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The Playing Card Killer
The Playing Card Killer
Russell James | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Fantastic, Creepy Thriller!
Well, I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this cracking crime/thriller!

I loved that, straight-away, Russell James introduces Brian Sheridan, who is currently on medication for anxiety-related problems. Brian decides to stop taking his medication as he thinks that he is living life through fog and haze which he hates. As a result, he is tormented by dreams of women being strangled, then left with a playing card tucked in their corpse. When he sees an apparent victim on the news, dead, Brian fears he may be the unwitting killer. Detective Eric Weissbard thinks the same thing and starts to build a case to get Brian convicted. But there's so much more to these murders…

Brian discovers that he has a brother, Tyler, with a penchant for murder. Tyler is willing to frame Brian for the crimes unless Brian wants to join Team Playing Card Killer.

Russell James’ sympathetic portrayal of the immensely likeable Brian was wonderful to read as his neuroses and delusions were laid bare and there was no hidden side to him. Brian is a troubled young man with an adoptive family with whom he barely has any sort of relationship. His girlfriend, Daniela, by contrast, is confident, and self -assured and she delivers Brian an ultimatum - either he continues with his medication or she will leave him.

I also liked Russell James’ fantastic character portrayal of Detective Weissbard who is talented, analytical and operates mostly and very successfully on gut instinct. However, he is disrespected by his colleagues and is assigned to chasing all the non-eventful leads and red herrings. That is until a jittery young guy arrives at the station, claiming to have detailed knowledge of the investigation that hasn’t been revealed.

For me, THE PLAYING CARD KILLER explores some freaky imaginings and is full of creepy vibes. It's a fantastic thriller that surprised me with a mystery that borders on a grim horror novel. I was never quite sure exactly how far off the rails Brian had gone or where the author was going next with this disturbing but exciting story. The suspense was so great that I was on the edge of my seat because I was so absorbed with Brian and Detective Weissbard.

THE PLAYING CARD KILLER held my interest from start to finish and the way in which Russell James brought everything to a conclusion was just fabulous. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. I would recommend THE PLAYING CARD KILLER to anyone who likes this genre.

[Thank you to NetGalley, Flame Tree Press and Russell James for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.]
Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
5 years after Fast and Furious 6 and following on from Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift (F&F 3), Hobbs, Dom and his family find themselves under attack from a new enemy. Deckard Shaw, brother of Owen Shaw (from Fast and Furious 6) is out for revenge and Dom and co need to find him before he finds them, unfortunately the only way to do this is to is to rescue the inventor of a of top spy device.

Fast and Furious 7 takes the team into the realms of James Bond as they team up with a shadow ops team and, to match the ramped up story line the action is bigger with more guns, missiles and fist fights but less street racing.

Unlike most of the other films there is no set up for a sequel, due to the fact that Paul Walker, the actor who plays Brian O'Conner died during the making of it so the film end on a high note , giving Brian a good, Happy ending.

Even though we are now on the 7th film about car racing I can say that the franchise is still entertaining. Even though the same characters are in most of the films they manage to keep entertaining and don't feel like the same thing being done over and over, part of this is due to the increasingly over the top action and storylines and the fact that, at least some of the characters have growth through out the franchise.

Furious 7 is bigger and louder than the previous films, not only with the fights and chases but also with the stunts and still delivers what you would expect so if you liked the others then you can't go wrong with this.
Causeway (2022)
Causeway (2022)
2022 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Strong Performances
Welcome back, Jennifer Lawrence, the movies missed you.

Shot to stardom early - a 3x Oscar Nominee by the age of 23 (winning once for SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK) and the top paid actress in 2015, 2016 - Jennifer Lawrence took a hiatus from filmmaking right before the pandemic.

With the lowkey, PTSD character study CAUSEWAY, let’s hope that Lawrence is back for good.

Directed by Lila Neugebauer (ROOM 104), Causeway tells the tale of Lynsey (played by Lawrence) who returns home after suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury while serving overseas. Once home, she forms an unlikely friendship with James (an Oscar Nominated Brian Tyree Henry) who also has some trauma to work through.

It is a low-key, pensive film about friendship, recovery and dealing with loss/pain. Most of the film is the 2 lead characters talking and in order for it to succeed, the 2 main characters better be performed by 2 charismatic, interesting actors.

And fortunately for CAUSEWAY, it is.

Starting with Lawrence. She is a unique acting talent in that one can see what she is thinking and feeling with a minimum of facial gestures. She draws the audience into her portrayal of Lynsey - making her a person to empathize with (but not pity). Lynsey is strong, fearful, focused and damaged and the audience sees every part of this in Lawrence’s performance. It is a wonderfully understated performance and it’s a shame that she, too, was not nominated for an Oscar.

But, of course, with a talk-y, two character piece, BOTH performances better be Oscar caliber to keep the audience engaged and with the surprising strong and vulnerable performance of here-to-fore known as comedy performer Henry (BULLET TRAIN) Causeway has the 2nd anchor to this film.

When James (Henry’s character) is first introduced, the audience gets the impression that he is the funny, affable, friendly rock that Lynsey needs to get back on her feet, but as the film progresses and we peel back the layers of James’ onion, we find out that he is just as damaged - and as real - as she is. Henry embodies James with the same strength and vulnerability that Lawrence shows as Lynsey - and Henry is a well-deserved Oscar nominee for his work.

Creidt, of course, for this paring - and the performances therein - lies with Director Neugebauer who lets her camera linger on the performances and the emotions that are laid raw in front of the viewer.

Not the fastest paced film, Causeway is a marvelous unlikely pairing of 2 damaged souls portrayed, strongly, by 2 fine actors.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 stars (out of 10)
Damned Damned Damned by The Damned
Damned Damned Damned by The Damned
1977 | Punk
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first Damned record is a classic. These were some of our influences and bands that never really got a wider appeal and should have. Rat Scabies was on that record and was like a rebirth of Keith Moon, Brian James’ guitar playing was second to none, suddenly punk rock had our own Eddie Van Halen - sort of [laughs]. Just a shredder. Then there was Captain Sensible and Dave Vanian... everyone was a unique character, not just personally but as a player. I don’t think anybody could have beaten the Damned at that point in their carer. It was short-lived but maybe it was too ferocious to last with that line-up. After we did that record I was playing a gig in ‘94 with Steve Jones, we were playing the Viper Room every Monday night as the Neurotic Outsiders and Rat Scabies came to one of the gigs. Steve introduced us and Rat said, ""thanks for covering that song, I got the biggest publishing cheque I ever got"". But I didn’t know what to say, I was terrified of The Damned man, these are my heroes. I mean it was Rat Scabies, what the hell do you say to Rat Scabies?"


Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated The Heights in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
The Heights
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Heights—a contemporary imagining of Wuthering Heights
by Brian James
Genre: YA Fiction, Romance
Rating: 4, DNF
Ah. Again. A high rated book that I did not finish. “Haley what is wrong with you?” Haley stop talking to yourself.
Let me start with the positive: This book is all about the characters. James has taken characters that were only mildly relatable in Wuthering Heights and made them so realistic that you feel everything they feel. This is a mark of a good writer… but also a very painful book. The viewpoint alternates between Henry and Cathy, but it’s not distracting. It’s so easy to get inside their heads and live their lives. Almost too easy.
The negative: It was too painful to finish. I know what’s going to happen because I know the story of Wuthering Heights… and I don’t think I want to live through that. Because I know if I read it, it will feel 110% real. And I don’t think I could handle that.
This book has taken me two days to read… and each time I could only get a little bit farther before I had to stop because I was so angry at the characters for being stupid and prideful and selfish and mean and hateful, that I threw the book across the room. Twice.
I guess this sad love story is just not my kind of love story. Let’s hope I’m not jinxing myself (Haley you know you don’t believe in such things). If you love sad romance stories or love Wuthering Heights, you’ll love this—because this one hurt. I’ll save it for a rainy day when I need to force myself to break down and cry…
Content: Henry has a dirty mouth, but it’s not overdone. No sexual content, and all romance is appropriate
Recommendation: Anyone who wants a good cry… ages 13+
Cover: I know I usually don’t say anything about the cover… but really they could have done better. Henry (Heathcliff) is supposed to be dark skinned with dark hair. The guy on the cover looks nothing like him.
*angry and sad Haley now goes to the corner and pouts and finds a lighter romance to cheer herself up*
Forsaken (2016)
Forsaken (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Western
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – John Henry Clayton left his town for war, he never returned until his mother died, he has become distant from his father not believing in God, the town does fear his actions in the past, which has made him the threat to the gang controlling the town and when things become personal, he becomes the man people need to fear. Reverend Samuel Clayton is respected in the town which he has made a place believing in God, he doesn’t like his son returning, but learns that he hasn’t for a good reason. James McCurdy is the man running the town, he lets his men kill to get the property he wants. Dave Turner is one of the men that works for James, one that does play by honour over many of the shot first men in the gang.

Performances – Kiefer Sutherland in the leading role is fine, though his mumbling doesn’t help us care enough his character, opposite his father Donald who isn’t the most entertaining either. Michael Wincott was the most interesting character because he seems to get some development and want to see more from him. Brian Cox feels completely wasted in his role that gives him nothing.

Story – The story follows a man returning home with a reputation while he needs to learn how to make a stand to protect his town which has become a problem overrun by a gang of outlaws. This does follow the generic idea of a returning man helping clean up his town without offer anything new, it keeps us seeing how the action are building up to the problems that will be facing before the final showdown. The pacing does become slow which does make things unfold at a snail’s pace which just doesn’t keep our attention for long enough.

Action/Western – The action does feel flat, we just don’t get enough of it to make us believe it is action heavy movie, though the mood makes us feel like the western we are entering.

Settings – The film does make us feel like we are the small town which has a community feeling about it.

Scene of the Movie – Dave doesn’t like his men not following orders.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The mumbling from Kiefer.

Final Thoughts – This is a slow paced action western movie that just never gets going and ends up feeling the pace taking age to get through.


Overall: Slow and bland.
Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s probably not cool to admit you don’t quite get a cult movie. But it’s probably better than trying to act cool by pretending you really dig a movie that you don’t fully understand. There are several other films on the Criterion label that I could expound on sincerely and endlessly: Life of Brian, Robocop, Straw Dogs, Hard Boiled, and The Red Shoes, for example. Instead, for the eleventh movie in my top ten, I would like to include a film that has become something of an intangible Magic Eye picture for me: Monte Hellman’s Two-Lane Blacktop. There is no movie that I have watched more often in an attempt to unpeel and unravel it. I have seen the film many times, first on Alex Cox’s BBC2 series Moviedrome, once at the theater, and many times in this very Criterion edition. Hell, I even visited some of the locations on a Route 66 trip. Still, I’ll admit that the movie is an endearing puzzle for me. I may not be the right age or nationality to fully crack the enigma of this movie, but the fact that I haven’t stopped trying in twenty-three years has to stand for something. Ryan O’Neal’s character from The Driver and Kowalski from Vanishing Point I feel I can race alongside, but James Taylor and Dennis Wilson always seem way ahead of me, their Chevy a mirage in a heat haze. But the fact that I’m talking about it now and waxing lyrical over it means that it has got under my skin in a way that other movies haven’t. And I will continue to pursue this film, even if I never quite catch up."

Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
As most would expect from the Fast & Furious franchise, the 7th installment was full of the absurd, ridiculous and spectacular. How a former FBI agent and reticent street racer came to be the leaders of a highly sought after band of not-so-merry brothers (and sisters), hired to accomplish what special ops couldn’t is just part of the absurd. The ridiculous can be found in the escapades they find themselves mired in as well as the stunts they have to pull off to get out of said predicaments. But tied into the absurd and ridiculous are the spectacular adrenaline rushes charged with a lot of shiny metal and ferocious revs and rumbles of finely tuned engines.

Furious 7 tries to tie together the storylines of its predecessors. At least that was the original intent. But with only a couple weeks of filming left, the movie lost one of its leading men, Paul Walker in a horrifically ironic car accident. When the cast and crew, as well as Universal and Walker’s family agreed to finish filming, the movie became more about giving his character, Brian O’Connor, his last hurrah, a final dance with bullets he told his wife he missed before he finally accepted a more domesticated existence.

As much as I enjoyed Furious 7, it was hard to watch on so many levels. The fans will love the intense fight scenes, some wincingly brutal, some intricately choreographed. There are plenty of jaw-dropping stunts and heart-racing car chases, and plenty of one-liners to laugh or groan at, mainly from Dwayne Johnson’s character, Hobbs. This movie also had two villains, Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw and Djimon Honsou’s Jakande; one intent on avenging his brother, the other bent on getting his hands on “God’s Eye”, a device that would essentially give Jakande control of the world, of course. The movie also introduced a new character named Mr. Nobody, played by an amusing Kirk Russell.

With the aid of CGI and Walker’s brothers, Cody and Caleb, as stand-ins, director James Wan was able to keep Brian in most of the film. That’s where I found some difficulty in watching the movie. Wan and his staff combed through footage that normally would’ve ended on the cutting room floor to find usable shots that Wan came to refer to as “Walker Gold” because each shot became more and more precious. I understood that sentiment as each of Walker’s scenes, especially with Vin Diesel and Jordana Brewster, became even more poignant knowing they were some of his last. Wan didn’t try to make the audience forget that Walker was gone, instead he made Furious 7 the satisfying closing chapter for the character Walker brought to life, effectively paying tribute to Walker himself.
Batman (1989)
Batman (1989)
1989 | Action
Batman- i love this movie, i have seen it about 7-9 times. I love michael Keaton as bruce wayne/batman. I love jack nicholson as the joker. This movie has action, comedy, suspense, laughing gas, a prince song, adventure and so much more. Also you have darkness, romance, lots of screaming from Vicki Vale played by Kim Basinger. Did i mention that Tim Burton directed this film.

The Plot: Having witnessed his parents' brutal murder as a child, millionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne (Michael Keaton) fights crime in Gotham City disguised as Batman, a costumed hero who strikes fear into the hearts of villains. But when a deformed madman who calls himself "The Joker" (Jack Nicholson) seizes control of Gotham's criminal underworld, Batman must face his most ruthless nemesis ever while protecting both his identity and his love interest, reporter Vicki Vale (Kim Basinger).

Keaton's casting caused a controversy since, by 1988, he had become typecast as a comedic actor and many observers doubted he could portray a serious role. Nicholson accepted the role of the Joker under strict conditions that dictated top billing, a high salary, a portion of the box office profits and his own shooting schedule.

The tone and themes of the film were influenced in part by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's The Killing Joke and Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. The film primarily adapts the "Red Hood" origin story for the Joker, in which Batman inadvertently creates the Joker by causing him to fall into Axis Chemical acid, resulting in his transformation into a psychopath, but it adds a unique twist in presenting him specifically as a gangster named Jack Napier.

Considered the role of Batman, including Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Charlie Sheen, Tom Selleck, Bill Murray, Harrison Ford and Dennis Quaid.

Brad Dourif, Tim Curry, David Bowie, John Lithgow and James Woods were considered for the Joker.

This film is great and should be watched.
Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
A Guilty Pleasure
Everyone needs a guilty pleasure and since 2001, audiences from across the globe have flocked to see The Fast & Furious franchise in all its over-the-top glory.

However, filming on the latest instalment, Fast & Furious 7, was delayed after the tragic death of lead actor Paul Walker, so does his untimely passing hurt the resulting movie?

Fast 7 continues after the events of Tokyo Drift and features the usual loveable rogues returning in their respective roles, including a beefed up part for Jason Statham who made a cameo in the sixth film.

Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Lucas Black and Ludacris all reprise their characters as they do battle against Statham’s villain, Deckard Shaw, who fans will remember is the brother of Owen Shaw from Fast 6.

The premise remains as simple as in previous instalments but continues the series’ trend for over-the-top action pieces that border on the ridiculous. Despite this, Fast 7 is the most watchable of the entire franchise with stunning locations, brilliant practical effects and surprising emotional heft.

James Wan directs what looks like a tourist information film for LA, Abu Dhabi and Tokyo but manages to keep the story flowing throughout the slightly overlong 137 minute running time. The fast cars and beautiful women are thrown at the audience thick and fast and the brakes aren’t applied until ten minutes before the end credits roll.

Thankfully, this is exactly what the series has become known for and the gorgeous settings are brilliantly juxtaposed with action-packed sequences including the much marketed mountain plane drop in Azerbaijan that is an absolute wonder to behold despite its use in the film’s trailers.

Vin Diesel’s Dom is what has grounded the series over the last 14 years but here it is Paul Walker’s Brian O’Conner that we find the most intriguing and it’s really no surprise. Ever since his death, fans were worried how tasteful the film would be, but there is no need to worry.

Despite the action, the fights and the sunshine, Fast 7 manages to provide a rollercoaster of emotion as the cameras linger on Walker’s face or put him at the forefront of each scene. As the final 10 minutes approach it’s clear that the movie is going to end on a deeply gut-wrenching tribute to him and there were a few tears in the cinema.

Nevertheless, it’s obvious a film that focuses on supercars isn’t going to have much of a plot but director James Wan, who comes to the franchise for the first time, should be commended for fashioning a half-coherent story despite going into the production with numerous delays and seven films in.

Overall, Fast 7 is a great slice of popcorn entertainment and should definitely rank high up as one of the better films in the series. However, the tragic circumstances surrounding its production make it so much more.

Yes it won’t be winning any awards for originality or acting prowess, but its emotional resonance means it’s worth a watch for fans of the series and newcomers alike.