the actors also know to underplay it until the big histrionics are required. Unsettling soundtrack by radiophonic genii Delia Derbyshire and Brian Hodgson is a major plus. The script goes a bit nuts towards the end (don't think too hard about the plot) but the journey to get to this point is more than worthwhile.