Cabin Class Rivals: Lafayette & Champlain, Britannic & Georgic and Manhattan & Washington
David L. Williams and Richard P. de Kerbrech
During the late 1920s and early 1930s three pairs of unique and innovative passenger liners emerged...

The Works of Henry George: Our Land and Land Policy and Other Works: Volume I
Francis K. Peddle, William S. Peirce and Kenneth C. Wenzer
Volume 1 of The Annotated Works of Henry George includes an introduction to the six-volume series...
National Geographic Birds, Bees, Butterflies: Bringing Nature into Your Yard and Garden
This approachable reference covers the wide world of birds, butterflies and pollinating insects such...

Jesus and Brian: Exploring the Historical Jesus and His Times via Monty Python's Life of Brian
Terry Jones and Joan E. Taylor
Monty Python's Life of Brian film is known for its brilliant satirical humour. Less well known is...

Very Naughty Boys: The Amazing True Story of Handmade Films
It all started when Beatle George Harrison stepped in to fund Life of Brian when Monty Python's...

George Lucas
George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones is the first comprehensive telling of the story of the iconic...

Absolute Pandemonium: My Louder Than Life Story
There is no one quite like Brian Blessed. He's an actor, film star, trained undertaker, unlikely...

Lonnie Donegan and the Birth of British Rock & Roll
This timely book, the work of deep research and dedication, is the story of the man who arguably...

The Book of Football Obituaries
The Book of Football Obituaries celebrates the lives of a cavalcade of remarkable characters, men...