Directory of World Cinema: Britain 2
The first volume of the Directory of World Cinema: Britain provided an overview of British cinema...

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Royal Britain: A Magnificent Study of Britain's Royal Heritage with a Directory of Royalty and Over 120 of the Most Important Historic Buildings
Explore the history of the British Isles in this celebrationof its monarchs, and the development of...

Curating Empire: Museums and the British Imperial Experience
John McAleer, Sarah Longair, Andrew Thompson and John MacKenzie
Curating empire explores the diverse roles played by museums and their curators in moulding and...

Remembering the Troubles: Contesting the Recent Past in Northern Ireland
The essays in this volume, by leading experts in the fields of Irish and British history, politics,...

La Grande Illusion
Jean Renoir's 1937 film La Grande Illusion is set during the First World War, but its themes of...
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Eminent Hitchcock specialist Murray Pomerance offers an illuminating account of one of Hitchcock's...

Modern Times
Modern Times was Charlie Chaplin's last full-length silent film. The author situates "Modern Times"...

Widely believed to be Terry Gilliam's best film, Brazil's brilliantly imaginative vision of a...

Shooting Niagara and After? The Second Reform Act and its World
Shooting Niagara And After? is a wide-ranging examination of Britain s Second Reform Act of 1867 and...