Jesus and Brian: Exploring the Historical Jesus and His Times via Monty Python's Life of Brian
Terry Jones and Joan E. Taylor
Monty Python's Life of Brian film is known for its brilliant satirical humour. Less well known is...

The Museum of Curiosity: 24 Episodes of the Popular BBC Radio 4 Comedy Panel Game: Series 1-4
Full Cast, Richard Turner, John Lloyd and Dan Schreiber
The Museum of Curiosity is BBC Radio 4's monumental comedy edifice, and the only one with gargoyles...

Watching the Match: The Remarkable Story of Football on Television
Football and television have been intertwined in culture for more than half a century and Brian...

A Portrait of Bowie: A Tribute to Bowie by His Artistic Collaborators and Contemporaries
HIS LIFE WAS A WORK OF ART Now, artists and musicians who worked with David Bowie during his...