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When Darkness Turns to Light (Dark River Stone Collective #2)
When Darkness Turns to Light (Dark River Stone Collective #2)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
WHEN DARKNESS TURNS TO LIGHT is the second book in the Dark River Stone Collective. Lincoln and Mason play a part in this but you don't have to have read their book for this one to make sense, although events are referred to.

Toad has been on the run from his family for a while, escaping a mental health facility to do so. His being under the radar is scuppered when he messes up his hand and has to go to the hospital. This opens a whole can of worms that he didn't want to deal with or for his brothers to know about. Sid has his own issues to contend with, which means that these two don't have a smooth ride of it. It's not major angst, but there is still some.

This was a brilliant addition to the series, with Sid and Toad definitely in the limelight. Lincoln and Mason are their supporting cast, and we get to see Mason in his full lawyer glory once again. The relationship between Sid and Toad has its bumps as they're both stubborn as...! These two are sexy as anything though, and I loved both the hot action and also the tender moments between them. The ending was perfect, such a Toad thing to do, and it was great to see the heat hasn't diminished between Lincoln and Mason too.

I am loving every word of this series and have no hesitation in recommending it. Now who comes next?

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 11, 2021

Merissa (11950 KP) rated Ready For It (MacAteer Brothers #2) in Books

Nov 9, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
Ready For It (MacAteer Brothers #2)
Ready For It (MacAteer Brothers #2)
ML Nystrom | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
READY FOR IT is the second book in the MacAteer Brothers series and I would say it definitely benefits the reader to have at least read book one in this series as it involves all the same characters and some of the situations help by having prior knowledge. I don't feel it is necessary to read the Dragon Runners series.

You know from book one that Melanie goes through 'boyfriends' like a hot knife through butter. What you don't know is the reason behind it. Owen has difficulties with his speech that make him the quiet one until he feels comfortable with you. However, don't mistake his silence for lack of intelligence. Not only is he smart but he has immense emotional intelligence and sees through to the heart of the situation.

As the story progresses you find out more about Melanie's past, mostly in flashback form, which helps to explain partly why she is the way she is. Some of it is just because she's a strong and feisty woman who isn't afraid to stand up for herself.

There is some steam in here but not that much as it takes a lot of the book for Owen and Melanie to get together. What there is, is a lot of loyalty with friends and family you make for yourself. Blood family loyalty? Well, you'll just have to read the book for yourself to figure that one out.

All in all, this was an enjoyable read with a host of brilliant characters. Recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 9, 2020
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Jayne Paton | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SMITH'S CORNER: STORM AND STONE is the fifth book in the Heartwood series. Stone has always been the odd one out amongst his brothers; the one they turn to when they need a favour, but not to give him the relationship he wants. He feels firmly stuck on the periphery when he wants to be involved. Storm knows all about that as she was a foster child until Dee and Layla found her. Whereas Stone will hold it all inside, Storm will lay it out there.

These two don't have it easy, simply because Stone is so afraid of being hurt again. He pushes Storm away until he snaps. It takes him some time to realise she is different from his ex, Vicki, but then, just like the proverbial bad smell, Vicki rolls back into town, with Stone set firmly in her sights.

One thing I adored about this is no matter Vicki's machinations, Storm is not prepared to jump to conclusions. She knows Stone, knows how he feels about Vicki, and how hurt he was. She does not jump to conclusions Vicki wants her to and certainly gives as good as she gets.

We also get further snippets of Hunter and Holden, as well as playing catch up with the rest of the clan. Now, you could read this as a standalone, but to get the most from it, I would definitely recommend you read it as part of the series.

A great addition to the series and recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 14, 2022
Just One of the Guys
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I'm going to tell you why Just One of the Guys is not only one of my new favorite Higgins books, but one of my new favorite romances period.

1. The heroine is different. She's not super feminine in her character, but she's definitely feminine in her desires and her passion and her attitude. Growing up with four older brothers, Chastity Virginia (yeah, that's her name. I know, right?) yells when she's mad, throws punches with intent, and won trophies in college for rowing. She's a quarter inch away from being six feet tall, and she's got man-shoulders. She runs 10-mile races up hills for kicks. But she's thirty, she wants her passion to be returned, and her body is telling her that she should have already made at least three babies by now. I mean, how many romance novels do you read with female protagonists like that? most of the time they're young, innocent, unable to take care of themselves, and feminine. Chastity is not the typical female protagonist ... and that's one of the reasons I like her so much.

2. Like any good novel, there are a few sub-plots running through this novel; one is the failing marriage of one of Chastity's brothers, named Mark. He and his wife are going through hell (and possibly divorce and child custody problems) but they still love each other. There is this chapter (chapter 22--it's seared into my head) that made me cry because it was so amazing. See, Chastity babysat for Mark's soon-to-be-ex-wife, and she didn't tell him. When he found out, he blew up at her. Then later when he apologized they started talking, and he opened up to her about how badly he wants to make things right. she gave him a little advice and they had a sob-fest and in the end it worked out so perfectly. But the thing that got me was that so many stories I've read with failing relationships are about trying to get over the person, instead of reconciling. It was beautiful and inspiring and I read the chapter 3 times because I loved it so much.

3. Another one of those sub-plots was the relationship between Chastity’s parents. They’re officially divorced, but they still hang out all the time for dinner, they still love each other, and her dad just assumes her mom will wait around for him to retire. But that isn’t the case. Her mom starts dating again and throws everyone for a loop. Then when she gets into a serious relationship, shit really hits the fan. I was surprised by the outcome. I won’t say what it was for the sake of keeping this review spoiler-free. But I will say that it was different. It wasn’t the same-old same-old over again. Suffice to say, this book was the opposite of Happyland-syndrome.

4. The romance between Chastity and Trevor was so epic. I’m not going to say anything else about it because I don’t want to risk spoiling it. It has to be read in order. You can’t know anything out of order. But trust me, it was epic and wonderful and powerful and perfect and beautiful.

Like all of Higgins's books, the writing is fun, easy to read, relaxed, and a little snarky. This one was a little awkward because some of it was written in a different tense than what she does now, but it's one of her earlier books, and I can't hold that against her.

Anyway, you should go get this book. Amazon, B&N, Paperbackswap, your local book store, etc. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Content/recommendation: Some language, mention of sex (but nothing explicit) Ages 17+
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was disappointed, to say the least. The synopsis of the story is interesting enough: fairly young married couple move to small town and buy a house with a history. That history is dark and twisted, centering upon a previous owner that moonlighted as a serial killer. When the husband dies in a freak accident, all suspicion falls upon the surviving wife... and then all Hell breaks loose.

Many of the books I've read lately have had a fairly substantial cast of characters. Covenant does not; in fact, I can count the amount of characters in this book on my fingers. Normally one might expect that to be a good thing, as it opens up the opportunity for extremely developed characters. Because this is a short work of fiction, that depth does not exist. The characters are flat and their pasts are, with the exception of the Padgett brothers, a bit too perfect. The Coopers have been together since they were twenty and twenty-one, and their marriage has been perfect bliss. They are joined by a run-of-the-mill detective, an aging medium, and Lindie Cooper's boss, Debra Moynihan. Considering that the Padgett brothers play an extremely small role, - one of them is only mentioned, - I can't help but feel a bit put off by the fact that they appear to be more complete than the main characters are.

As for the story's plot, I truly feel that Leverone could have done a lot more with it than he did. Covenant was a quick read, which worked to its disadvantage. Rather than rise to the climax like most books, Covenant jumped - and it did it in a manner that didn't quite make sense: freak accident, to mild haunting, to sudden inferno - literally. There were also too many inconsistencies, most notably in the latter portion of the book where most of the action takes place. Lindie manages to knock herself out in a manner that simply is not possible, for example. I won't delve further into the specifics there, because then I'd be crossing into spoiler territory.

In regards to the style of Leverone's writing, it definitely isn't to my taste. Much of it felt too clunky and there were far too many sentence fragments. That's not to say sentence fragments are a bad thing, because they aren't. There's a method to the way they are applied though, and leaving off pronouns entirely is not the way to do it. Some of the writing felt a bit too forced at times, and others it read a bit too much like an over cliched, badly written comedy.

<spoiler>My final complaint has to do with something that occurs at the end of the book, and I feel that it isn't a spoiler for me to bring it up so I'm going to. After everything is said and done, Lindie compares herself to Hester Prynne. While she is referring to how others see her, I find myself extremely vexed that this comparison was made - largely because Lindie is nothing like Hester Prynne. For anyone that hasn't read The Scarlet Letter, which is still on the curriculum for most high schools, Hester Prynne was an adulteress that became pregnant with another man's child while her husband was away. As a result, she was forced to where a red "A" upon her breast and was shunned by her community. Hester Prynne's suffering at small town gossip should not be trivialized by a character's poorly conceived notion of how others view her.</spoiler>

I found Covenant to be a quick and easy read, but it definitely didn't hit the spot for me, so to speak. I'd like to thank NetGalley and the publisher, DarkFuse, for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Father Figures (2018)
Father Figures (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Expectations, all of us have them and occasionally our expectations live up to exactly as we assume they will; other times, we are wrong. The movie Father Figures, a comedy film directed by Lawrence Sher and written by Justin Malen is not only about two brothers searching for their biological father, but the journey and the expectations that go along with the journey.

Peter Reynolds (Ed Helms) is a man who is disenchanted with his life. He’s a doctor who’s still struggling with his divorce from three years ago, and the prospects of connecting with a son who wants nothing to do with him. His fraternal twin brother Kyle, on the other hand, has the picture-perfect life. Wealthy for being nothing more than a surf bum on the beach and being at the right place at the right time; with a new baby on the way with his long-term (6 month) relationship.

An unlikely event opens Peter’s eyes to the life he has known; a life where the father he believed to be his died of colon cancer, which dictated his career and life choices. The event exposed the lies that their mother had told them and the man they believed to be their father all along, never was.

The realization sends the two brothers on a mission to discover who their real father is, and also discover a bit about themselves along the way. Their journey of discovery will take them from Florida to Massachusetts, and several places in-between. All of this, with of hopes of unraveling the mystery of who their real father is and what role, if any, he could fill in their existing lives.

Ed Helms, portrays his character brilliantly. A man who is kind, good-hearted and responsible. The one who even with all his good intentions, never feels like he is able to get ahead. Owen Wilson plays what I feel is one of his best roles to date, as the ying to Ed Helms yang, the happy-go-lucky, never have a care in the world character. The two have a chemistry on the screen that draws you into their personal struggles with lots of laughter along the way.

The cast of “fathers”, are all brilliantly portrayed, whether it’s Terry Bradshaw portraying himself; J. K. Simons, as the lovable “jerk”; and the always talented Christopher Walken as the family veterinarian Dr. Walter Tinkler. Glenn Close does an absolutely amazing performance as the brother’s mother Helen Baxter.

There are plenty of laughs to be had through the movie, but it’s the amount of heart that the movie shows that really drew me in. As I spoke in the beginning, about expectations, I myself had expectations that the movie would be just another slap-stick comedy, with the characters getting into one hilarious situation after another. While this certainly did happen (it is still a comedy after-all), none of the bits seemed outrageous or done for the sake of shock value. As with most movies that fall into this genre, there are scenes which some may feel provided nothing to the story, and were there simply for adolescent humor or to justify the R rating, but none of these detracted from the film as a whole. I didn’t expect to come out of this movie not only quoting some of the very memorable lines, but also reflecting on where their journey began and where it ended.

Father Figures is much more than a simple comedy, and it’s far more than simply a “who’s your daddy” adventure. It’s a movie about self-discovery and more importantly, the journey to get you there. The folks at Warner Bros. Pictures should be commended on not only the casting of the roles, but for producing a story they can be proud of.
Pisces (Zodiac Twin Flame #1)
Pisces (Zodiac Twin Flame #1)
Rachel Medhurst | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pisces (Zodiac Twin Flame #1) by Rachel Medhurst
Pisces is the first book in a twelve book series called Zodiac Twin Flame. We start with Pisces as the first book, even though it is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac. Pisces has six brothers and five sisters, all named for the zodiac sign they were born under. None of them are related by blood, but have grown up as siblings. They are have a 'higher purpose' - to find their Twin Flame and overcome the obstacles placed before them by an opposing faction. Each of the signs has a special gift they can use if need be, but they need to make sure that no one else sees them use it.

Pisces' father always knew she would be first to find her twin flame, but no reason is given. They were all told that when they met their Twin Flame, they would know it. However, Pisces seems to be in a lot of confusion about just who her Twin Flame is. Not only that, but they spend more time running away from each other, and saying they can only be friends, than they do actually getting to know each other. Also, as we see with the mother and father, just getting with the Twin Flame isn't enough, and they will continue to be tested throughout their lives.

I quite enjoyed this book, although the constant running was starting to get on my nerves. There were no grammatical errors that I noticed, but some of the storyline seemed either forced or superfluous to requirements. That being said, this is the first book in the series, and a lot of world building and groundwork needs to be laid to set the scene. A good introduction to the series that leaves me wanting to know more about the others.

* Verified Purchase ~ August 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Rating: 3.75

Lord Benjamin, the youngest of the Westfeld brothers, is a broken werewolf. He can no longer change in the light of the full moon. Horrified at himself, he seeks out a healer—a witch, although he isn't sure he believes in them—and comes across the beautiful Elspeth Campbell. But in order to let Elspeth heal him, he has to tell her everything. And spilling his guts to a beautiful Scottish girl isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Elspeth isn't quite sure what to think of Lord Benjamin… especially when her sister witch, a seer, claims that he will take her away from them forever. She vows not to leave them, but when she meets him… she begins to have second thoughts. Falling in love with him hadn't been part of the plan.

Tall, Dark, and Wolfish was really cute. I adored Elspeth: she was a fun, stubborn, slightly sarcastic character who was strong in herself. And Benjamin… poor broken Benjamin who lost his wolf-ness. I loved their interactions and I loved their dialogue. I especially liked the interactions between Ben and Will, his brother. They're just… great.

The writing was satisfactory… but the accents were great. Elspeth and her witch sisters spoke in their Scottish accents, and it was written with the accent. Although it was a little hard to read at first, you can catch onto the sound of their voices quickly, and it adds to the character.

I was pleased at the plot: at first I was wondering how Dare would stretch the limited romantic plot into a full length novel, but there were a lot of aspects and sub-plots that were woven in, making it an exciting fun story.

Although, all things considered, it was just a tad sappy. But not enough to make me put it down. I think I read it through from beginning to end in about four hours.

Content/recommendation: some language, some sex. Ages 18+
Loved It.
I checked this audiobook out from Scottsboro's digital library on a whim. I'm not ashamed to admit that I am signed up for a reading challenge with the Scottsboro library, and part of that challenge requires you to read so many books in a year; however, the only books that count towards the challenge are books and audiobooks that you physically check out from the library OR that you check out from the library's digital library. So... it's pretty much February, and I'm already having a hard time coming up with new books to check out from the library that I either HAVEN'T ALREADY READ or just have NO interest in reading. I saw this one pop up under new releases, however, so I thought, "Eh. What the hey. Might as well give it a try."

I say all that to express my surprise at how much I truly enjoyed listening to this book. When I checked it out, I did not have high hopes for it -- I had really NO hopes for it to be honest. I was very pleasantly surprised. The story of Tommy Wiseau is at times hilarious, at times uplifting, and at times, horribly, horribly lonely and sad. I was somehow in equal measure shocked, appalled, entertained, and overcome with laughter at different points in the book, and to me, all those emotions rolled into one is what really makes a book worth reading.

I have never watched Wiseau's (dare I say it?) "masterpiece" THE ROOM before now, but my plan is to go home and watch it over the weekend now that I have finished the book because I simply HAVE to watch it. It sounds horrible and hilarious all in one, and I am actually quite excited to sit down and give it a watch.

I plan on watching "The Disaster Artist" as well. I can't wait to see how the Franco brothers' portrayal measures up to this pretty wonderful book that I just finished.