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The Owners (2020)
The Owners (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Thriller
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Very entertaining "psycho(s)" film. Good acting and cinematography. A very dark storyline that keeps you guessing up to the end. Not big budget but great performances in this British tale of cunningly evil people. A good add to any Halloween movie list. Worth a watch!

I Am Not a Witch trailer

Zambian-born Welsh director Rungano Nyoni is set to make her mark on British cinema with her groundbreaking first feature, I Am Not a Witch. Sharply satirical and boldly provocative, the film garnered incredible praise from audiences and critics alike.


Lily Collins recommended Love Actually (2003) in Movies (curated)

Love Actually (2003)
Love Actually (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Romance

"These are so raw — this is who I am, these movies. [Laughs] They’re very girly. In no particular order… Love Actually. Most of these movies have British accents in them, because, being from England, there’s something about films that I watch that have a British accent that I just feel so at home with. That film I can watch any day and it makes me smile; and I love Christmas, so it kind of matches perfectly."

For Queen and Country (1989)
For Queen and Country (1989)
1989 | Action, Drama, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I watched this many moons ago and nothing beats hearing Denzel Washington talk in a British cockney accent. It was shot partly in Tower Hamlets – Wagner Street in Mile End, to be exact. The film is a good start if you want some understanding of Thatcherism and police brutality in Britain. I think of the film whenever I listen to Steel Pulse’s “Tribute to the Martyrs” or Skepta’s “Konnichiwa”."


Barnaby Clay recommended If.... (1968) in Movies (curated)

If.... (1968)
If.... (1968)
1968 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I went to a school like the one depicted in this film for a year of my life and that was enough—any longer and I too might have resorted to revolution! Even though this film is so specifically about boys in a British public school, it hits so many themes that are relatable to anyone: adolescence, lust, rage, and rebellion. Plus, the dream sequence in the café is so fun!"

The Plank (1967)
The Plank (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Genius British Comedy Film-Making
If ever a film deserved the accolade 'classic' this is it. Not in the sense that it is the best of it's genre, but in the sense that it is typical of it. If you needed to to have just one exemplar of British 'silly' humour, this would fit all the requirements. Reminiscent of it's predecessors The Goons, Dad's Army and (early) Carry On, and probably inspirational to followers such as The Goodies and The Comic Strip.Packed with 'faces' that anyone over forty who grew up here will recognise.

Two builders find themselves one floor-board short of a house. So they go to the timber yard to get one.
And that's the story. All of it...except the details. It's the details that make the rest of the film, and make it so damn funny, as the hapless pair unwittingly wreak mayhem and chaos.

It shouldn't need to be said - but I'll say it any way :-) - that there is a level of genius required to make an entire film out of just that. But then it is the work of Eric Sykes (more recently seen in 'Harry P & the Goblet of Fire' and 'The Others', for younger viewers) who has been a mainstay of British humour, both as a writer and performer, for several decades now.

Incindentally if you don't quite 'get' the image of the incompetent British workman portrayed in this film find a copy of Bernard Cribbens' 'Right, Said Fred' and listen to it. Everything will become clear!
Oh, and there's a kitten, too.

James Koppert (2698 KP) rated This Is England (2007) in Movies

Dec 3, 2019 (Updated Dec 3, 2019)  
This Is England (2007)
This Is England (2007)
2007 | International, Drama
7.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A British film that actually got recognition (0 more)
Poor Milky (0 more)
British classic
Unless it's a comedy, British films often don't get the recognition they deserve. This did. Friends in the State's were messeging me saying they have seen it.

The unscripted acting was warm when it needed to be and tense when it needed to be. It shine a light on Thatcher's Britain, divided and angry, a but like today. It's not always easy to watch but at the same time there is recognition of anyone who lived through this period.

So good it spawned a TV series, This Is England is one of Britain's best.
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
2019 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Misses the mark
The trailer made this film out to be a wonderfully eclectic humorous look at the life of David Copperfield, but I'm afraid to say the trailer was very misleading.

I've never read the book and to be honest, I really hope it's different to this mess. Yes this film is definitely rather eclectic and seems to swing from attempts at humour (that really miss the mark) to rather sombre drama and seriousness, and it also just feels a little jumbled. The script too is not what you'd expect from a film that feels so obviously British and there's nothing particularly clever or witty about it.

The cast are great, there really is a stellar line up of British stars in this and Dev Patel is a wonderfully charismatic choice as Copperfield and he's well supported by Tilda Swinton and Hugh Laurie. It's just a shame the rest of the cast are let down by the dodgy script and plot.

I really wanted to like this, but sadly it's missing virtually everything you'd expect and want, especially some decent British humour.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 30, 2020

Everyone seems to be loving this, I’m so glad I’m not the only one that didn’t 😀

Ghost Stories (2018)
Ghost Stories (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror
Good cast (1 more)
Some creepy moments
Weird 3rd act (0 more)
I was looking forward to this British Horror as it looked a bit different to most horror films.
Unfortunately the early part of the film relies too much on jump scares and loud noises. The first horror tale was eerie but not scary. The second was more creepy and uneasy, although cut a bit short I felt. The third was ok but then it starts to get a bit weird.
I didn't like the ending much and thought it took something away from the film by changing the whole feel of the film. Something of a marmite film I think.
Me Before You (2016)
Me Before You (2016)
2016 | Drama
Emilia Clarke, obviously!! (0 more)
You will cry
"If you don't cry, then you are a psychopath" is what my girlfriend said to me before starting the film.
I don't think Emilia Clarke actually acted in this film, I think we see how funny and quirky she is in real life.
As with most British films we have plenty of humour, some drama and some sad bits and this film delivered on them all.
It is a great film, very well acted and shot in some stunning places.
I am not ashamed to say that I did cry at the end and challenge anyone to say they didn't after watching it.
Show all 4 comments.

Amy Louise Davison (118 KP) Mar 6, 2019

The book really is brilliant :) x


Glenda Gaines (1 KP) Jul 10, 2019

I absolutely loved the book but i was disappointed with the film. I had imagined the characters and settings in such a different way.